Classes for assigning tissue domain IDs to multiplex immunofluorescence (MxIF) or 10X Visium spatial transcriptomic (ST) and histological imaging data
Expand source code
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Classes for assigning tissue domain IDs to multiplex immunofluorescence (MxIF) or 10X
Visium spatial transcriptomic (ST) and histological imaging data
import os
from tkinter import E
import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import itertools
import seaborn as sns
import umap
from math import ceil
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler
from .MxIF import checktype, img
from .ST import assemble_pita
from .ST import blur_features_st
def kMeansRes(scaled_data, k, alpha_k=0.02, random_state=18):
Calculates inertia value for a given k value by fitting k-means model to scaled data
Adapted from
scaled_data: np.array
Scaled data. Rows are samples and columns are features for clustering
k: int
Current k for applying KMeans
alpha_k: float
Manually tuned factor that gives penalty to the number of clusters
scaled_inertia: float
Scaled inertia value for current k
inertia_o = np.square((scaled_data - scaled_data.mean(axis=0))).sum()
# fit k-means
kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=k, random_state=random_state).fit(scaled_data)
scaled_inertia = kmeans.inertia_ / inertia_o + alpha_k * k
return scaled_inertia
def chooseBestKforKMeansParallel(scaled_data, k_range, n_jobs=-1, **kwargs):
Determines optimal k value by fitting k-means models to scaled data and minimizing
scaled inertia
Adapted from
scaled_data: np.array
Scaled data. Rows are samples and columns are features for clustering.
k_range: list of int
k range for applying KMeans
n_jobs : int
Number of cores to parallelize k-choosing across
Arguments to pass to `kMeansRes()` (i.e. `alpha_k`, `random_state`)
best_k: int
Chosen value of k out of the given k range. Chosen k is k with the minimum
scaled inertia value.
results: pd.DataFrame
Adjusted inertia value for each k in k_range
ans = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs, verbose=10)(
delayed(kMeansRes)(scaled_data, k, **kwargs) for k in k_range
ans = list(zip(k_range, ans))
results = pd.DataFrame(ans, columns=["k", "Scaled Inertia"]).set_index("k")
best_k = results.idxmin()[0]
return best_k, results
def prep_data_single_sample_st(
Prepare dataframe for tissue-level clustering from a single AnnData sample
adata : anndata.AnnData
AnnData object containing Visium data
adata_i : int
Index of AnnData object for identification within `st_labeler` object
use_rep : str
Representation from `adata.obsm` to use as clustering data (e.g. "X_pca")
features : list of int or None, optional (default=`None`)
List of features to use from `adata.obsm[use_rep]` (e.g. [0,1,2,3,4] to
use first 5 principal components when `use_rep`="X_pca"). If `None`, use
all features from `adata.obsm[use_rep]`
histo : bool, optional (default `False`)
Use histology data from Visium anndata object (R,G,B brightfield features)
in addition to `adata.obsm[use_rep]`? If fluorescent imaging data rather
than brightfield, use `fluor_channels` argument instead.
fluor_channels : list of int or None, optional (default `None`)
Channels from fluorescent image to use for model training (e.g. [1,3] for
channels 1 and 3 of Visium fluorescent imaging data). If `None`, do not
use imaging data for training.
spatial_graph_key : str, optional (default=`None`)
Key in `adata.obsp` containing spatial graph connectivities (i.e.
`"spatial_connectivities"`). If `None`, compute new spatial graph using
`n_rings` in `squidpy`.
n_rings : int, optional (default=1)
Number of hexagonal rings around each spatial transcriptomics spot to blur
features by for capturing regional information. Assumes 10X Genomics Visium
Clustering data from `adata.obsm[use_rep]`
tmp = pd.DataFrame()
tmp[[use_rep + "_{}".format(x) for x in features]] = adata.obsm[use_rep][
:, features
if histo:
assert (
fluor_channels is None
), "If histo is True, fluor_channels must be None. \
Histology specifies brightfield H&E with three (3) features."
print("Adding mean RGB histology features for adata #{}".format(adata_i))
tmp[["R_mean", "G_mean", "B_mean"]] = adata.obsm["image_means"]
if fluor_channels:
assert (
histo is False
), "If fluorescence channels are given, histo must be False. \
Histology specifies brightfield H&E with three (3) features."
"Adding mean fluorescent channels {} for adata #{}".format(
fluor_channels, adata_i
tmp[["ch_{}_mean".format(x) for x in fluor_channels]] = adata.obsm[
][:, fluor_channels]
if n_rings > 0:
# blur the features extracted in tmp
tmp = blur_features_st(
adata, tmp, spatial_graph_key=spatial_graph_key, n_rings=n_rings
return tmp
def prep_data_single_sample_mxif(
image, use_path, mean, filter_name, sigma, features, fract, path_save
Perform log normalization, and blurring on the given image data
image : MILWRM.MxIF.img or str
np.array containing MxIF data or path to the compressed npz file
use_path : Boolean
True if image is given as a path to the compressed npz file, False if image is
given as MILWRM.MxIF.img object
mean : numpy array
Containing mean for each channel for that batch
filter_name : str
Name of the filter to use - gaussian, median or bilateral
sigma : float, optional
Standard deviation of Gaussian kernel for blurring
features : list of int or str
Indices or names of MxIF channels to use for tissue labeling
fract : float, optional
Fraction of cluster data from each image to randomly select for model
path_save : str
Path to save final preprocessed files
Subsampled_data : np.array
np.array containing randomly sampled pixels for that image
file_save : str
path to save preprocessed img object
if use_path == True: # if images are given as path to the compressed npz file
if path_save == None: # check if path to save final processed file is given
raise Exception(
"Path to save final preprocessed npz files is requird when given path to image files"
image_path = image
image = img.from_npz(image_path + ".npz")
# batch correction
# apply the desired filter
image.blurring(filter_name=filter_name, sigma=sigma)
# min max scaling of each channel
# for i in range(image.img.shape[2]):
# img_ar = image.img[:, :, i][image.mask != 0]
# img_ar_max = img_ar.max()
# img_ar_min = img_ar.min()
# # print(img_ar_max, img_ar_min)
# image_ar_scaled = (image.img[:, :, i] - img_ar_min) / (img_ar_max - img_ar_min)
# image.img[:, :, i] = image_ar_scaled
# subsample pixels to build the kmeans model
subsampled_data = image.subsample_pixels(features, fract)
if use_path == True:
new_image_path = os.path.join(path_save, "_final_preprocessed_images")
if not os.path.exists(new_image_path):
file_name = image_path.split("/")[-1] + "_final_preprocessed"
file_save = os.path.join(new_image_path, file_name)
return subsampled_data, file_save
return subsampled_data
def add_tissue_ID_single_sample_mxif(image, use_path, features, kmeans, scaler):
Label pixels in a single MxIF sample with kmeans results
image : MILWRM.MxIF.img or str
np.array containing MxIF data or path to the compressed npz file
use_path : Boolean
True if image is given as a path to the compressed npz file, False if image is
given as MILWRM.MxIF.img object
features : list of int or str
Indices or names of MxIF channels to use for tissue labeling
kmeans : sklearn.kmeans
Trained k-means model
tID : np.array
Image where pixel values are kmeans cluster IDs
if use_path == True:
image_path = image + ".npz"
image = img.from_npz(image_path)
if isinstance(features, int): # force features into list if single integer
features = [features]
if isinstance(features, str): # force features into int if single string
features = []
if checktype(features): # force features into list of int if list of strings
features = [ for x in features]
if features is None: # if no features are given, use all of them
features = [x for x in range(image.n_ch)]
# subset to features used in prep_cluster_data
tmp = image.img[:, :, features]
w, h, d = tuple(tmp.shape)
image_array = tmp.reshape((w * h, d))
scaled_image_array = scaler.transform(image_array)
tID = kmeans.predict(scaled_image_array).reshape(w, h)
tID = tID.astype(float) # TODO: Figure out dtypes
tID[image.mask == 0] = np.nan # set masked-out pixels to NaN
return tID
def estimate_percentage_variance_mxif(
image, use_path, scaler, centroids, features, tissue_ID
Estimate percentage variance explained by clustering for an image
image : MILWRM.MxIF.img or str
np.array containing MxIF data or path to the compressed npz file
use_path : Boolean
True if image is given as a path to the compressed npz file, False if image is
given as MILWRM.MxIF.img object
scaler : standardscaler() object
standard scaler used for cluster data normalization
centroids : np.ndarray
kmeans cluster centroids
features : list of int or str
Indices or names of MxIF channels to use for tissue labeling
