Functions and classes for analyzing multiplex imaging data
Expand source code
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Functions and classes for analyzing multiplex imaging data
import os
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec
import seaborn as sns
from sklearn.utils import shuffle
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
plt.rcParams[""] = "sans.serif"
from math import ceil
from skimage import exposure
from import imread
from skimage.measure import block_reduce
from matplotlib.lines import Line2D
from skimage import filters
from skimage.restoration import denoise_bilateral
def checktype(obj):
return bool(obj) and all(isinstance(elem, str) for elem in obj)
def clip_values(image, channels=None):
Clip outlier values from specified channels of an image
image : np.ndarray
The image
channels : tuple of int or None, optional (default=`None`)
Channels to clip on img.shape[2]. If None, clip values in all channels.
image_cp : np.ndarray
Image with clipped values
image_cp = image.copy()
if channels is None or image.ndim == 2:
vmin, vmax = np.nanpercentile(image_cp[image_cp != -99999], q=(0.5, 99.5))
plane_clip = exposure.rescale_intensity(
in_range=(vmin, vmax),
image_cp = plane_clip
for z in channels:
plane = image_cp[:, :, z].copy()
vmin, vmax = np.nanpercentile(plane, q=(0.5, 99.5))
plane_clip = exposure.rescale_intensity(
in_range=(vmin, vmax),
image_cp[:, :, z] = plane_clip
return image_cp
def scale_rgb(image, channels=None):
Scale to [0.0, 1.0] for RGB image
image : np.ndarray
The image
channels : tuple of int or None, optional (default=`None`)
Channels to scale on img.shape[2]. If None, scale values in all channels.
image_cp : np.ndarray
Image with scaled values
image_cp = image.copy()
if channels is None or image.ndim == 2:
image_cp = image_cp - image_cp.min()
image_cp = image_cp / image_cp.max()
for z in channels:
plane = image_cp[:, :, z].copy()
plane = plane - plane.min()
image_cp[:, :, z] = plane / plane.max()
return image_cp
def CLAHE(image, channels=None, **kwargs):
Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization (CLAHE)
image : np.ndarray
The image
channels : tuple of int or None, optional (default=`None`)
Channels to adjust on image.shape[2]. If None, perform CLAHE in all channels.
Keyword arguments to pass to `skimage.exposure.equalize_adapthist`
image_cp : np.ndarray
Image with exposure-adjusted values
image_cp = image.copy()
if image.ndim == 2:
image_cp = exposure.equalize_adapthist(image_cp, **kwargs)
elif channels is None:
for z in range(image_cp.shape[2]):
image_cp[:, :, z] = exposure.equalize_adapthist(image_cp[:, :, z], **kwargs)
for z in channels:
image_cp[:, :, z] = exposure.equalize_adapthist(image_cp[:, :, z], **kwargs)
return image_cp
class img:
def __init__(self, img_arr, channels=None, mask=None):
Initialize img class
img_arr : np.ndarray
The image as a numpy array
channels : list of str or None, optional (default=`None`)
List of channel names corresponding to img.shape[2]. i.e. `("DAPI","GFAP",
"NeuH")`. If `None`, channels are named "ch_0", "ch_1", etc.
mask : np.ndarray
Mask defining pixels containing tissue in the image
`img` object
assert (
img_arr.ndim > 1
), "Image does not have enough dimensions: {} given".format(img_arr.ndim)
self.img = img_arr.astype("float64") # save image array to .img attribute
if img_arr.ndim > 2:
self.n_ch = img_arr.shape[2] # save number of channels to attribute
self.n_ch = 1
if channels is None:
# if channel names not specified, name them numerically = ["ch_{}".format(x) for x in range(self.n_ch)]
if not isinstance(channels, list):
raise Exception("Channels must be given in a list")
assert (
len(channels) == self.n_ch
), "Number of channels must match img_arr.shape[2]" = channels
if mask is not None:
# validate that mask matches img_arr
assert (
mask.shape == img_arr.shape[:2]
), "Shape of mask must match the first two dimensions of img_arr"
self.mask = mask # set mask attribute, regardless of value given
def __repr__(self) -> str:
"""Representation of contents of img object"""
descr = "img object with {} of {} and shape {}px x {}px\n".format(
) + "{} image channels:\n\t{}".format(self.n_ch,
if self.mask is not None:
descr += "\n\ntissue mask {} of {} and shape {}px x {}px".format(
return descr
def copy(self) -> "img":
"""Full copy of img object"""
new = {}
for key in ["img", "ch", "mask"]:
attr = self.__getattribute__(key)
if attr is not None:
new[key] = attr.copy()
new[key] = None
return img(img_arr=new["img"], channels=new["ch"], mask=new["mask"])
def __getitem__(self, channels):
"""Slice img object with channel name(s)"""
if isinstance(channels, int): # force channels into list if single integer
channels = [channels]
if isinstance(channels, str): # force channels into int if single string
channels = []
if checktype(channels): # force channels into list of int if list of strings
channels = [ for x in channels]
if channels is None: # if no channels are given, use all of them
channels = [x for x in range(self.n_ch)]
return self.img[:, :, channels]
def from_tiffs(cls, tiffdir, channels, common_strings=None, mask=None):
Initialize img class from `.tif` files
tiffdir : str
Path to directory containing `.tif` files for a multiplexed image
channels : list of str
List of channels present in `.tif` file names (case-sensitive)
corresponding to img.shape[2] e.g. `("ACTG1","BCATENIN","DAPI",...)`
common_strings : str, list of str, or `None`, optional (default=None)
Strings to look for in all `.tif` files in `tiffdir` corresponding to
`channels` e.g. `("WD86055_", "_region_001.tif")` for files named
"WD86055_[MARKERNAME]_region_001.tif". If `None`, assume that only 1 image
for each marker in `channels` is present in `tiffdir`.
mask : str, optional (default=None)
Name of mask defining pixels containing tissue in the image, present in
`.tif` file names (case-sensitive) e.g. "_01_TISSUE_MASK.tif"
`img` object
if common_strings is not None:
# coerce single string to list
if isinstance(common_strings, str):
common_strings = [common_strings]
A = [] # list for dumping numpy arrays
for channel in channels:
if common_strings is None:
# find file matching all common_strings and channel name
f = [f for f in os.listdir(tiffdir) if channel in f]
# find file matching all common_strings and channel name
f = [
for f in os.listdir(tiffdir)
if all(x in f for x in common_strings + [channel])
# assertions so we only get one file per channel
assert len(f) != 0, "No file found with channel {}".format(channel)
assert (
len(f) == 1
), "More than one match found for file with channel {}".format(channel)
f = os.path.join(tiffdir, f[0]) # get full path to file for reading
print("Reading marker {} from {}".format(channel, f))
tmp = imread(f) # read in .tif file
A.append(tmp) # append numpy array to list
A_arr = np.dstack(
) # stack numpy arrays in new dimension (third dim is channel)
print("Final image array of shape: {}".format(A_arr.shape))
# read in tissue mask if available
if mask is not None:
f = [f for f in os.listdir(tiffdir) if mask in f]
# assertions so we only get one mask file
assert len(f) != 0, "No tissue mask file found"
assert len(f) == 1, "More than one match found for tissue mask file"
f = os.path.join(tiffdir, f[0]) # get full path to file for reading
print("Reading tissue mask from {}".format(f))
A_mask = imread(f) # read in .tif file
assert (
A_mask.shape == A_arr.shape[:2]
), "Mask (shape: {}) is not the same shape as marker images (shape: {})".format(
A_mask.shape, A_arr.shape[:2]
print("Final mask array of shape: {}".format(A_mask.shape))
A_mask = None
# generate img object
return cls(img_arr=A_arr, channels=channels, mask=A_mask)
def from_npz(cls, file):
Initialize img class from `.npz` file
file : str
Path to `.npz` file containing saved img object and metadata
`img` object
print("Loading img object from {}...".format(file))
tmp = np.load(file) # load from .npz compressed file
assert (
"img" in tmp.files
), "Unexpected files in .npz: {}, expected ['img','mask','ch'].".format(
A_mask = tmp["mask"] if "mask" in tmp.files else None
A_ch = list(tmp["ch"]) if "ch" in tmp.files else None
# generate img object
return cls(img_arr=tmp["img"], channels=A_ch, mask=A_mask)
def to_npz(self, file):
Save img object to compressed `.npz` file
file : str
Path to `.npz` file in which to save img object and metadata
Writes object to `file`
print("Saving img object to {}...".format(file))
if self.mask is None:
np.savez_compressed(file, img=self.img,
np.savez_compressed(file, img=self.img,, mask=self.mask)
def clip(self, **kwargs):
Clips outlier values and rescales intensities
Keyword args to pass to `clip_values()` function
Clips outlier values from `self.img`
self.img = clip_values(self.img, **kwargs)
def scale(self, **kwargs):
Scales intensities to [0.0, 1.0]
Keyword args to pass to `scale_rgb()` function
Scales intensities of `self.img`
self.img = scale_rgb(self.img, **kwargs)
def equalize_hist(self, **kwargs):
Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization (CLAHE)
Keyword args to pass to `CLAHE()` function
`self.img` is updated with exposure-adjusted values
self.img = CLAHE(self.img, **kwargs)
def blurring(self, filter_name="gaussian", sigma=2, **kwargs):
Aplying a filter on the images
filter : str
str to define which type of filter to apply
sigma : int
parameter controlling extent of smoothening
if filter_name == "gaussian":
print("Applying gaussian filter")
self.img = filters.gaussian(
elif filter_name == "median":
print("Applying median filter")
if isinstance(sigma, float):
sigma = int(sigma)
for i in range(self.img.shape[2]):
image_array = self.img[:, :, i]
image_array_blurred = filters.median(
np.ones(sigma, sigma),
self.img[:, :, i] = image_array_blurred
elif filter_name == "bilateral":
print("Applying biltaral filter")
self.img = denoise_bilateral(
self.img, sigma_spatial=sigma, channel_axis=2, **kwargs
raise Exception(
"filter name should be either gaussian, median or bilateral"
def log_normalize(self, pseudoval=1, mean=None, mask=True):
Log-normalizes values for each marker with `log10(arr/arr.mean() + pseudoval)`
pseudoval : float
Value to add to image values prior to log-transforming to avoid issues
with zeros
mask : bool, optional (default=True)
Use tissue mask to determine marker mean factor for normalization. Default
Log-normalizes values in each channel of `self.img`
if mean is not None:
if mask:
assert self.mask is not None, "No tissue mask available"
for i in range(self.img.shape[2]):
fact = mean[i]
self.img[:, :, i] = np.log10(self.img[:, :, i] / fact + pseudoval)
print("WARNING: Performing normalization without a tissue mask.")
for i in range(self.img.shape[2]):
fact = mean[i]
self.img[:, :, i] = np.log10(self.img[:, :, i] / fact + pseudoval)
print("mean calculated to perform log normalization")
if mask:
assert self.mask is not None, "No tissue mask available"
for i in range(self.img.shape[2]):
fact = self.img[:, :, i].mean()
self.img[:, :, i] = np.log10(self.img[:, :, i] / fact + pseudoval)
print("WARNING: Performing normalization without a tissue mask.")
for i in range(self.img.shape[2]):
fact = self.img[:, :, i].mean()
self.img[:, :, i] = np.log10(self.img[:, :, i] / fact + pseudoval)
def subsample_pixels(self, features, fract=0.2, random_state=16):
Sub-samples fraction of pixels from the image randomly for each channel
features : list of int or str
Indices or names of MxIF channels to use for tissue labeling
fract : float, optional (default=0.2)
Fraction of cluster data from each image to randomly select
for model building
tmp : np.array
Clustering data from `image`
if isinstance(features, int): # force features into list if single integer
features = [features]
if isinstance(features, str): # force features into int if single string
features = []
if checktype(features): # force features into list of int if list of strings
features = [ for x in features]
if features is None: # if no features are given, use all of them
features = [x for x in range(self.n_ch)]
# subsample data for given image
tmp = []
for i in range(self.img.shape[2]):
tmp.append(self.img[:, :, i][self.mask != 0])
tmp = np.column_stack(tmp)
# select cluster data
i = np.random.choice(tmp.shape[0], int(tmp.shape[0] * fract))
tmp = tmp[np.ix_(i, features)]
return tmp
def downsample(self, fact, func=np.mean):
Downsamples image by applying `func` to `fact` pixels in both directions from
each pixel
fact : int
Number of pixels in each direction (x & y) to downsample with
func : function
Numpy function to apply to squares of size (fact, fact, :) for downsampling
(e.g. `np.mean`, `np.max`, `np.sum`)
self.img and self.mask are downsampled accordingly in place
# downsample mask if mask available
if self.mask is not None:
self.mask = block_reduce(
self.mask, block_size=(fact, fact), func=func, cval=0
# downsample image
self.img = block_reduce(self.img, block_size=(fact, fact, 1), func=func, cval=0)
def calculate_non_zero_mean(self):
Calculate mean estimator for the given image array avoiding mask pixels or
pixels with value 0
mean_estimator : list of float
List of mean estimator (mean*pixel) values for each channel
pixels : int
pixel count for the image excluding masked pixels
image = self.img
pixels = np.count_nonzero(image != 0)
mean_estimator = []
for i in range(image.shape[2]):
ar = image[:, :, i]
mean = ar[ar != 0].mean()
mean_estimator.append(mean * pixels)
return mean_estimator, pixels
def create_tissue_mask(self, features=None, fract=0.2):
Create tissue mask
features : list of int or str
Indices or names of MxIF channels to use for tissue labeling
fract : float, optional (default=0.2)
Fraction of cluster data from each image to randomly select
for model building
a numpy array as tissue mask set to self.mask
# create a copy of the image
image_cp = self.copy()
# create a temporary tissue mask that covers no region
w, h, d = image_cp.img.shape
image_cp.mask = np.ones((w, h))
# log normalization on image
# apply gaussian filter
image_cp.img = filters.gaussian(image_cp.img, sigma=2, channel_axis=2)
# subsample data to build kmeans model
subsampled_data = image_cp.subsample_pixels(features, fract=fract)
cluster_data = np.row_stack(subsampled_data)
# reshape image for prediction
image_ar_reshape = image_cp.img.reshape((w * h, d))
# build kmeans model with 2 clusters
kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=2, random_state=18).fit(cluster_data)
labels = kmeans.predict(image_ar_reshape).astype(float)
tID = labels.reshape((w, h))
# check if the background is labelled as 0 or 1
scores = kmeans.cluster_centers_
mean = scores.mean()
std = scores.std()
z_scores = (scores - mean) / std
if z_scores[0].mean() > 0:
where_0 = np.where(tID == 0.0)
tID[where_0] = 0.5
where_1 = np.where(tID == 1.0)
tID[where_1] = 0.0
where_05 = np.where(tID == 0.5)
tID[where_05] = 1.0
self.mask = tID
def show(
figsize=(7, 7),
Plot image
channels : tuple of int or None, optional (default=`None`)
List of channels by index or name to show
RGB : bool
Treat 3- or 4-dimensional array as RGB image. If `False`, plot channels
cbar : bool
Show colorbar for scale of image intensities if plotting individual
mask_out : bool, optional (default=`True`)
Mask out non-tissue pixels prior to showing
ncols : int
Number of columns for gridspec if plotting individual channels.
figsize : tuple of float
Size in inches of output figure.
save_to : str or None
Path to image file to save results. If `None`, show figure.