tissue_ID : np.ndarray
numpy array containing kmeans labels on image
S_square_pct : float
percentage variance in data explained by the kmeans clustering
if use_path == True:
image_path = image + ".npz"
image = img.from_npz(image_path)
if isinstance(features, int): # force features into list if single integer
features = [features]
if isinstance(features, str): # force features into int if single string
features = []
if checktype(features): # force features into list of int if list of strings
features = [ for x in features]
if features is None: # if no features are given, use all of them
features = [x for x in range(image.n_ch)]
# getting the channels used for MILWRM clustering and scaling the image
w, h, d = image.img[:, :, features].shape
img_ar = image.img[:, :, features].reshape((w * h), d)
scaled_img_ar = scaler.transform(img_ar)
tissue_ID = tissue_ID.reshape(w * h)
# init a numpy array of image shape to store the distance from pixels to centroids
dc = np.zeros(scaled_img_ar.shape)
for i in range(centroids.shape[0]):
dc[tissue_ID == i] = ((scaled_img_ar[tissue_ID == i]) - (centroids[i])) ** 2
# estimating the difference between pixels and the image mean
dm = ((scaled_img_ar) - (scaled_img_ar.mean(axis=0))) ** 2
# taking ratio of sum of differences for all points from centroids and data mean
S_square = np.sum(dc) / np.sum(dm)
S_square_pct = S_square * 100
return S_square_pct
def perform_umap(cluster_data, centroids, batch_labels, kmeans_labels, frac):
Compute umap coordinates for the given cluster_data
cluster_data : np.ndarray
containing data used to build kmeans model
centroids : np.ndarray
kmeans cluster centroids
batch_labels : list
list containing batch label for each datapoint
kmeans_label : list
list containing tissue domain labels for each datapoint
frac : None or float
if None entire cluster_data is used to compute umap if float
that fraction of data is used to compute the umap
umap_centroid_data : pd.DataFrame
combined dataframe with cluster_data used for computation
of Umap, centroids, batch_labels and kmeans_labels
standard_embedding : pd.DataFrame
containing umap coordinates
df = pd.DataFrame(cluster_data, batch_labels)
df["Kmeans_labels"] = kmeans_labels
# if cluster_data is too big randomly subsample a fraction of it otherwise use the
# entire data
if frac:
umap_data = pd.DataFrame()
for i in np.unique(batch_labels):
umap_data = pd.concat([umap_data, df.loc[i].sample(frac=frac)])
umap_data = df
# append the centroids to the dataframe with a different index and kmeans labels
centroids = pd.DataFrame(
centroids, index=[umap_data.index[-1] + 1] * len(centroids)
centroids["Kmeans_labels"] = [kmeans_labels.max() + 1] * len(centroids)
umap_centroid_data = pd.concat([umap_data, centroids])
# compute umap
neighbours = int(len(umap_centroid_data) ** 0.5)
mapper = umap.UMAP(random_state=42, n_neighbors=neighbours).fit(
umap_centroid_data.loc[:, umap_centroid_data.columns != "Kmeans_labels"]
standard_embedding = mapper.transform(
umap_centroid_data.loc[:, umap_centroid_data.columns != "Kmeans_labels"]
return umap_centroid_data, standard_embedding
def estimate_confidence_score_mxif(
image, use_path, scaler, centroids, features, tissue_ID
Estimate confidence score for the assigned tissue_IDs in MxIF slide by
taking difference between distance to the second closest centroid and the
assigned centroid divided by distance to the second closest centroid.
image : MILWRM.MxIF.img or str
np.array containing MxIF data or path to the compressed npz file
use_path : Boolean
True if image is given as a path to the compressed npz file, False if image is
given as MILWRM.MxIF.img object
scaler : standardscaler() object
standard scaler used for cluster data normalization
centroids : np.ndarray
kmeans cluster centroids
features : list of int or str
Indices or names of MxIF channels to use for tissue labeling
tissue_ID : np.ndarray
numpy array containing kmeans labels on image
Conf_ID : np.ndarray
overall confidence score for each pixel's cluster assignment
mean_conf_score : dict
mean confidence score for each tissue domain (keys for the dictionary)
if use_path == True:
image_path = image + ".npz"
image = img.from_npz(image_path)
if isinstance(features, int): # force features into list if single integer
features = [features]
if isinstance(features, str): # force features into int if single string
features = []
if checktype(features): # force features into list of int if list of strings
features = [ for x in features]
if features is None: # if no features are given, use all of them
features = [x for x in range(image.n_ch)]
w, h, d = image.img[:, :, features].shape
img_ar = image.img[:, :, features].reshape((w * h), d)
scaled_img_ar = scaler.transform(img_ar)
img_sc = scaled_img_ar.reshape((w, h, d))
# initializing an empty numpy array to store distance to each centroid along axis = 2
dist_ar = np.zeros((w, h, len(centroids)))
for i, centroid in enumerate(centroids):
dist = ((img_sc) - (centroid)) ** 2
dist_cp = np.sum(dist, axis=2)
dist_ar[:, :, i] = dist_ar[:, :, i] + dist_cp
# sorting the numpy array according to distance from centroids
new_dist_ar = np.sort(dist_ar, axis=2)
# estimating new confidence score
cID = ((new_dist_ar[:, :, 1]) - (new_dist_ar[:, :, 0])) / new_dist_ar[:, :, 1]
cID[image.mask == 0] = np.nan
# estimating average confidence score in that image
mean_conf_score = {}
for i in range(len(centroids)):
mean_conf_score[i] = np.mean(cID[tissue_ID == i])
return cID, mean_conf_score
def estimate_mse_mxif(images, use_path, tissue_IDs, scaler, centroids, features, k):
Estimate mean square error for each tissue domain for each MxIF images
images : list
list of MILWRM.MxIF.img objects or path to images (str)
use_path : Boolean
True if image is given as a path to the compressed npz file, False if image is
given as MILWRM.MxIF.img object
tissue_IDs : list
list of predicted tissue_ID for each image
scaler : standardscaler() object
standard scaler used for cluster data normalization
centroids : np.ndarray
kmeans cluster centroids
features : list of int or str
Indices or names of MxIF channels to use for tissue labeling
k : int
number of tissue domains
mse_id : dict
containing mean square error for each tissue for each visium slide
mse_temp = {}
for image_index, image in enumerate(images):
if use_path == True:
image_path = image + ".npz"
image = img.from_npz(image_path)
if isinstance(features, int): # force features into list if single integer
features = [features]
if isinstance(features, str): # force features into int if single string
features = []
if checktype(features): # force features into list of int if list of strings
features = [ for x in features]
if features is None: # if no features are given, use all of them
features = [x for x in range(image.n_ch)]
# getting the channels used for MILWRM clustering and scaling the image
img_ar = image.img[:, :, features]
w, h, d = img_ar.shape
scaled_img_ar = scaler.transform(img_ar.reshape((w * h, d)))
scaled_img_ar = scaled_img_ar.reshape((w, h, d))
ar = tissue_IDs[image_index]
mse = {}
for i in range(k):
x = (
(scaled_img_ar[ar == i]) - (centroids[i])
) ** 2 # estimating mse for each tissue domain for that image
if len(x) == 0:
mse[i] = np.zeros((centroids.shape[1]))
mse[i] = x.mean(axis=0)
mse_temp[image_index] = mse
mse_id = {} # reorganizing within a new dictionary with keys as tissue domains
for i in range(k):
mse_l = []
for image_index, image in enumerate(images):
mse_id[i] = mse_l
return mse_id
def estimate_percentage_variance_st(sub_cluster_data, adata, centroids):
Estimate percentage variance explained by clustering for a visium slide
sub_cluster_data : np.ndarray
np.ndarray containing data for that visium slide used for kmeans
adata : anndata.AnnData
AnnData object containing Visium data
centroids : np.ndarray
kmeans cluster centroids
S_square_pct : float
percentage variance in data explained by the kmeans clustering
dc = []
df = pd.DataFrame(adata.obs["tissue_ID"])
ids = pd.unique(df["tissue_ID"])
df["index"] = list(range(adata.n_obs))
for i in ids:
# estimating euclidean distance from the data point to closest centroid
diff = (
(sub_cluster_data[df[df["tissue_ID"] == i]["index"]]) - (centroids[i])
) ** 2
dc = np.row_stack(dc)
# estimating euclidean distance from each data point to the mean of the data
dm = (sub_cluster_data - sub_cluster_data.mean(axis=0)) ** 2
# getting sum across features
# taking ratio of sum of distances for all data points from centroids and data mean
S = np.sum(dc) / np.sum(dm)
S_square_pct = S * 100
return S_square_pct
def estimate_confidence_score_st(sub_cluster_data, adata, centroids):
Estimate confidence score for the assigned tissue_IDs in a visium slide by
taking difference between distance to the second closest centroid and the
assigned centroid divided by distance to the second closest centroid.