Arguments to pass to `plt.imshow()` function.
Matplotlib object (if plotting one feature or RGB) or gridspec object (for
multiple features). Saves plot to file if `save_to` is not `None`.
# if only one feature (2D), plot it quickly
if self.img.ndim == 2:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize)
if self.mask is not None and mask_out:
im_tmp = self.img.copy() # make copy for masking
im_tmp[:, :][self.mask == 0] = np.nan # area outside mask to NaN
plt.imshow(im_tmp, **kwargs)
plt.imshow(self.img, **kwargs)
plt.tick_params(labelbottom=False, labelleft=False)
sns.despine(bottom=True, left=True)
if cbar:
if save_to:
fname=save_to, transparent=True, bbox_inches="tight", dpi=800
return fig
# if image has multiple channels, plot them in gridspec
if isinstance(channels, int): # force channels into list if single integer
channels = [channels]
if isinstance(channels, str): # force channels into int if single string
channels = []
if checktype(channels): # force channels into list of int if list of strings
channels = [ for x in channels]
if channels is None: # if no channels are given, use all of them
channels = [x for x in range(self.n_ch)]
assert (
len(channels) <= self.n_ch
), "Too many channels given: image has {}, expected {}".format(
self.n_ch, len(channels)
if RGB:
# if third dim has 3 or 4 features, treat as RGB and plot it quickly
assert (self.img.ndim == 3) & (
len(channels) == 3
), "Need 3 dimensions and 3 given channels for an RGB image; shape = {}; channels given = {}".format(
self.img.shape, len(channels)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize)
# rearrange channels to specified order
im_tmp = np.dstack(
self.img[:, :, channels[0]],
self.img[:, :, channels[1]],
self.img[:, :, channels[2]],
if self.mask is not None and mask_out:
for i in [0, 1, 2]: # for 3-channel image
im_tmp[:, :, i][self.mask == 0] = np.nan # area outside mask NaN
plt.imshow(im_tmp, **kwargs)
# add legend for channel IDs
custom_lines = [
Line2D([0], [0], color=(1, 0, 0), lw=5),
Line2D([0], [0], color=(0, 1, 0), lw=5),
Line2D([0], [0], color=(0, 0, 1), lw=5),
plt.legend(custom_lines, [[x] for x in channels], fontsize="medium")
plt.tick_params(labelbottom=False, labelleft=False)
sns.despine(bottom=True, left=True)
if save_to:
fname=save_to, transparent=True, bbox_inches="tight", dpi=300
return fig
# calculate gridspec dimensions
if len(channels) <= ncols:
n_rows, n_cols = 1, len(channels)
n_rows, n_cols = ceil(len(channels) / ncols), ncols
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(ncols * n_cols, ncols * n_rows))
# arrange axes as subplots
gs = gridspec.GridSpec(n_rows, n_cols, figure=fig)
# add plots to axes
i = 0
for channel in channels:
ax = plt.subplot(gs[i])
if self.mask is not None and mask_out:
im_tmp = self.img[:, :, channel].copy() # make copy for masking
im_tmp[self.mask == 0] = np.nan # area outside mask NaN
im = ax.imshow(im_tmp, **kwargs)
im = ax.imshow(self.img[:, :, channel], **kwargs)
ax.tick_params(labelbottom=False, labelleft=False)
sns.despine(bottom=True, left=True)
if cbar:
_ = plt.colorbar(im, shrink=0.8)
i = i + 1
if save_to:
plt.savefig(fname=save_to, transparent=True, bbox_inches="tight", dpi=300)
return fig
def plot_image_histogram(self, channels=None, ncols=4, save_to=None, **kwargs):
Plot image histogram
channels : tuple of int or None, optional (default=`None`)
List of channels by index or name to show
ncols : int
Number sof columns for gridspec if plotting individual channels.
save_to : str or None
Path to image file to save results. If `None`, show figure.
Arguments to pass to `plt.imshow()` function.
Gridspec object (for multiple features). Saves plot to file if `save_to` is
not `None`.
# calculate gridspec dimensions
if len(channels) <= ncols:
n_rows, n_cols = 1, len(channels)
n_rows, n_cols = ceil(len(channels) / ncols), ncols
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(ncols * n_cols, ncols * n_rows))
# arrange axes as subplots
gs = gridspec.GridSpec(n_rows, n_cols, figure=fig)
# add plots to axes
i = 0
for channel in channels:
ax = plt.subplot(gs[i])
data = self[channel].copy()
ax.hist(data.ravel(), bins=100, **kwargs)
ax.set_title(channel, fontweight="bold", fontsize=16)
i = i + 1
if save_to:
plt.savefig(fname=save_to, transparent=True, bbox_inches="tight", dpi=300)
return gs
def CLAHE(image, channels=None, **kwargs)
Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization (CLAHE)
- The image
, optional(default=
- Channels to adjust on image.shape[2]. If None, perform CLAHE in all channels.
- Keyword arguments to pass to
- Image with exposure-adjusted values
Expand source code
def CLAHE(image, channels=None, **kwargs): """ Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization (CLAHE) Parameters ---------- image : np.ndarray The image channels : tuple of int or None, optional (default=`None`) Channels to adjust on image.shape[2]. If None, perform CLAHE in all channels. **kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to `skimage.exposure.equalize_adapthist` Returns ------- image_cp : np.ndarray Image with exposure-adjusted values """ image_cp = image.copy() if image.ndim == 2: image_cp = exposure.equalize_adapthist(image_cp, **kwargs) elif channels is None: for z in range(image_cp.shape[2]): image_cp[:, :, z] = exposure.equalize_adapthist(image_cp[:, :, z], **kwargs) else: for z in channels: image_cp[:, :, z] = exposure.equalize_adapthist(image_cp[:, :, z], **kwargs) return image_cp
def checktype(obj)
Expand source code
def checktype(obj): return bool(obj) and all(isinstance(elem, str) for elem in obj)
def clip_values(image, channels=None)
Clip outlier values from specified channels of an image
- The image
, optional(default=
- Channels to clip on img.shape[2]. If None, clip values in all channels.
- Image with clipped values
Expand source code
def clip_values(image, channels=None): """ Clip outlier values from specified channels of an image Parameters ---------- image : np.ndarray The image channels : tuple of int or None, optional (default=`None`) Channels to clip on img.shape[2]. If None, clip values in all channels. Returns ------- image_cp : np.ndarray Image with clipped values """ image_cp = image.copy() if channels is None or image.ndim == 2: vmin, vmax = np.nanpercentile(image_cp[image_cp != -99999], q=(0.5, 99.5)) plane_clip = exposure.rescale_intensity( image_cp, in_range=(vmin, vmax), out_range=np.float32, ) image_cp = plane_clip else: for z in channels: plane = image_cp[:, :, z].copy() vmin, vmax = np.nanpercentile(plane, q=(0.5, 99.5)) plane_clip = exposure.rescale_intensity( plane, in_range=(vmin, vmax), out_range=np.float32, ) image_cp[:, :, z] = plane_clip return image_cp
def scale_rgb(image, channels=None)
Scale to [0.0, 1.0] for RGB image
- The image
, optional(default=
- Channels to scale on img.shape[2]. If None, scale values in all channels.
- Image with scaled values
Expand source code
def scale_rgb(image, channels=None): """ Scale to [0.0, 1.0] for RGB image Parameters ---------- image : np.ndarray The image channels : tuple of int or None, optional (default=`None`) Channels to scale on img.shape[2]. If None, scale values in all channels. Returns ------- image_cp : np.ndarray Image with scaled values """ image_cp = image.copy() if channels is None or image.ndim == 2: image_cp = image_cp - image_cp.min() image_cp = image_cp / image_cp.max() else: for z in channels: plane = image_cp[:, :, z].copy() plane = plane - plane.min() image_cp[:, :, z] = plane / plane.max() return image_cp
class img (img_arr, channels=None, mask=None)
Initialize img class
- The image as a numpy array
, optional(default=
- List of channel names corresponding to img.shape[2]. i.e.
("DAPI","GFAP", "NeuH")<code>. If </code>None
, channels are named "ch_0", "ch_1", etc. mask
- Mask defining pixels containing tissue in the image
objectExpand source code
class img: def __init__(self, img_arr, channels=None, mask=None): """ Initialize img class Parameters ---------- img_arr : np.ndarray The image as a numpy array channels : list of str or None, optional (default=`None`) List of channel names corresponding to img.shape[2]. i.e. `("DAPI","GFAP", "NeuH")`. If `None`, channels are named "ch_0", "ch_1", etc. mask : np.ndarray Mask defining pixels containing tissue in the image Returns ------- `img` object """ assert ( img_arr.ndim > 1 ), "Image does not have enough dimensions: {} given".format(img_arr.ndim) self.img = img_arr.astype("float64") # save image array to .img attribute if img_arr.ndim > 2: self.n_ch = img_arr.shape[2] # save number of channels to attribute else: self.n_ch = 1 if channels is None: # if channel names not specified, name them numerically = ["ch_{}".format(x) for x in range(self.n_ch)] else: if not isinstance(channels, list): raise Exception("Channels must be given in a list") assert ( len(channels) == self.n_ch ), "Number of channels must match img_arr.shape[2]" = channels if mask is not None: # validate that mask matches img_arr assert ( mask.shape == img_arr.shape[:2] ), "Shape of mask must match the first two dimensions of img_arr" self.mask = mask # set mask attribute, regardless of value given def __repr__(self) -> str: """Representation of contents of img object""" descr = "img object with {} of {} and shape {}px x {}px\n".format( type(self.img), self.img.dtype, self.img.shape[0], self.img.shape[1], ) + "{} image channels:\n\t{}".format(self.n_ch, if self.mask is not None: descr += "\n\ntissue mask {} of {} and shape {}px x {}px".format( type(self.mask), self.mask.dtype, self.mask.shape[0], self.mask.shape[1], ) return descr def copy(self) -> "img": """Full copy of img object""" new = {} for key in ["img", "ch", "mask"]: attr = self.__getattribute__(key) if attr is not None: new[key] = attr.copy() else: new[key] = None return img(img_arr=new["img"], channels=new["ch"], mask=new["mask"]) def __getitem__(self, channels): """Slice img object with channel name(s)""" if isinstance(channels, int): # force channels into list if single integer channels = [channels] if isinstance(channels, str): # force channels into int if single string channels = [] if checktype(channels): # force channels into list of int if list of strings channels = [ for x in channels] if channels is None: # if no channels are given, use all of them channels = [x for x in range(self.n_ch)] return self.img[:, :, channels] @classmethod def from_tiffs(cls, tiffdir, channels, common_strings=None, mask=None): """ Initialize img class from `.tif` files Parameters ---------- tiffdir : str Path to directory containing `.tif` files for a multiplexed image channels : list of str List of channels present in `.tif` file names (case-sensitive) corresponding to img.shape[2] e.g. `("ACTG1","BCATENIN","DAPI",...)` common_strings : str, list of str, or `None`, optional (default=None) Strings to look for in all `.tif` files in `tiffdir` corresponding to `channels` e.g. `("WD86055_", "_region_001.tif")` for files named "WD86055_[MARKERNAME]_region_001.tif". If `None`, assume that only 1 image for each marker in `channels` is present in `tiffdir`. mask : str, optional (default=None) Name of mask defining pixels containing tissue in the image, present in `.tif` file names (case-sensitive) e.g. "_01_TISSUE_MASK.tif" Returns ------- `img` object """ if common_strings is not None: # coerce single string to list if isinstance(common_strings, str): common_strings = [common_strings] A = [] # list for dumping numpy arrays for channel in channels: if common_strings is None: # find file matching all common_strings and channel name f = [f for f in os.listdir(tiffdir) if channel in f] else: # find file matching all common_strings and channel name f = [ f for f in os.listdir(tiffdir) if all(x in f for x in common_strings + [channel]) ] # assertions so we only get one file per channel assert len(f) != 0, "No file found with channel {}".format(channel) assert ( len(f) == 1 ), "More than one match found for file with channel {}".format(channel) f = os.path.join(tiffdir, f[0]) # get full path to file for reading print("Reading marker {} from {}".format(channel, f)) tmp = imread(f) # read in .tif file A.append(tmp) # append numpy array to list A_arr = np.dstack( A ) # stack numpy arrays in new dimension (third dim is channel) print("Final image array of shape: {}".format(A_arr.shape)) # read in tissue mask if available if mask is not None: f = [f for f in os.listdir(tiffdir) if mask in f] # assertions so we only get one mask file assert len(f) != 0, "No tissue mask file found" assert len(f) == 1, "More than one match found for tissue mask file" f = os.path.join(tiffdir, f[0]) # get full path to file for reading print("Reading tissue mask from {}".format(f)) A_mask = imread(f) # read in .tif file assert ( A_mask.shape == A_arr.shape[:2] ), "Mask (shape: {}) is not the same shape as marker images (shape: {})".format( A_mask.shape, A_arr.shape[:2] ) print("Final mask array of shape: {}".format(A_mask.shape)) else: A_mask = None # generate img object return cls(img_arr=A_arr, channels=channels, mask=A_mask) @classmethod def from_npz(cls, file): """ Initialize img class from `.npz` file Parameters ---------- file : str Path to `.npz` file containing saved img object and metadata Returns ------- `img` object """ print("Loading img object from {}...".format(file)) tmp = np.load(file) # load from .npz compressed file assert ( "img" in tmp.files ), "Unexpected files in .npz: {}, expected ['img','mask','ch'].".format( tmp.files ) A_mask = tmp["mask"] if "mask" in tmp.files else None A_ch = list(tmp["ch"]) if "ch" in tmp.files else None # generate img object return cls(img_arr=tmp["img"], channels=A_ch, mask=A_mask) def to_npz(self, file): """ Save img object to compressed `.npz` file Parameters ---------- file : str Path to `.npz` file in which to save img object and metadata Returns ------- Writes object to `file` """ print("Saving img object to {}...".format(file)) if self.mask is None: np.savez_compressed(file, img=self.img, else: np.savez_compressed(file, img=self.img,, mask=self.mask) def clip(self, **kwargs): """ Clips outlier values and rescales intensities Parameters ---------- **kwargs Keyword args to pass to `clip_values()` function Returns ------- Clips outlier values from `self.img` """ self.img = clip_values(self.img, **kwargs) def scale(self, **kwargs): """ Scales intensities to [0.0, 1.0] Parameters ---------- **kwargs Keyword args to pass to `scale_rgb()` function Returns ------- Scales intensities of `self.img` """ self.img = scale_rgb(self.img, **kwargs) def equalize_hist(self, **kwargs): """ Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization (CLAHE) Parameters ---------- **kwargs Keyword args to pass to `CLAHE()` function Returns ------- `self.img` is updated with exposure-adjusted values """ self.img = CLAHE(self.img, **kwargs) def blurring(self, filter_name="gaussian", sigma=2, **kwargs): """ Aplying a filter on the images Parameters ---------- filter : str str to define which type of filter to apply sigma : int parameter controlling extent of smoothening """ if filter_name == "gaussian": print("Applying gaussian filter") self.img = filters.gaussian( self.img, sigma=sigma, channel_axis=2, **kwargs, ) elif filter_name == "median": print("Applying median filter") if isinstance(sigma, float): sigma = int(sigma) for i in