sub_cluster_data : np.ndarray
np.ndarray containing data for that visium slide used for kmeans
adata : anndata.AnnData
AnnData object containing Visium data
centroids : np.ndarray
kmeans cluster centroids
Confidence_score added to adata.obs
mean_conf_score : dict
mean confidence score for each tissue domain (keys for the dictionary)
# initializing zeros array to store distances
dist_mx = np.zeros((sub_cluster_data.shape[0], len(centroids)))
# calculating distance to each centroid
for i, centroid in enumerate(centroids):
dist_cp = ((sub_cluster_data) - (centroid)) ** 2
dist = np.sum(dist_cp, axis=1)
dist_mx[:, i] = dist_mx[:, i] + dist
# sorting distances according to distance from centroids
new_dist_ar = np.sort(dist_mx, axis=1)
# using assigned and second closest centroid to estimate confidence score
cID = ((new_dist_ar[:, 1]) - (new_dist_ar[:, 0])) / new_dist_ar[:, 1]
adata.obs["confidence_score"] = cID
score_df = pd.DataFrame(cID, columns=["score"])
score_df["tissue_ID"] = adata.obs["tissue_ID"].values
mean_conf_score = {}
for i in range(len(centroids)):
if (adata.obs["tissue_ID"] == i).any():
mean_conf_score[i] = score_df[score_df["tissue_ID"] == i]["score"].mean()
mean_conf_score[i] = np.nan
return mean_conf_score
def estimate_mse_st(cluster_data, adatas, centroids, k):
Estimate mean square error for each tissue domain for each visium slide
cluster_data : np.ndarray
np.ndarray containing cluster_data used for kmeans
adatas : list
list of anndata.AnnData objects for visium slides
centroids : np.ndarray
kmeans cluster centroids
k : int
number of tissue domains
mse_id : dict
containing mean square error for each tissue for each visium slide
mse_id = {}
for i in range(k):
i_slice = 0
j_slice = 0
diff = []
for adata in adatas:
j_slice = j_slice + adata.n_obs
df = pd.DataFrame(adata.obs["tissue_ID"])
df["index"] = list(range(adata.n_obs))
data = cluster_data[
] # slicing cluster data for sub_cluster_data for that visium slide
x = (
(data[df[df["tissue_ID"] == i]["index"]]) - (centroids[i])
) ** 2 # difference between each data point and centroids
if len(x) == 0:
mse = x.mean(axis=0) # mean of all the differences
# diff.append(mse.mean(axis = 0))
i_slice = adata.n_obs
mse_id[i] = diff
return mse_id
class tissue_labeler:
Master tissue domain labeling class
def __init__(self):
Initialize tissue labeler parent class
self.cluster_data = None # start out with no data to cluster on
self.k = None # start out with no k value
def find_optimal_k(self, plot_out=False, alpha=0.05, random_state=18, n_jobs=-1):
Uses scaled inertia to decide on k clusters for clustering in the
corresponding `anndata` objects
plot_out : boolean, optional (default=FALSE)
Determines if scaled inertia graph should be output
alpha: float
Manually tuned factor on [0.0, 1.0] that penalizes the number of clusters
random_state : int, optional (default=18)
Seed for k-means clustering models
n_jobs : int
Number of cores to parallelize k-choosing across
Does not return anything. `self.k` contains integer value for number of
clusters. Parameters are also captured as attributes for posterity.
if self.cluster_data is None:
raise Exception("No cluster data found. Run prep_cluster_data() first.")
self.random_state = random_state
k_range = range(2, 21) # choose k range
# compute scaled inertia
best_k, results = chooseBestKforKMeansParallel(
if plot_out:
# plot the results
plt.figure(figsize=(7, 4))
plt.plot(results, "o")
plt.title("Adjusted Inertia for each K")
plt.ylabel("Adjusted Inertia")
plt.xticks(range(2, 21, 1))
# save optimal k to object
print("The optimal number of clusters is {}".format(best_k))
self.k = best_k
def find_tissue_regions(self, k=None, random_state=18):
Perform tissue-level clustering and label pixels in the corresponding
`anndata` objects.
k : int, optional (default=None)
Number of tissue domains to define
random_state : int, optional (default=18)
Seed for k-means clustering model.
Does not return anything. `self.kmeans` contains trained `sklearn` clustering
model. Parameters are also captured as attributes for posterity.
if self.cluster_data is None:
raise Exception("No cluster data found. Run prep_cluster_data() first.")
if k is None and self.k is None:
raise Exception(
"No k found or provided. Run find_optimal_k() first or pass a k value."
if k is not None:
print("Overriding optimal k value with k={}.".format(k))
self.k = k
# save the hyperparams as object attributes
self.random_state = random_state
print("Performing k-means clustering with {} target clusters".format(self.k))
self.kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=self.k, random_state=random_state).fit(
def plot_feature_proportions(self, labels=None, figsize=(10, 7), save_to=None):
Plots contributions of each training feature to k-means cluster centers as
percentages of total
labels : list of str, optional (default=`None`)
Labels corresponding to each MILWRM training feature. If `None`, features
will be numbered 0 through p.
figsize : tuple of float, optional (default=(10,7))
Size of matplotlib figure
save_to : str, optional (default=`None`)
Path to image file to save plot
`plt.figure` if `save_to` is `None`, else saves plot to file
assert (
self.kmeans is not None
), "No cluster results found. Run \
label_tissue_regions() first."
if "st_labeler" in str(self.__class__):
if labels is not None:
assert len(labels) == len(
), "'labels' must be the same length as self.features."
labels = [self.rep + "_" + str(x) for x in self.features]
if self.histo:
labels = labels + ["R", "G", "B"]
if self.fluor_channels is not None:
labels = labels + ["ch_" + str(x) for x in self.fluor_channels]
elif "mxif_labeler" in str(self.__class__):
if labels is not None:
assert len(labels) == len(
), "'labels' must be the same length as self.features."
labels = self.model_features
# create pandas df and calculate percentages of total
ctr_df = pd.DataFrame(self.kmeans.cluster_centers_, columns=labels)
totals = ctr_df.sum(axis=1)
ctr_df_prop = ctr_df.div(totals, axis=0).multiply(100)
# make plot
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=figsize), ax=ax, width=0.85)
for p in ax.patches:
"{} %".format(str(np.round(p.get_height(), 2))),
(p.get_x() + 0.05, p.get_y() + (p.get_height() * 0.4)),
plt.ylim([0, 100])
plt.ylabel("% K-Means Loading")
plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1), loc="upper left", title="Feature")
if save_to is not None:
print("Saving feature proportions to {}".format(save_to))
return fig
def plot_feature_loadings(
figsize=(5, 5),
Plots contributions of each training feature to k-means cluster centers
ncols : int, optional (default=`None`)
Number of columns for gridspec. If `None`, uses number of tissue domains k.
nfeatures : int, optional (default=`None`)
Number of top-loaded features to show for each tissue domain
labels : list of str, optional (default=`None`)
Labels corresponding to each MILWRM training feature. If `None`, features
will be numbered 0 through p.
titles : list of str, optional (default=`None`)
Titles of plots corresponding to each MILWRM domain. If `None`, titles
will be numbers 0 through k.
figsize : tuple of float, optional (default=(5,5))
Size of matplotlib figure
save_to : str, optional (default=`None`)
Path to image file to save plot
`gridspec.GridSpec` if `save_to` is `None`, else saves plot to file
assert (
self.kmeans is not None
), "No cluster results found. Run \
label_tissue_regions() first."
if "st_labeler" in str(self.__class__):
if labels is not None:
assert len(labels) == len(
), "'labels' must be the same length as self.features."
labels = [self.rep + "_" + str(x) for x in self.features]
if self.histo:
labels = labels + ["R", "G", "B"]
if self.fluor_channels is not None:
labels = labels + ["ch_" + str(x) for x in self.fluor_channels]
elif "mxif_labeler" in str(self.__class__):
if labels is not None:
assert len(labels) == len(
), "'labels' must be the same length as self.features."
labels = self.model_features
if titles is None:
titles = [
"tissue_ID " + str(x)
for x in range(self.kmeans.cluster_centers_.shape[0])
if nfeatures is None:
nfeatures = len(labels)
scores = self.kmeans.cluster_centers_.copy()
n_panels = len(titles)
if ncols is None:
ncols = len(titles)
if n_panels <= ncols:
n_rows, n_cols = 1, n_panels
n_rows, n_cols = ceil(n_panels / ncols), ncols
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(n_cols * figsize[0], n_rows * figsize[1]))
left, bottom = 0.1 / n_cols, 0.1 / n_rows
gs = gridspec.GridSpec(
right=1 - (n_cols - 1) * left - 0.01 / n_cols,
top=1 - (n_rows - 1) * bottom - 0.1 / n_rows,
for iscore, score in enumerate(scores):
indices = np.argsort(score)[::-1][: nfeatures + 1]
for ig, g in enumerate(indices[::-1]):
plt.title(titles[iscore], fontsize="x-large")
plt.ylim(-0.9, ig + 0.9)
score_min, score_max = np.min(score[indices]), np.max(score[indices])
(0.95 if score_min > 0 else 1.05) * score_min,
(1.05 if score_max > 0 else 0.95) * score_max,
axis="y", # changes apply to the y-axis
which="both", # both major and minor ticks are affected
if save_to is not None:
print("Saving feature loadings to {}".format(save_to))
return gs
class st_labeler(tissue_labeler):
Tissue domain labeling class for spatial transcriptomics (ST) data
def __init__(self, adatas):
Initialize ST tissue labeler class
adatas : list of anndata.AnnData
Single anndata object or list of objects to label consensus tissue domains
Does not return anything. `self.adatas` attribute is updated,
`self.cluster_data` attribute is initiated as `None`.
tissue_labeler.__init__(self) # initialize parent class
if not isinstance(adatas, list): # force single anndata object to list
adatas = [adatas]
print("Initiating ST labeler with {} anndata objects".format(len(adatas)))
self.adatas = adatas
self.raw = adatas.copy()
def prep_cluster_data(
Prepare master dataframe for tissue-level clustering
use_rep : str
Representation from `adata.obsm` to use as clustering data (e.g. "X_pca")
features : list of int or None, optional (default=`None`)
List of features to use from `adata.obsm[use_rep]` (e.g. [0,1,2,3,4] to
use first 5 principal components when `use_rep`="X_pca"). If `None`, use
all features from `adata.obsm[use_rep]`
n_rings : int, optional (default=1)
Number of hexagonal rings around each spatial transcriptomics spot to blur
features by for capturing regional information. Assumes 10X Genomics Visium
histo : bool, optional (default `False`)
Use histology data from Visium anndata object (R,G,B brightfield features)
in addition to `adata.obsm[use_rep]`? If fluorescent imaging data rather
than brightfield, use `fluor_channels` argument instead.
fluor_channels : list of int or None, optional (default `None`)
Channels from fluorescent image to use for model training (e.g. [1,3] for
channels 1 and 3 of Visium fluorescent imaging data). If `None`, do not
use imaging data for training.
spatial_graph_key : str, optional (default=`None`)
Key in `adata.obsp` containing spatial graph connectivities (i.e.
`"spatial_connectivities"`). If `None`, compute new spatial graph using
`n_rings` in `squidpy`.
n_jobs : int, optional (default=-1)
Number of cores to parallelize over. Default all available cores.
Does not return anything. `self.adatas` are updated, adding "blur_*" features
to `.obs` if `n_rings > 0`.
`self.cluster_data` becomes master `np.array` for cluster training.
Parameters are also captured as attributes for posterity.
if self.cluster_data is not None:
print("WARNING: overwriting existing cluster data")
self.cluster_data = None
if features is None:
self.features = [x for x in range(self.adatas[0].obsm[use_rep].shape[1])]
self.features = features
# save the hyperparams as object attributes
self.rep = use_rep
self.histo = histo
self.fluor_channels = fluor_channels
self.n_rings = n_rings
# collect clustering data from self.adatas in parallel
"Collecting and blurring {} features from .obsm[{}]...".format(
cluster_data = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs, verbose=10)(
for adata_i, adata in enumerate(self.adatas)
batch_labels = [
[x] * len(cluster_data[x]) for x in range(len(cluster_data))
] # batch labels for umap
self.merged_batch_labels = list(itertools.chain(*batch_labels))
# concatenate blurred features into cluster_data df for cluster training
subsampled_data = pd.concat(cluster_data)
# perform z-scaling on final cluster data
scaler = StandardScaler()
self.scaler =
scaled_data = scaler.transform(subsampled_data)
self.cluster_data = scaled_data
print("Collected clustering data of shape: {}".format(self.cluster_data.shape))
def label_tissue_regions(
self, k=None, alpha=0.05, plot_out=True, random_state=18, n_jobs=-1
Perform tissue-level clustering and label pixels in the corresponding
`anndata` objects.
k : int, optional (default=None)
Number of tissue regions to define
alpha: float
Manually tuned factor on [0.0, 1.0] that penalizes the number of clusters
plot_out : boolean, optional (default=True)
Determines if scaled inertia plot should be output
random_state : int, optional (default=18)
Seed for k-means clustering model.
n_jobs : int
Number of cores to parallelize k-choosing across
Does not return anything. `self.adatas` are updated, adding "tissue_ID" field
to `.obs`. `self.kmeans` contains trained `sklearn` clustering model.
Parameters are also captured as attributes for posterity.
# find optimal k with parent class
if k is None:
print("Determining optimal cluster number k via scaled inertia")
plot_out=plot_out, alpha=alpha, random_state=random_state, n_jobs=n_jobs
# call k-means model from parent class
self.find_tissue_regions(k=k, random_state=random_state)
# loop through anndata object and add tissue labels to adata.obs dataframe
start = 0
print("Adding tissue_ID label to anndata objects")
for i in range(len(self.adatas)):
IDs = self.kmeans.labels_
self.adatas[i].obs["tissue_ID"] = IDs[start : start + self.adatas[i].n_obs]
self.adatas[i].obs["tissue_ID"] = (
self.adatas[i].obs["tissue_ID"] = (
start += self.adatas[i].n_obs
def confidence_score(self):
estimate confidence score for each visium slide
self.adatas[i].obs.confidence_IDs and self.confidence_score_df are added
containing confidence score for each tissue domain assignment and mean confidence
score for each tissue domain within each visium slide
assert (
self.kmeans is not None
), "No cluster results found. Run \
label_tissue_regions() first."
i_slice = 0
j_slice = 0
confidence_score_df = pd.DataFrame()
adatas = self.adatas
cluster_data = self.cluster_data
centroids = self.kmeans.cluster_centers_
for i, adata in enumerate(adatas):
j_slice = j_slice + adata.n_obs
data = cluster_data[i_slice:j_slice]
scores_dict = estimate_confidence_score_st(data, adata, centroids)
df = pd.DataFrame(scores_dict.values(), columns=[i])
confidence_score_df = pd.concat([confidence_score_df, df], axis=1)
i_slice = i_slice + adata.n_obs
self.confidence_score_df = confidence_score_df
def plot_gene_loadings(
Plot MILWRM loadings in gene space specifically for MILWRM done with PCs
PC_loadings : numpy.ndarray
numpy.ndarray containing PC loadings shape format (genes, components)
n_genes : int, optional (default=10)
number of genes to plot
ncols : int, optional (default=`None`)
Number of columns for gridspec. If `None`, uses number of tissue domains k.
titles : list of str, optional (default=`None`)
Titles of plots corresponding to each MILWRM domain. If `None`, titles
will be numbers 0 through k.
save_to : str, optional (default=`None`)
Path to image file to save plot
Matplotlib object and PC loadings in gene space set as self.gene_loadings_df
assert (
self.kmeans is not None
), "No cluster results found. Run \
label_tissue_regions() first."
assert (
PC_loadings.shape[0] == self.adatas[0].n_vars
), f"loadings matrix does not, \
contain enough genes, there should be {self.adatas[0].n_vars} genes"
assert (
PC_loadings.shape[1] >= self.kmeans.cluster_centers_.shape[1]
), f"loadings matrix \
does not contain enough components, there should be atleast {self.adatas[0].n_vars} components"
if titles is None:
titles = ["tissue_ID " + str(x) for x in range(self.k)]
centroids = self.kmeans.cluster_centers_
temp = PC_loadings.T
loadings = temp[range(self.kmeans.cluster_centers_.shape[1])]
gene_loadings = np.matmul(centroids, loadings)
gene_loadings_df = pd.DataFrame(gene_loadings)
gene_loadings_df = gene_loadings_df.T
gene_loadings_df["genes"] = self.adatas[0].var_names
self.gene_loadings_df = gene_loadings_df
n_panels = self.k
if ncols is None:
ncols = self.k
if n_panels <= ncols:
n_rows, n_cols = 1, n_panels
n_rows, n_cols = ceil(n_panels / ncols), ncols
fig = plt.figure(figsize=((ncols * n_cols, ncols * n_rows)))
left, bottom = 0.1 / n_cols, 0.1 / n_rows
gs = gridspec.GridSpec(
right=1 - (n_cols - 1) * left - 0.01 / n_cols,
top=1 - (n_rows - 1) * bottom - 0.1 / n_rows,
for i in range(self.k):
df = (
gene_loadings_df[[i, "genes"]]
.sort_values(i, axis=0, ascending=False)[:n_genes]
df_rev = df.sort_values(i).reset_index(drop=True)
for j, score in enumerate((df_rev[i])):
y=j + 0.1,
s=df_rev.loc[j, "genes"],
plt.ylim([0, j + 1])
plt.xlim([0, df.max().values[0] + 0.1])
axis="y", # changes apply to the y-axis
which="both", # both major and minor ticks are affected
if save_to is not None:
print("Saving feature loadings to {}".format(save_to))
return gs
def plot_percentage_variance_explained(
self, fig_size=(5, 5), R_square=False, save_to=None
plot percentage variance_explained or not explained by clustering
figsize : tuple of float, optional (default=(5,5))
Size of matplotlib figure
R_square : Boolean
Decides if R_square is plotted or S_square
save_to : str or None
Path to image file to save results. If `None`, show figure.