range(self.img.shape[2]): image_array = self.img[:, :, i] image_array_blurred = filters.median( image_array, np.ones(sigma, sigma), ) self.img[:, :, i] = image_array_blurred elif filter_name == "bilateral": print("Applying biltaral filter") self.img = denoise_bilateral( self.img, sigma_spatial=sigma, channel_axis=2, **kwargs ) else: raise Exception( "filter name should be either gaussian, median or bilateral" ) def log_normalize(self, pseudoval=1, mean=None, mask=True): """ Log-normalizes values for each marker with `log10(arr/arr.mean() + pseudoval)` Parameters ---------- pseudoval : float Value to add to image values prior to log-transforming to avoid issues with zeros mask : bool, optional (default=True) Use tissue mask to determine marker mean factor for normalization. Default `True`. Returns ------- Log-normalizes values in each channel of `self.img` """ if mean is not None: if mask: assert self.mask is not None, "No tissue mask available" for i in range(self.img.shape[2]): fact = mean[i] self.img[:, :, i] = np.log10(self.img[:, :, i] / fact + pseudoval) else: print("WARNING: Performing normalization without a tissue mask.") for i in range(self.img.shape[2]): fact = mean[i] self.img[:, :, i] = np.log10(self.img[:, :, i] / fact + pseudoval) else: print("mean calculated to perform log normalization") if mask: assert self.mask is not None, "No tissue mask available" for i in range(self.img.shape[2]): fact = self.img[:, :, i].mean() self.img[:, :, i] = np.log10(self.img[:, :, i] / fact + pseudoval) else: print("WARNING: Performing normalization without a tissue mask.") for i in range(self.img.shape[2]): fact = self.img[:, :, i].mean() self.img[:, :, i] = np.log10(self.img[:, :, i] / fact + pseudoval) def subsample_pixels(self, features, fract=0.2, random_state=16): """ Sub-samples fraction of pixels from the image randomly for each channel Parameters ---------- features : list of int or str Indices or names of MxIF channels to use for tissue labeling fract : float, optional (default=0.2) Fraction of cluster data from each image to randomly select for model building Returns ------- tmp : np.array Clustering data from `image` """ if isinstance(features, int): # force features into list if single integer features = [features] if isinstance(features, str): # force features into int if single string features = [] if checktype(features): # force features into list of int if list of strings features = [ for x in features] if features is None: # if no features are given, use all of them features = [x for x in range(self.n_ch)] # subsample data for given image np.random.seed(random_state) tmp = [] for i in range(self.img.shape[2]): tmp.append(self.img[:, :, i][self.mask != 0]) tmp = np.column_stack(tmp) # select cluster data i = np.random.choice(tmp.shape[0], int(tmp.shape[0] * fract)) tmp = tmp[np.ix_(i, features)] return tmp def downsample(self, fact, func=np.mean): """ Downsamples image by applying `func` to `fact` pixels in both directions from each pixel Parameters ---------- fact : int Number of pixels in each direction (x & y) to downsample with func : function Numpy function to apply to squares of size (fact, fact, :) for downsampling (e.g. `np.mean`, `np.max`, `np.sum`) Returns ------- self.img and self.mask are downsampled accordingly in place """ # downsample mask if mask available if self.mask is not None: self.mask = block_reduce( self.mask, block_size=(fact, fact), func=func, cval=0 ) # downsample image self.img = block_reduce(self.img, block_size=(fact, fact, 1), func=func, cval=0) def calculate_non_zero_mean(self): """ Calculate mean estimator for the given image array avoiding mask pixels or pixels with value 0 Parameters ---------- Returns ------- mean_estimator : list of float List of mean estimator (mean*pixel) values for each channel pixels : int pixel count for the image excluding masked pixels """ image = self.img pixels = np.count_nonzero(image != 0) mean_estimator = [] for i in range(image.shape[2]): ar = image[:, :, i] mean = ar[ar != 0].mean() mean_estimator.append(mean * pixels) return mean_estimator, pixels def create_tissue_mask(self, features=None, fract=0.2): """ Create tissue mask Parameters ---------- features : list of int or str Indices or names of MxIF channels to use for tissue labeling fract : float, optional (default=0.2) Fraction of cluster data from each image to randomly select for model building Returns ------- a numpy array as tissue mask set to self.mask """ # create a copy of the image image_cp = self.copy() # create a temporary tissue mask that covers no region w, h, d = image_cp.img.shape image_cp.mask = np.ones((w, h)) # log normalization on image image_cp.log_normalize() # apply gaussian filter image_cp.img = filters.gaussian(image_cp.img, sigma=2, channel_axis=2) # subsample data to build kmeans model subsampled_data = image_cp.subsample_pixels(features, fract=fract) cluster_data = np.row_stack(subsampled_data) # reshape image for prediction image_ar_reshape = image_cp.img.reshape((w * h, d)) # build kmeans model with 2 clusters kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=2, random_state=18).fit(cluster_data) labels = kmeans.predict(image_ar_reshape).astype(float) tID = labels.reshape((w, h)) # check if the background is labelled as 0 or 1 scores = kmeans.cluster_centers_ mean = scores.mean() std = scores.std() z_scores = (scores - mean) / std if z_scores[0].mean() > 0: where_0 = np.where(tID == 0.0) tID[where_0] = 0.5 where_1 = np.where(tID == 1.0) tID[where_1] = 0.0 where_05 = np.where(tID == 0.5) tID[where_05] = 1.0 self.mask = tID def show( self, channels=None, RGB=False, cbar=False, mask_out=True, ncols=4, figsize=(7, 7), save_to=None, **kwargs, ): """ Plot image Parameters ---------- channels : tuple of int or None, optional (default=`None`) List of channels by index or name to show RGB : bool Treat 3- or 4-dimensional array as RGB image. If `False`, plot channels individually. cbar : bool Show colorbar for scale of image intensities if plotting individual channels. mask_out : bool, optional (default=`True`) Mask out non-tissue pixels prior to showing ncols : int Number of columns for gridspec if plotting individual channels. figsize : tuple of float Size in inches of output figure. save_to : str or None Path to image file to save results. If `None`, show figure. **kwargs Arguments to pass to `plt.imshow()` function. Returns ------- Matplotlib object (if plotting one feature or RGB) or gridspec object (for multiple features). Saves plot to file if `save_to` is not `None`. """ # if only one feature (2D), plot it quickly if self.img.ndim == 2: fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) if self.mask is not None and mask_out: im_tmp = self.img.copy() # make copy for masking im_tmp[:, :][self.mask == 0] = np.nan # area outside mask to NaN plt.imshow(im_tmp, **kwargs) else: plt.imshow(self.img, **kwargs) plt.tick_params(labelbottom=False, labelleft=False) sns.despine(bottom=True, left=True) if cbar: plt.colorbar(shrink=0.8) plt.tight_layout() if save_to: plt.savefig( fname=save_to, transparent=True, bbox_inches="tight", dpi=800 ) return fig # if image has multiple channels, plot them in gridspec if isinstance(channels, int): # force channels into list if single integer channels = [channels] if isinstance(channels, str): # force channels into int if single string channels = [] if checktype(channels): # force channels into list of int if list of strings channels = [ for x in channels] if channels is None: # if no channels are given, use all of them channels = [x for x in range(self.n_ch)] assert ( len(channels) <= self.n_ch ), "Too many channels given: image has {}, expected {}".format( self.n_ch, len(channels) ) if RGB: # if third dim has 3 or 4 features, treat as RGB and plot it quickly assert (self.img.ndim == 3) & ( len(channels) == 3 ), "Need 3 dimensions and 3 given channels for an RGB image; shape = {}; channels given = {}".format( self.img.shape, len(channels) ) fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) # rearrange channels to specified order im_tmp = np.dstack( [ self.img[:, :, channels[0]], self.img[:, :, channels[1]], self.img[:, :, channels[2]], ] ) if self.mask is not None and mask_out: for i in [0, 1, 2]: # for 3-channel image im_tmp[:, :, i][self.mask == 0] = np.nan # area outside mask NaN plt.imshow(im_tmp, **kwargs) # add legend for channel IDs custom_lines = [ Line2D([0], [0], color=(1, 0, 0), lw=5), Line2D([0], [0], color=(0, 1, 0), lw=5), Line2D([0], [0], color=(0, 0, 1), lw=5), ] plt.legend(custom_lines, [[x] for x in channels], fontsize="medium") plt.tick_params(labelbottom=False, labelleft=False) sns.despine(bottom=True, left=True) plt.tight_layout() if save_to: plt.savefig( fname=save_to, transparent=True, bbox_inches="tight", dpi=300 ) return fig # calculate gridspec dimensions if len(channels) <= ncols: n_rows, n_cols = 1, len(channels) else: n_rows, n_cols = ceil(len(channels) / ncols), ncols fig = plt.figure(figsize=(ncols * n_cols, ncols * n_rows)) # arrange axes as subplots gs = gridspec.GridSpec(n_rows, n_cols, figure=fig) # add plots to axes i = 0 for channel in channels: ax = plt.subplot(gs[i]) if self.mask is not None and mask_out: im_tmp = self.img[:, :, channel].copy() # make copy for masking im_tmp[self.mask == 0] = np.nan # area outside mask NaN im = ax.imshow(im_tmp, **kwargs) else: im = ax.imshow(self.img[:, :, channel], **kwargs) ax.tick_params(labelbottom=False, labelleft=False) sns.despine(bottom=True, left=True) ax.set_title([channel], loc="left", fontweight="bold", fontsize=16, ) if cbar: _ = plt.colorbar(im, shrink=0.8) i = i + 1 fig.tight_layout() if save_to: plt.savefig(fname=save_to, transparent=True, bbox_inches="tight", dpi=300) return fig def plot_image_histogram(self, channels=None, ncols=4, save_to=None, **kwargs): """ Plot image histogram Parameters ---------- channels : tuple of int or None, optional (default=`None`) List of channels by index or name to show ncols : int Number sof columns for gridspec if plotting individual channels. save_to : str or None Path to image file to save results. If `None`, show figure. **kwargs Arguments to pass to `plt.imshow()` function. Returns ------- Gridspec object (for multiple features). Saves plot to file if `save_to` is not `None`. """ # calculate gridspec dimensions if len(channels) <= ncols: n_rows, n_cols = 1, len(channels) else: n_rows, n_cols = ceil(len(channels) / ncols), ncols fig = plt.figure(figsize=(ncols * n_cols, ncols * n_rows)) # arrange axes as subplots gs = gridspec.GridSpec(n_rows, n_cols, figure=fig) # add plots to axes i = 0 for channel in channels: ax = plt.subplot(gs[i]) data = self[channel].copy() ax.hist(data.ravel(), bins=100, **kwargs) ax.set_title(channel, fontweight="bold", fontsize=16) i = i + 1 fig.tight_layout() if save_to: plt.savefig(fname=save_to, transparent=True, bbox_inches="tight", dpi=300) return gs
Static methods
def from_npz(file)
Initialize img class from
- Path to
file containing saved img object and metadata
objectExpand source code
@classmethod def from_npz(cls, file): """ Initialize img class from `.npz` file Parameters ---------- file : str Path to `.npz` file containing saved img object and metadata Returns ------- `img` object """ print("Loading img object from {}...".format(file)) tmp = np.load(file) # load from .npz compressed file assert ( "img" in tmp.files ), "Unexpected files in .npz: {}, expected ['img','mask','ch'].".format( tmp.files ) A_mask = tmp["mask"] if "mask" in tmp.files else None A_ch = list(tmp["ch"]) if "ch" in tmp.files else None # generate img object return cls(img_arr=tmp["img"], channels=A_ch, mask=A_mask)
def from_tiffs(tiffdir, channels, common_strings=None, mask=None)
Initialize img class from
- Path to directory containing
files for a multiplexed image channels
- List of channels present in
file names (case-sensitive) corresponding to img.shape[2] e.g.("ACTG1","BCATENIN","DAPI",...)
:str, list
, optional(default=None)
- Strings to look for in all
files intiffdir
corresponding tochannels
e.g.("WD86055_", "_region_001.tif")
for files named "WD86055_[MARKERNAME]_region_001.tif". IfNone
, assume that only 1 image for each marker inchannels
is present intiffdir
. mask
, optional(default=None)
- Name of mask defining pixels containing tissue in the image, present in
file names (case-sensitive) e.g. "_01_TISSUE_MASK.tif"
objectExpand source code
@classmethod def from_tiffs(cls, tiffdir, channels, common_strings=None, mask=None): """ Initialize img class from `.tif` files Parameters ---------- tiffdir : str Path to directory containing `.tif` files for a multiplexed image channels : list of str List of channels present in `.tif` file names (case-sensitive) corresponding to img.shape[2] e.g. `("ACTG1","BCATENIN","DAPI",...)` common_strings : str, list of str, or `None`, optional (default=None) Strings to look for in all `.tif` files in `tiffdir` corresponding to `channels` e.g. `("WD86055_", "_region_001.tif")` for files named "WD86055_[MARKERNAME]_region_001.tif". If `None`, assume that only 1 image for each marker in `channels` is present in `tiffdir`. mask : str, optional (default=None) Name of mask defining pixels containing tissue in the image, present in `.tif` file names (case-sensitive) e.g. "_01_TISSUE_MASK.tif" Returns ------- `img` object """ if common_strings is not None: # coerce single string to list if isinstance(common_strings, str): common_strings = [common_strings] A = [] # list for dumping numpy arrays for channel in channels: if common_strings is None: # find file matching all common_strings and channel name f = [f for f in os.listdir(tiffdir) if channel in f] else: # find file matching all common_strings and channel name f = [ f for f in os.listdir(tiffdir) if all(x in f for x in common_strings + [channel]) ] # assertions so we only get one file per channel assert len(f) != 0, "No file found with channel {}".format(channel) assert ( len(f) == 1 ), "More than one match found for file with channel {}".format(channel) f = os.path.join(tiffdir, f[0]) # get full path to file for reading print("Reading marker {} from {}".format(channel, f)) tmp = imread(f) # read in .tif file A.append(tmp) # append numpy array to list A_arr = np.dstack( A ) # stack numpy arrays in new dimension (third dim is channel) print("Final image array of shape: {}".format(A_arr.shape)) # read in tissue mask if available if mask is not None: f = [f for f in os.listdir(tiffdir) if mask in f] # assertions so we only get one mask file assert len(f) != 0, "No tissue mask file found" assert len(f) == 1, "More than one match found for tissue mask file" f = os.path.join(tiffdir, f[0]) # get full path to file for reading print("Reading tissue mask from {}".format(f)) A_mask = imread(f) # read in .tif file assert ( A_mask.shape == A_arr.shape[:2] ), "Mask (shape: {}) is not the same shape as marker images (shape: {})".format( A_mask.shape, A_arr.shape[:2] ) print("Final mask array of shape: {}".format(A_mask.shape)) else: A_mask = None # generate img object return cls(img_arr=A_arr, channels=channels, mask=A_mask)
def blurring(self, filter_name='gaussian', sigma=2, **kwargs)
Aplying a filter on the images
- str to define which type of filter to apply
- parameter controlling extent of smoothening
Expand source code