Matplotlib object
assert (
self.kmeans is not None
), "No cluster results found. Run \
label_tissue_regions() first."
centroids = self.kmeans.cluster_centers_
adatas = self.adatas
cluster_data = self.cluster_data
S_squre_for_each_st = []
R_squre_for_each_st = []
i_slice = 0
j_slice = 0
for adata in adatas:
j_slice = j_slice + adata.n_obs
sub_cluster_data = cluster_data[i_slice:j_slice]
S_square = estimate_percentage_variance_st(
sub_cluster_data, adata, centroids
R_squre_for_each_st.append(100 - S_square)
i_slice = i_slice + adata.n_obs
if R_square:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=fig_size)
range(len(R_squre_for_each_st)), R_squre_for_each_st, color="black"
plt.ylabel("percentage variance explained by Kmeans")
plt.ylim((0, 100))
fig = plt.figure(figsize=fig_size)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5))
range(len(S_squre_for_each_st)), S_squre_for_each_st, color="black"
plt.ylabel("percentage variance explained by Kmeans")
plt.ylim((0, 100))
if save_to:
plt.savefig(fname=save_to, transparent=True, bbox_inches="tight", dpi=300)
return fig
def plot_mse_st(
figsize=(5, 5),
loc="lower right",
bbox_coordinates=(0, 0, 1.5, 1.5),
estimate mean square error within each tissue domain
fig_size : Tuple
size for the bar plot
ncols : int, optional (default=`None`)
Number of columns for gridspec. If `None`, uses number of tissue domains k.
labels : list of str, optional (default=`None`)
Labels corresponding to each image in legend. If `None`, numeric index is
used for each imaage
titles : list of str, optional (default=`None`)
Titles of plots corresponding to each MILWRM domain. If `None`, titles
will be numbers 0 through k.
loc : str, optional (default = 'lower right')
str for legend position
bbox_coordinates : Tuple, optional (default = (0,0,1.5,1.5))
coordinates for the legend box
save_to : str, optional (default=`None`)
Path to image file to save plot
Matplotlib object
assert (
self.kmeans is not None
), "No cluster results found. Run \
label_tissue_regions() first."
cluster_data = self.cluster_data
adatas = self.adatas
k = self.k
features = self.features
centroids = self.kmeans.cluster_centers_
mse_id = estimate_mse_st(cluster_data, adatas, centroids, k)
colors =, 1, len(adatas)))
if titles is None:
titles = ["tissue_domain " + str(x) for x in range(self.k)]
if labels is None:
labels = range(len(adatas))
n_panels = len(mse_id.keys())
if ncols is None:
ncols = len(titles)
if n_panels <= ncols:
n_rows, n_cols = 1, n_panels
n_rows, n_cols = ceil(n_panels / ncols), ncols
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(n_cols * figsize[0], n_rows * figsize[1]))
left, bottom = 0.1 / n_cols, 0.1 / n_rows
gs = gridspec.GridSpec(
right=1 - (n_cols - 1) * left - 0.01 / n_cols,
top=1 - (n_rows - 1) * bottom - 0.1 / n_rows,
for i in mse_id.keys():
df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(mse_id[i])
plt.boxplot(df, positions=features, showfliers=False)
for col in df:
for k in range(len(df[col])):
dots = plt.scatter(
s=k + 1,
label=labels[k] if col == 0 else "",
offsets = dots.get_offsets()
jittered_offsets = offsets
# only jitter in the x-direction
jittered_offsets[:, 0] += np.random.uniform(
-0.3, 0.3, offsets.shape[0]
plt.ylabel("mean square error")
plt.legend(loc=loc, bbox_to_anchor=bbox_coordinates)
if save_to:
plt.savefig(fname=save_to, transparent=True, dpi=300)
return fig
def plot_tissue_ID_proportions_st(
figsize=(5, 5),
Plot proportion of each tissue domain within each slide
tID_labels : list of str, optional (default=`None`)
List of labels corresponding to MILWRM tissue domains for plotting legend
slide_labels : list of str, optional (default=`None`)
List of labels for each slide batch for labeling x-axis
figsize : tuple of float, optional (default=(5,5))
Size of matplotlib figure
cmap : str, optional (default = `"tab20"`)
Colormap from matplotlib
save_to : str, optional (default=`None`)
Path to image file to save plot
`gridspec.GridSpec` if `save_to` is `None`, else saves plot to file
df_count = pd.DataFrame()
for adata in self.adatas:
df = adata.obs["tissue_ID"].value_counts(normalize=True, sort=False)
df_count = pd.concat([df_count, df], axis=1)
df_count = df_count.T.reset_index(drop=True)
if tID_labels:
assert (
len(tID_labels) == df_count.shape[1]
), "Length of given tissue domain labels does not match number of tissue domains!"
df_count.columns = tID_labels
if slide_labels:
assert (
len(slide_labels) == df_count.shape[0]
), "Length of given slide labels does not match number of slides!"
df_count.index = slide_labels
ax =, cmap=cmap, figsize=figsize)
ax.legend(loc="best", bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1))
ax.set_ylabel("tissue domain proportion")
ax.set_ylim((0, 1))
if save_to is not None:
return ax
def show_feature_overlay(
Plot tissue_ID with individual pita features as alpha values to distinguish
expression in identified tissue domains
adata_index : int
Index of adata from `self.adatas` to plot overlays for (e.g. 0 for first
adata object)
pita : np.array
Image of desired expression in pixel space from `.assemble_pita()`
features : list of int, optional (default=`None`)
List of features by index to show in plot. If `None`, use all features.
histo : np.array or `None`, optional (default=`None`)
Histology image to show along with pita in gridspec. If `None`, ignore.
cmap : str, optional (default="tab20")
Matplotlib colormap to use for plotting tissue domains
label : str
What to title each panel of the gridspec (i.e. "PC" or "usage") or each
channel in RGB image. Can also pass list of names e.g. ["NeuN","GFAP",
"DAPI"] corresponding to channels.
ncols : int
Number of columns for gridspec
save_to : str or None
Path to image file to save results. if `None`, show figure.
Arguments to pass to `plt.imshow()` function
Matplotlib object (if plotting one feature or RGB) or gridspec object (for
multiple features). Saves plot to file if `save_to` is not `None`.
assert pita.ndim > 1, "Pita does not have enough dimensions: {} given".format(
assert pita.ndim < 4, "Pita has too many dimensions: {} given".format(pita.ndim)
# create tissue_ID pita for plotting
tIDs = assemble_pita(
# if pita has multiple features, plot them in gridspec
if isinstance(features, int): # force features into list if single integer
features = [features]
# if no features are given, use all of them
elif features is None:
features = [x + 1 for x in range(pita.shape[2])]
assert (
pita.ndim > 2
), "Not enough features in pita: shape {}, expecting 3rd dim with length {}".format(
pita.shape, len(features)
assert (
len(features) <= pita.shape[2]
), "Too many features given: pita has {}, expected {}".format(
pita.shape[2], len(features)
# min-max scale each feature in pita to convert to interpretable alpha values
mms = MinMaxScaler()
if pita.ndim == 3:
pita_tmp = mms.fit_transform(
pita.reshape((pita.shape[0] * pita.shape[1], pita.shape[2]))
elif pita.ndim == 2:
pita_tmp = mms.fit_transform(
pita.reshape((pita.shape[0] * pita.shape[1], 1))
# reshape back to original
pita = pita_tmp.reshape(pita.shape)
# figure out labels for gridspec plots
if isinstance(label, str):
# if label is single string, name channels numerically
labels = ["{}_{}".format(label, x) for x in features]
assert len(label) == len(
), "Please provide the same number of labels as features; {} labels given, {} features given.".format(
len(label), len(features)
labels = label
# calculate gridspec dimensions
if histo is not None:
# determine where the histo image is in anndata
assert (
in self.adatas[adata_index]
), "Must provide one of {} for histo".format(
histo = self.adatas[adata_index].uns["spatial"][
if len(features) + 2 <= ncols:
n_rows, n_cols = 1, len(features) + 2
n_rows, n_cols = ceil((len(features) + 2) / ncols), ncols
labels = ["Histology", "tissue_ID"] + labels # append to front of labels
if len(features) + 1 <= ncols:
n_rows, n_cols = 1, len(features) + 1
n_rows, n_cols = ceil(len(features) + 1 / ncols), ncols
labels = ["tissue_ID"] + labels # append to front of labels
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(ncols * n_cols, ncols * n_rows))
# arrange axes as subplots
gs = gridspec.GridSpec(n_rows, n_cols, figure=fig)
# add plots to axes
i = 0
if histo is not None:
# add histology plot to first axes
ax = plt.subplot(gs[i])
im = ax.imshow(histo, **kwargs)
ax.tick_params(labelbottom=False, labelleft=False)
sns.despine(bottom=True, left=True)
i = i + 1
# plot tissue_ID first with colorbar
ax = plt.subplot(gs[i])
im = ax.imshow(tIDs, cmap=cmap, **kwargs)
ax.tick_params(labelbottom=False, labelleft=False)
sns.despine(bottom=True, left=True)
# colorbar scale for tissue_IDs
_ = plt.colorbar(im, shrink=0.7)
i = i + 1
for feature in features:
ax = plt.subplot(gs[i])
im = ax.imshow(tIDs, alpha=pita[:, :, feature - 1], cmap=cmap, **kwargs)
ax.tick_params(labelbottom=False, labelleft=False)
sns.despine(bottom=True, left=True)
i = i + 1
if save_to:
plt.savefig(fname=save_to, transparent=True, bbox_inches="tight", dpi=300)
return fig
class mxif_labeler(tissue_labeler):
Tissue domain labeling class for multiplex immunofluorescence (MxIF) data
def __init__(self, image_df):
Initialize MxIF tissue labeler class
image_df : pd.DataFrame object
Containing MILWRM.MxIF.img objects or str path to compressed npz files,
batch names, mean estimator and pixel count for each image in the
following column order ['Img', 'batch_names', 'mean estimators', 'pixels']
Does not return anything. `self.images` attribute is updated,
`self.cluster_data` attribute is initiated as `None`.