def blurring(self, filter_name="gaussian", sigma=2, **kwargs): """ Aplying a filter on the images Parameters ---------- filter : str str to define which type of filter to apply sigma : int parameter controlling extent of smoothening """ if filter_name == "gaussian": print("Applying gaussian filter") self.img = filters.gaussian( self.img, sigma=sigma, channel_axis=2, **kwargs, ) elif filter_name == "median": print("Applying median filter") if isinstance(sigma, float): sigma = int(sigma) for i in range(self.img.shape[2]): image_array = self.img[:, :, i] image_array_blurred = filters.median( image_array, np.ones(sigma, sigma), ) self.img[:, :, i] = image_array_blurred elif filter_name == "bilateral": print("Applying biltaral filter") self.img = denoise_bilateral( self.img, sigma_spatial=sigma, channel_axis=2, **kwargs ) else: raise Exception( "filter name should be either gaussian, median or bilateral" )
def calculate_non_zero_mean(self)
Calculate mean estimator for the given image array avoiding mask pixels or pixels with value 0
- List of mean estimator (mean*pixel) values for each channel
- pixel count for the image excluding masked pixels
Expand source code
def calculate_non_zero_mean(self): """ Calculate mean estimator for the given image array avoiding mask pixels or pixels with value 0 Parameters ---------- Returns ------- mean_estimator : list of float List of mean estimator (mean*pixel) values for each channel pixels : int pixel count for the image excluding masked pixels """ image = self.img pixels = np.count_nonzero(image != 0) mean_estimator = [] for i in range(image.shape[2]): ar = image[:, :, i] mean = ar[ar != 0].mean() mean_estimator.append(mean * pixels) return mean_estimator, pixels
def clip(self, **kwargs)
Clips outlier values and rescales intensities
- Keyword args to pass to
Clips outlier values from
Expand source code
def clip(self, **kwargs): """ Clips outlier values and rescales intensities Parameters ---------- **kwargs Keyword args to pass to `clip_values()` function Returns ------- Clips outlier values from `self.img` """ self.img = clip_values(self.img, **kwargs)
def copy(self) ‑> img
Full copy of img object
Expand source code
def copy(self) -> "img": """Full copy of img object""" new = {} for key in ["img", "ch", "mask"]: attr = self.__getattribute__(key) if attr is not None: new[key] = attr.copy() else: new[key] = None return img(img_arr=new["img"], channels=new["ch"], mask=new["mask"])
def create_tissue_mask(self, features=None, fract=0.2)
Create tissue mask
- Indices or names of MxIF channels to use for tissue labeling
, optional(default=0.2)
- Fraction of cluster data from each image to randomly select for model building
a numpy array as tissue mask set to self.mask
Expand source code
def create_tissue_mask(self, features=None, fract=0.2): """ Create tissue mask Parameters ---------- features : list of int or str Indices or names of MxIF channels to use for tissue labeling fract : float, optional (default=0.2) Fraction of cluster data from each image to randomly select for model building Returns ------- a numpy array as tissue mask set to self.mask """ # create a copy of the image image_cp = self.copy() # create a temporary tissue mask that covers no region w, h, d = image_cp.img.shape image_cp.mask = np.ones((w, h)) # log normalization on image image_cp.log_normalize() # apply gaussian filter image_cp.img = filters.gaussian(image_cp.img, sigma=2, channel_axis=2) # subsample data to build kmeans model subsampled_data = image_cp.subsample_pixels(features, fract=fract) cluster_data = np.row_stack(subsampled_data) # reshape image for prediction image_ar_reshape = image_cp.img.reshape((w * h, d)) # build kmeans model with 2 clusters kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=2, random_state=18).fit(cluster_data) labels = kmeans.predict(image_ar_reshape).astype(float) tID = labels.reshape((w, h)) # check if the background is labelled as 0 or 1 scores = kmeans.cluster_centers_ mean = scores.mean() std = scores.std() z_scores = (scores - mean) / std if z_scores[0].mean() > 0: where_0 = np.where(tID == 0.0) tID[where_0] = 0.5 where_1 = np.where(tID == 1.0) tID[where_1] = 0.0 where_05 = np.where(tID == 0.5) tID[where_05] = 1.0 self.mask = tID
def downsample(self, fact, func=<function mean>)
Downsamples image by applying
pixels in both directions from each pixelParameters
- Number of pixels in each direction (x & y) to downsample with
- Numpy function to apply to squares of size (fact, fact, :) for downsampling
self.img and self.mask are downsampled accordingly in place
Expand source code
def downsample(self, fact, func=np.mean): """ Downsamples image by applying `func` to `fact` pixels in both directions from each pixel Parameters ---------- fact : int Number of pixels in each direction (x & y) to downsample with func : function Numpy function to apply to squares of size (fact, fact, :) for downsampling (e.g. `np.mean`, `np.max`, `np.sum`) Returns ------- self.img and self.mask are downsampled accordingly in place """ # downsample mask if mask available if self.mask is not None: self.mask = block_reduce( self.mask, block_size=(fact, fact), func=func, cval=0 ) # downsample image self.img = block_reduce(self.img, block_size=(fact, fact, 1), func=func, cval=0)
def equalize_hist(self, **kwargs)
Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization (CLAHE)
- Keyword args to pass to
is updated with exposure-adjusted valuesExpand source code
def equalize_hist(self, **kwargs): """ Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization (CLAHE) Parameters ---------- **kwargs Keyword args to pass to `CLAHE()` function Returns ------- `self.img` is updated with exposure-adjusted values """ self.img = CLAHE(self.img, **kwargs)
def log_normalize(self, pseudoval=1, mean=None, mask=True)
Log-normalizes values for each marker with
log10(arr/arr.mean() + pseudoval)
- Value to add to image values prior to log-transforming to avoid issues with zeros
, optional(default=True)
- Use tissue mask to determine marker mean factor for normalization. Default
Log-normalizes values in each channel of
Expand source code
def log_normalize(self, pseudoval=1, mean=None, mask=True): """ Log-normalizes values for each marker with `log10(arr/arr.mean() + pseudoval)` Parameters ---------- pseudoval : float Value to add to image values prior to log-transforming to avoid issues with zeros mask : bool, optional (default=True) Use tissue mask to determine marker mean factor for normalization. Default `True`. Returns ------- Log-normalizes values in each channel of `self.img` """ if mean is not None: if mask: assert self.mask is not None, "No tissue mask available" for i in range(self.img.shape[2]): fact = mean[i] self.img[:, :, i] = np.log10(self.img[:, :, i] / fact + pseudoval) else: print("WARNING: Performing normalization without a tissue mask.") for i in range(self.img.shape[2]): fact = mean[i] self.img[:, :, i] = np.log10(self.img[:, :, i] / fact + pseudoval) else: print("mean calculated to perform log normalization") if mask: assert self.mask is not None, "No tissue mask available" for i in range(self.img.shape[2]): fact = self.img[:, :, i].mean() self.img[:, :, i] = np.log10(self.img[:, :, i] / fact + pseudoval) else: print("WARNING: Performing normalization without a tissue mask.") for i in range(self.img.shape[2]): fact = self.img[:, :, i].mean() self.img[:, :, i] = np.log10(self.img[:, :, i] / fact + pseudoval)
def plot_image_histogram(self, channels=None, ncols=4, save_to=None, **kwargs)
Plot image histogram
, optional(default=
- List of channels by index or name to show
- Number sof columns for gridspec if plotting individual channels.