tissue_labeler.__init__(self) # initialize parent class
# validate the format of the image_df dataframe
if np.all(
image_df.columns == ["Img", "batch_names", "mean estimators", "pixels"]
self.image_df = image_df
raise Exception(
"Image_df must be given with these columns in this format ['Img', 'batch_names', 'mean estimators', 'pixels']"
if self.image_df["Img"].apply(isinstance, args=[img]).all():
self.use_paths = False
elif self.image_df["Img"].apply(isinstance, args=[str]).all():
self.use_paths = True
raise Exception(
"Img column in the dataframe should be either str for paths to the files or mxif.img object"
def prep_cluster_data(
self, features, filter_name="gaussian", sigma=2, fract=0.2, path_save=None
Prepare master array for tissue level clustering
features : list of int or str
Indices or names of MxIF channels to use for tissue labeling
filter_name : str
Name of the filter to use - gaussian, median or bilateral
sigma : float, optional (default=2)
Standard deviation of Gaussian kernel for blurring
fract : float, optional (default=0.2)
Fraction of cluster data from each image to randomly select for model
path_save : str (default = None)
Path to save final preprocessed files, if self.use_path is True
default path_save will raise Exception
Does not return anything. `self.images` are normalized, blurred and scaled
according to user parameters. `self.cluster_data` becomes master `np.array`
for cluster training. Parameters are also captured as attributes for posterity.
if self.cluster_data is not None:
print("WARNING: overwriting existing cluster data")
self.cluster_data = None
# save the hyperparams as object attributes
self.model_features = features
use_path = self.use_paths
# calculate the batch wise means
mean_for_each_batch = {}
for batch in self.image_df["batch_names"].unique():
list_mean_estimators = list(
self.image_df[self.image_df["batch_names"] == batch]["mean estimators"]
mean_estimator_batch = sum(map(np.array, list_mean_estimators))
pixels = sum(self.image_df[self.image_df["batch_names"] == batch]["pixels"])
mean_for_each_batch[batch] = mean_estimator_batch / pixels
# log_normalize, apply blurring filter, minmax scale each channel and subsample
subsampled_data = []
path_to_blurred_npz = []
for image, batch in zip(self.image_df["Img"], self.image_df["batch_names"]):
tmp = prep_data_single_sample_mxif(
if self.use_paths == True:
batch_labels = [
[x] * len(subsampled_data[x]) for x in range(len(subsampled_data))
] # batch labels for umap
self.merged_batch_labels = list(itertools.chain(*batch_labels))
if self.use_paths == True:
self.image_df["Img"] = path_to_blurred_npz
cluster_data = np.row_stack(subsampled_data)
# perform z-score normalization on cluster_Data
scaler = StandardScaler()
self.scaler =
scaled_data = scaler.transform(cluster_data)
self.cluster_data = scaled_data
def label_tissue_regions(
self, k=None, alpha=0.05, plot_out=True, random_state=18, n_jobs=-1
Perform tissue-level clustering and label pixels in the corresponding
k : int, optional (default=None)
Number of tissue regions to define
alpha: float
Manually tuned factor on [0.0, 1.0] that penalizes the number of clusters
plot_out : boolean, optional (default=True)
Determines if scaled inertia plot should be output
random_state : int, optional (default=18)
Seed for k-means clustering model
n_jobs : int
Number of cores to parallelize k-choosing and tissue domain assignment across.
Default all available cores.
Does not return anything. `self.tissue_ID` is added, containing image with
final tissue region IDs. `self.kmeans` contains trained `sklearn` clustering
model. Parameters are also captured as attributes for posterity.
# save the hyperparams as object attributes
use_path = self.use_paths
# find optimal k with parent class
if k is None:
print("Determining optimal cluster number k via scaled inertia")
# call k-means model from parent class
self.find_tissue_regions(k=k, random_state=random_state)
# loop through image objects and create tissue label images
print("Creating tissue_ID images for image objects...")
self.tissue_IDs = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs, verbose=10)(
image, use_path, self.model_features, self.kmeans, self.scaler
for image in self.image_df["Img"]
def plot_percentage_variance_explained(
self, fig_size=(5, 5), R_square=False, save_to=None
plot percentage variance_explained or not explained by clustering
fig_size : Tuple
size for the bar plot
R_square : Boolean
Decides if R_square is plotted or S_square
save_to : str or None
Path to image file to save results. If `None`, show figure.
Matplotlib object
scaler = self.scaler
centroids = self.kmeans.cluster_centers_
features = self.model_features
use_path = self.use_paths
S_squre_for_each_image = []
R_squre_for_each_image = []
for image, tissue_ID in zip(self.image_df["Img"], self.tissue_IDs):
S_square = estimate_percentage_variance_mxif(
image, use_path, scaler, centroids, features, tissue_ID
R_squre_for_each_image.append(100 - S_square)
if R_square == True:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=fig_size)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5))
plt.ylabel("percentage variance explained by Kmeans")
plt.ylim((0, 100))
fig = plt.figure(figsize=fig_size)
plt.ylabel("percentage variance explained by Kmeans")
plt.ylim((0, 100))
if save_to:
plt.savefig(fname=save_to, transparent=True, bbox_inches="tight", dpi=300)
return fig
def confidence_score_images(self):
estimate confidence score for each image
self.confidence_IDs and self.confidence_score_df is added containing
confidence score for each tissue domain assignment and mean confidence score for
each tissue domain within each image
scaler = self.scaler
centroids = self.kmeans.cluster_centers_
features = self.model_features
tissue_IDs = self.tissue_IDs
use_path = self.use_paths
# confidence score estimation for each image
confidence_IDs = []
confidence_score_df = pd.DataFrame()
for i, image in enumerate(self.image_df["Img"]):
cID, scores_dict = estimate_confidence_score_mxif(
image, use_path, scaler, centroids, features, tissue_IDs[i]
df = pd.DataFrame(scores_dict.values(), columns=[i])
confidence_score_df = pd.concat(
[confidence_score_df, df.T], ignore_index=True
# adding confidence_IDs and confidence_score_df to tissue labeller object
self.confidence_IDs = confidence_IDs
self.confidence_score_df = confidence_score_df
def plot_mse_mxif(
figsize=(5, 5),
loc="lower right",
bbox_coordinates=(0, 0, 1.5, 1.5),
estimate mean square error within each tissue domain
fig_size : Tuple
size for the bar plot
ncols : int, optional (default=`None`)
Number of columns for gridspec. If `None`, uses number of tissue domains k.
labels : list of str, optional (default=`None`)
Labels corresponding to each image in legend. If `None`, numeric index is
used for each imaage
legend_cols : int, optional (default = `2`)
n_cols for legend
titles : list of str, optional (default=`None`)
Titles of plots corresponding to each MILWRM domain. If `None`, titles
will be numbers 0 through k.
loc : str, optional (default = 'lower right')
str for legend position
bbox_coordinates : Tuple, optional (default = (0,0,1.5,1.5))
coordinates for the legend box
save_to : str, optional (default=`None`)
Path to image file to save plot
Matplotlib object
assert (
self.kmeans is not None
), "No cluster results found. Run \
label_tissue_regions() first."
images = self.image_df["Img"]
use_path = self.use_paths
scaler = self.scaler
centroids = self.kmeans.cluster_centers_
features = self.model_features
k = self.k
features = self.model_features
tissue_IDs = self.tissue_IDs
mse_id = estimate_mse_mxif(
images, use_path, tissue_IDs, scaler, centroids, features, k
if labels is None:
labels = range(len(images))
if titles is None:
titles = ["tissue_ID " + str(x) for x in range(self.k)]
n_panels = len(mse_id.keys())
if ncols is None:
ncols = len(titles)
if n_panels <= ncols:
n_rows, n_cols = 1, n_panels
n_rows, n_cols = ceil(n_panels / ncols), ncols
colors =, 1, len(images)))
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(n_cols * figsize[0], n_rows * figsize[1]))
left, bottom = 0.1 / n_cols, 0.1 / n_rows
gs = gridspec.GridSpec(
right=1 - (n_cols - 1) * left - 0.01 / n_cols,
top=1 - (n_rows - 1) * bottom - 0.1 / n_rows,
for i in mse_id.keys():
df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(mse_id[i])
plt.boxplot(df, positions=range(len(features)), showfliers=False)
for col in df:
for k in range(len(images)):
dots = plt.scatter(
s=k + 1,
label=labels[k] if col == 0 else "",
offsets = dots.get_offsets()
jittered_offsets = offsets
# only jitter in the x-direction
jittered_offsets[:, 0] += np.random.uniform(
-0.3, 0.3, offsets.shape[0]
plt.ylabel("mean square error")
plt.legend(loc=loc, bbox_to_anchor=bbox_coordinates, ncol=legend_cols)
if save_to:
plt.savefig(fname=save_to, transparent=True, dpi=300)
return fig
def plot_tissue_ID_proportions_mxif(
figsize=(5, 5),
Plot proportion of each tissue domain within each slide
tID_labels : list of str, optional (default=`None`)
List of labels corresponding to MILWRM tissue domains for plotting legend
slide_labels : list of str, optional (default=`None`)
List of labels for each slide batch for labeling x-axis
figsize : tuple of float, optional (default=(5,5))
Size of matplotlib figure
cmap : str, optional (default = `"tab20"`)
save_to : str, optional (default=`None`)
Path to image file to save plot
`gridspec.GridSpec` if `save_to` is `None`, else saves plot to file
df_count = pd.DataFrame()
for i in range(len(self.tissue_IDs)):
unique, counts = np.unique(self.tissue_IDs[i], return_counts=True)
dict_ = dict(zip(unique, counts))
n_counts = []
for k in range(self.k):
if k not in dict_.keys():
df = pd.DataFrame(n_counts, columns=[i])
df_count = pd.concat([df_count, df], axis=1)
df_count = df_count / df_count.sum()
if tID_labels:
assert (
len(tID_labels) == df_count.shape[1]
), "Length of given tissue domain labels does not match number of tissue domains!"
df_count.columns = tID_labels
if slide_labels:
assert (
len(slide_labels) == df_count.shape[0]
), "Length of given slide labels does not match number of slides!"
df_count.index = slide_labels
self.tissue_ID_proportion = df_count
ax =, cmap=cmap, figsize=figsize)
ax.legend(loc="best", bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1))
ax.set_ylabel("tissue domain proportion")
ax.set_ylim((0, 1))
if save_to is not None:
return ax
def make_umap(self, frac=None, cmap="tab20", save_to=None, alpha=0.8, dot_size_batch = 0.1):
plot umap for the cluster data
frac : None or float
if None entire cluster data is used for the computation of umap
else that percentage of cluster data is used.
cmap : str
str for cmap used for plotting. Default `"tab20"`.
save_to : str or None
Path to image file to save results. if `None`, show figure.
alpha : float
opaqueness of umap scatter plot (default=`0.8`)
dot_size_batch = float
scatter plot dot size (default=`0.1`)
Matplotlib object
cluster_data = self.cluster_data
centroids = self.kmeans.cluster_centers_
batch_labels = self.merged_batch_labels
kmeans_labels = self.kmeans.labels_
k = self.k
# perform umap on the cluster data
umap_centroid_data, standard_embedding_1 = perform_umap(
# defining a size of datapoints for scatter plot and tick labels
size = [0.01] * len(umap_centroid_data.index)
size[-k:] = [10] * k
ticks = np.unique(np.array(umap_centroid_data["Kmeans_labels"]))
tick_label = list(np.unique(np.array(umap_centroid_data["Kmeans_labels"])))
tick_label[-1] = "centroids"
# plotting a fig with two subplots
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(20, 10))
# defining color_map
disc_cmap_1 =
cmap, len(np.unique(np.array(umap_centroid_data.index)))
disc_cmap_2 =
cmap, len(np.unique(np.array(umap_centroid_data["Kmeans_labels"])))
plot_1 = ax1.scatter(
standard_embedding_1[:, 0],
standard_embedding_1[:, 1],
ax1.set_title("UMAP with batch labels", fontsize = 24)
ax1.set_xlabel("UMAP 2")
ax1.set_ylabel("UMAP 1")
cbar_1 = plt.colorbar(plot_1, ax=ax1)
plot_2 = ax2.scatter(
standard_embedding_1[:, 0],
standard_embedding_1[:, 1],
ax2.set_title("UMAP with tissue domains", fontsize = 24)
ax2.set_xlabel("UMAP 2")
ax2.set_ylabel("UMAP 1")
cbar_2 = plt.colorbar(plot_2, ax=ax2, ticks=ticks)
if save_to:
plt.savefig(fname=save_to, transparent=True, bbox_inches="tight", dpi=300)
return fig
def show_marker_overlay(
Plot tissue_ID with individual markers as alpha values to distinguish
expression in identified tissue domains
image_index : int
Index of image from `self.images` to plot overlays for (e.g. 0 for first
channels : tuple of int or None, optional (default=`None`)
List of channels by index or name to show
cmap : str, optional (default="plasma")
Matplotlib colormap to use for plotting tissue domains
mask_out : bool, optional (default=`True`)
Mask out non-tissue pixels prior to showing
ncols : int
Number of columns for gridspec if plotting individual channels.
save_to : str or None
Path to image file to save results. If `None`, show figure.
Arguments to pass to `plt.imshow()` function.
Matplotlib object (if plotting one feature or RGB) or gridspec object (for
multiple features). Saves plot to file if `save_to` is not `None`.
# if image has multiple channels, plot them in gridspec
if isinstance(channels, int): # force channels into list if single integer
channels = [channels]
if isinstance(channels, str): # force channels into int if single string
channels = [self[image_index].ch.index(channels)]
if checktype(channels): # force channels into list of int if list of strings
channels = [self[image_index].ch.index(x) for x in channels]
if channels is None: # if no channels are given, use all of them
channels = [x for x in range(self[image_index].n_ch)]
assert (
len(channels) <= self[image_index].n_ch
), "Too many channels given: image has {}, expected {}".format(
self[image_index].n_ch, len(channels)
# creating a copy of the image
image_cp = self[image_index].copy()
# re-scaling to set pixel value range between 0 to 1
# defining cmap for discrete color bar
cmap =, self.k)
# calculate gridspec dimensions
if len(channels) + 1 <= ncols:
n_rows, n_cols = 1, len(channels) + 1
n_rows, n_cols = ceil(len(channels) + 1 / ncols), ncols
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(ncols * n_cols, ncols * n_rows))
# arrange axes as subplots
gs = gridspec.GridSpec(n_rows, n_cols, figure=fig)
# plot tissue_ID first with colorbar
ax = plt.subplot(gs[0])
im = ax.imshow(self.tissue_IDs[image_index], cmap=cmap, **kwargs)
ax.tick_params(labelbottom=False, labelleft=False)
sns.despine(bottom=True, left=True)
# colorbar scale for tissue_IDs
_ = plt.colorbar(im, ticks=range(self.k), shrink=0.7)
# add plots to axes
i = 1
for channel in channels:
ax = plt.subplot(gs[i])
# make copy for alpha
im_tmp = image_cp.img[:, :, channel].copy()
if self[image_index].mask is not None and mask_out:
# area outside mask NaN
self.tissue_IDs[image_index][self[image_index].mask == 0] = np.nan
im = ax.imshow(
self.tissue_IDs[image_index], cmap=cmap, alpha=im_tmp, **kwargs
ax.imshow(self.tissue_IDs[image_index], alpha=im_tmp, **kwargs)
ax.tick_params(labelbottom=False, labelleft=False)
sns.despine(bottom=True, left=True)
i = i + 1
if save_to:
plt.savefig(fname=save_to, transparent=True, bbox_inches="tight", dpi=300)
return fig
def add_tissue_ID_single_sample_mxif(image, use_path, features, kmeans, scaler)
Label pixels in a single MxIF sample with kmeans results
- np.array containing MxIF data or path to the compressed npz file
- True if image is given as a path to the compressed npz file, False if image is given as MILWRM.MxIF.img object
- Indices or names of MxIF channels to use for tissue labeling
- Trained k-means model
- Image where pixel values are kmeans cluster IDs
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def add_tissue_ID_single_sample_mxif(image, use_path, features, kmeans, scaler): """ Label pixels in a single MxIF sample with kmeans results Parameters ---------- image : MILWRM.MxIF.img or str np.array containing MxIF data or path to the compressed npz file use_path : Boolean True if image is given as a path to the compressed npz file, False if image is given as MILWRM.MxIF.img object features : list of int or str Indices or names of MxIF channels to use for tissue labeling kmeans : sklearn.kmeans Trained k-means model Returns ------- tID : np.array Image where pixel values are kmeans cluster IDs """ if use_path == True: image_path = image + ".npz" image = img.from_npz(image_path) if isinstance(features, int): # force features into list if single integer features = [features] if isinstance(features, str): # force features into int if single string features = [] if checktype(features): # force features into list of int if list of strings features = [ for x in features] if features is None: # if no features are given, use all of them features = [x for x in range(image.n_ch)] # subset to features used in prep_cluster_data tmp = image.img[:, :, features] w, h, d = tuple(tmp.shape) image_array = tmp.reshape((w * h, d)) scaled_image_array = scaler.transform(image_array) tID = kmeans.predict(scaled_image_array).reshape(w, h) tID = tID.astype(float) # TODO: Figure out dtypes tID[image.mask == 0] = np.nan # set masked-out pixels to NaN return tID
def chooseBestKforKMeansParallel(scaled_data, k_range, n_jobs=-1, **kwargs)
Determines optimal k value by fitting k-means models to scaled data and minimizing scaled inertia
Adapted from
- Scaled data. Rows are samples and columns are features for clustering.