- Path to image file to save results. If
, show figure. **kwargs
- Arguments to pass to
Gridspec object (for multiple features). Saves plot to file if
is notNone
.Expand source code
def plot_image_histogram(self, channels=None, ncols=4, save_to=None, **kwargs): """ Plot image histogram Parameters ---------- channels : tuple of int or None, optional (default=`None`) List of channels by index or name to show ncols : int Number sof columns for gridspec if plotting individual channels. save_to : str or None Path to image file to save results. If `None`, show figure. **kwargs Arguments to pass to `plt.imshow()` function. Returns ------- Gridspec object (for multiple features). Saves plot to file if `save_to` is not `None`. """ # calculate gridspec dimensions if len(channels) <= ncols: n_rows, n_cols = 1, len(channels) else: n_rows, n_cols = ceil(len(channels) / ncols), ncols fig = plt.figure(figsize=(ncols * n_cols, ncols * n_rows)) # arrange axes as subplots gs = gridspec.GridSpec(n_rows, n_cols, figure=fig) # add plots to axes i = 0 for channel in channels: ax = plt.subplot(gs[i]) data = self[channel].copy() ax.hist(data.ravel(), bins=100, **kwargs) ax.set_title(channel, fontweight="bold", fontsize=16) i = i + 1 fig.tight_layout() if save_to: plt.savefig(fname=save_to, transparent=True, bbox_inches="tight", dpi=300) return gs
def scale(self, **kwargs)
Scales intensities to [0.0, 1.0]
- Keyword args to pass to
Scales intensities of
Expand source code
def scale(self, **kwargs): """ Scales intensities to [0.0, 1.0] Parameters ---------- **kwargs Keyword args to pass to `scale_rgb()` function Returns ------- Scales intensities of `self.img` """ self.img = scale_rgb(self.img, **kwargs)
def show(self, channels=None, RGB=False, cbar=False, mask_out=True, ncols=4, figsize=(7, 7), save_to=None, **kwargs)
Plot image
, optional(default=
- List of channels by index or name to show
- Treat 3- or 4-dimensional array as RGB image. If
, plot channels individually. cbar
- Show colorbar for scale of image intensities if plotting individual channels.
, optional(default=
- Mask out non-tissue pixels prior to showing
- Number of columns for gridspec if plotting individual channels.
- Size in inches of output figure.
- Path to image file to save results. If
, show figure. **kwargs
- Arguments to pass to
Matplotlib object (if plotting one feature
orgridspec object (for
multiple features). Saves plot to file if
is notNone
.Expand source code
def show( self, channels=None, RGB=False, cbar=False, mask_out=True, ncols=4, figsize=(7, 7), save_to=None, **kwargs, ): """ Plot image Parameters ---------- channels : tuple of int or None, optional (default=`None`) List of channels by index or name to show RGB : bool Treat 3- or 4-dimensional array as RGB image. If `False`, plot channels individually. cbar : bool Show colorbar for scale of image intensities if plotting individual channels. mask_out : bool, optional (default=`True`) Mask out non-tissue pixels prior to showing ncols : int Number of columns for gridspec if plotting individual channels. figsize : tuple of float Size in inches of output figure. save_to : str or None Path to image file to save results. If `None`, show figure. **kwargs Arguments to pass to `plt.imshow()` function. Returns ------- Matplotlib object (if plotting one feature or RGB) or gridspec object (for multiple features). Saves plot to file if `save_to` is not `None`. """ # if only one feature (2D), plot it quickly if self.img.ndim == 2: fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) if self.mask is not None and mask_out: im_tmp = self.img.copy() # make copy for masking im_tmp[:, :][self.mask == 0] = np.nan # area outside mask to NaN plt.imshow(im_tmp, **kwargs) else: plt.imshow(self.img, **kwargs) plt.tick_params(labelbottom=False, labelleft=False) sns.despine(bottom=True, left=True) if cbar: plt.colorbar(shrink=0.8) plt.tight_layout() if save_to: plt.savefig( fname=save_to, transparent=True, bbox_inches="tight", dpi=800 ) return fig # if image has multiple channels, plot them in gridspec if isinstance(channels, int): # force channels into list if single integer channels = [channels] if isinstance(channels, str): # force channels into int if single string channels = [] if checktype(channels): # force channels into list of int if list of strings channels = [ for x in channels] if channels is None: # if no channels are given, use all of them channels = [x for x in range(self.n_ch)] assert ( len(channels) <= self.n_ch ), "Too many channels given: image has {}, expected {}".format( self.n_ch, len(channels) ) if RGB: # if third dim has 3 or 4 features, treat as RGB and plot it quickly assert (self.img.ndim == 3) & ( len(channels) == 3 ), "Need 3 dimensions and 3 given channels for an RGB image; shape = {}; channels given = {}".format( self.img.shape, len(channels) ) fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) # rearrange channels to specified order im_tmp = np.dstack( [ self.img[:, :, channels[0]], self.img[:, :, channels[1]], self.img[:, :, channels[2]], ] ) if self.mask is not None and mask_out: for i in [0, 1, 2]: # for 3-channel image im_tmp[:, :, i][self.mask == 0] = np.nan # area outside mask NaN plt.imshow(im_tmp, **kwargs) # add legend for channel IDs custom_lines = [ Line2D([0], [0], color=(1, 0, 0), lw=5), Line2D([0], [0], color=(0, 1, 0), lw=5), Line2D([0], [0], color=(0, 0, 1), lw=5), ] plt.legend(custom_lines, [[x] for x in channels], fontsize="medium") plt.tick_params(labelbottom=False, labelleft=False) sns.despine(bottom=True, left=True) plt.tight_layout() if save_to: plt.savefig( fname=save_to, transparent=True, bbox_inches="tight", dpi=300 ) return fig # calculate gridspec dimensions if len(channels) <= ncols: n_rows, n_cols = 1, len(channels) else: n_rows, n_cols = ceil(len(channels) / ncols), ncols fig = plt.figure(figsize=(ncols * n_cols, ncols * n_rows)) # arrange axes as subplots gs = gridspec.GridSpec(n_rows, n_cols, figure=fig) # add plots to axes i = 0 for channel in channels: ax = plt.subplot(gs[i]) if self.mask is not None and mask_out: im_tmp = self.img[:, :, channel].copy() # make copy for masking im_tmp[self.mask == 0] = np.nan # area outside mask NaN im = ax.imshow(im_tmp, **kwargs) else: im = ax.imshow(self.img[:, :, channel], **kwargs) ax.tick_params(labelbottom=False, labelleft=False) sns.despine(bottom=True, left=True) ax.set_title([channel], loc="left", fontweight="bold", fontsize=16, ) if cbar: _ = plt.colorbar(im, shrink=0.8) i = i + 1 fig.tight_layout() if save_to: plt.savefig(fname=save_to, transparent=True, bbox_inches="tight", dpi=300) return fig
def subsample_pixels(self, features, fract=0.2, random_state=16)
Sub-samples fraction of pixels from the image randomly for each channel
- Indices or names of MxIF channels to use for tissue labeling
, optional(default=0.2)
- Fraction of cluster data from each image to randomly select for model building
- Clustering data from
Expand source code
def subsample_pixels(self, features, fract=0.2, random_state=16): """ Sub-samples fraction of pixels from the image randomly for each channel Parameters ---------- features : list of int or str Indices or names of MxIF channels to use for tissue labeling fract : float, optional (default=0.2) Fraction of cluster data from each image to randomly select for model building Returns ------- tmp : np.array Clustering data from `image` """ if isinstance(features, int): # force features into list if single integer features = [features] if isinstance(features, str): # force features into int if single string features = [] if checktype(features): # force features into list of int if list of strings features = [ for x in features] if features is None: # if no features are given, use all of them features = [x for x in range(self.n_ch)] # subsample data for given image np.random.seed(random_state) tmp = [] for i in range(self.img.shape[2]): tmp.append(self.img[:, :, i][self.mask != 0]) tmp = np.column_stack(tmp) # select cluster data i = np.random.choice(tmp.shape[0], int(tmp.shape[0] * fract)) tmp = tmp[np.ix_(i, features)] return tmp
def to_npz(self, file)
Save img object to compressed
- Path to
file in which to save img object and metadata
Writes object to
Expand source code
def to_npz(self, file): """ Save img object to compressed `.npz` file Parameters ---------- file : str Path to `.npz` file in which to save img object and metadata Returns ------- Writes object to `file` """ print("Saving img object to {}...".format(file)) if self.mask is None: np.savez_compressed(file, img=self.img, else: np.savez_compressed(file, img=self.img,, mask=self.mask)