- k range for applying KMeans
- Number of cores to parallelize k-choosing across
- Arguments to pass to
- Chosen value of k out of the given k range. Chosen k is k with the minimum scaled inertia value.
- Adjusted inertia value for each k in k_range
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def chooseBestKforKMeansParallel(scaled_data, k_range, n_jobs=-1, **kwargs): """ Determines optimal k value by fitting k-means models to scaled data and minimizing scaled inertia Adapted from Parameters ---------- scaled_data: np.array Scaled data. Rows are samples and columns are features for clustering. k_range: list of int k range for applying KMeans n_jobs : int Number of cores to parallelize k-choosing across **kwargs Arguments to pass to `kMeansRes()` (i.e. `alpha_k`, `random_state`) Returns ------- best_k: int Chosen value of k out of the given k range. Chosen k is k with the minimum scaled inertia value. results: pd.DataFrame Adjusted inertia value for each k in k_range """ ans = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs, verbose=10)( delayed(kMeansRes)(scaled_data, k, **kwargs) for k in k_range ) ans = list(zip(k_range, ans)) results = pd.DataFrame(ans, columns=["k", "Scaled Inertia"]).set_index("k") best_k = results.idxmin()[0] return best_k, results
def estimate_confidence_score_mxif(image, use_path, scaler, centroids, features, tissue_ID)
Estimate confidence score for the assigned tissue_IDs in MxIF slide by taking difference between distance to the second closest centroid and the assigned centroid divided by distance to the second closest centroid.
- np.array containing MxIF data or path to the compressed npz file
- True if image is given as a path to the compressed npz file, False if image is given as MILWRM.MxIF.img object
:standardscaler() object
- standard scaler used for cluster data normalization
- kmeans cluster centroids
- Indices or names of MxIF channels to use for tissue labeling
- numpy array containing kmeans labels on image
- overall confidence score for each pixel's cluster assignment
- mean confidence score for each tissue domain (keys for the dictionary)
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def estimate_confidence_score_mxif( image, use_path, scaler, centroids, features, tissue_ID ): """ Estimate confidence score for the assigned tissue_IDs in MxIF slide by taking difference between distance to the second closest centroid and the assigned centroid divided by distance to the second closest centroid. Parameters ---------- image : MILWRM.MxIF.img or str np.array containing MxIF data or path to the compressed npz file use_path : Boolean True if image is given as a path to the compressed npz file, False if image is given as MILWRM.MxIF.img object scaler : standardscaler() object standard scaler used for cluster data normalization centroids : np.ndarray kmeans cluster centroids features : list of int or str Indices or names of MxIF channels to use for tissue labeling tissue_ID : np.ndarray numpy array containing kmeans labels on image Returns ------- Conf_ID : np.ndarray overall confidence score for each pixel's cluster assignment mean_conf_score : dict mean confidence score for each tissue domain (keys for the dictionary) """ if use_path == True: image_path = image + ".npz" image = img.from_npz(image_path) if isinstance(features, int): # force features into list if single integer features = [features] if isinstance(features, str): # force features into int if single string features = [] if checktype(features): # force features into list of int if list of strings features = [ for x in features] if features is None: # if no features are given, use all of them features = [x for x in range(image.n_ch)] w, h, d = image.img[:, :, features].shape img_ar = image.img[:, :, features].reshape((w * h), d) scaled_img_ar = scaler.transform(img_ar) img_sc = scaled_img_ar.reshape((w, h, d)) # initializing an empty numpy array to store distance to each centroid along axis = 2 dist_ar = np.zeros((w, h, len(centroids))) for i, centroid in enumerate(centroids): dist = ((img_sc) - (centroid)) ** 2 dist_cp = np.sum(dist, axis=2) dist_ar[:, :, i] = dist_ar[:, :, i] + dist_cp # sorting the numpy array according to distance from centroids new_dist_ar = np.sort(dist_ar, axis=2) # estimating new confidence score cID = ((new_dist_ar[:, :, 1]) - (new_dist_ar[:, :, 0])) / new_dist_ar[:, :, 1] cID[image.mask == 0] = np.nan # estimating average confidence score in that image mean_conf_score = {} for i in range(len(centroids)): mean_conf_score[i] = np.mean(cID[tissue_ID == i]) return cID, mean_conf_score
def estimate_confidence_score_st(sub_cluster_data, adata, centroids)
Estimate confidence score for the assigned tissue_IDs in a visium slide by taking difference between distance to the second closest centroid and the assigned centroid divided by distance to the second closest centroid.
- np.ndarray containing data for that visium slide used for kmeans
- AnnData object containing Visium data
- kmeans cluster centroids
Confidence_score added to adata.obs
- mean confidence score for each tissue domain (keys for the dictionary)
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def estimate_confidence_score_st(sub_cluster_data, adata, centroids): """ Estimate confidence score for the assigned tissue_IDs in a visium slide by taking difference between distance to the second closest centroid and the assigned centroid divided by distance to the second closest centroid. Parameters ---------- sub_cluster_data : np.ndarray np.ndarray containing data for that visium slide used for kmeans adata : anndata.AnnData AnnData object containing Visium data centroids : np.ndarray kmeans cluster centroids Returns ------- Confidence_score added to adata.obs mean_conf_score : dict mean confidence score for each tissue domain (keys for the dictionary) """ # initializing zeros array to store distances dist_mx = np.zeros((sub_cluster_data.shape[0], len(centroids))) # calculating distance to each centroid for i, centroid in enumerate(centroids): dist_cp = ((sub_cluster_data) - (centroid)) ** 2 dist = np.sum(dist_cp, axis=1) dist_mx[:, i] = dist_mx[:, i] + dist # sorting distances according to distance from centroids new_dist_ar = np.sort(dist_mx, axis=1) # using assigned and second closest centroid to estimate confidence score cID = ((new_dist_ar[:, 1]) - (new_dist_ar[:, 0])) / new_dist_ar[:, 1] adata.obs["confidence_score"] = cID score_df = pd.DataFrame(cID, columns=["score"]) score_df["tissue_ID"] = adata.obs["tissue_ID"].values mean_conf_score = {} for i in range(len(centroids)): if (adata.obs["tissue_ID"] == i).any(): mean_conf_score[i] = score_df[score_df["tissue_ID"] == i]["score"].mean() else: mean_conf_score[i] = np.nan return mean_conf_score
def estimate_mse_mxif(images, use_path, tissue_IDs, scaler, centroids, features, k)
Estimate mean square error for each tissue domain for each MxIF images
- list of MILWRM.MxIF.img objects or path to images (str)
- True if image is given as a path to the compressed npz file, False if image is given as MILWRM.MxIF.img object
- list of predicted tissue_ID for each image
:standardscaler() object
- standard scaler used for cluster data normalization
- kmeans cluster centroids
- Indices or names of MxIF channels to use for tissue labeling
- number of tissue domains
- containing mean square error for each tissue for each visium slide
Expand source code
def estimate_mse_mxif(images, use_path, tissue_IDs, scaler, centroids, features, k): """ Estimate mean square error for each tissue domain for each MxIF images Parameters ---------- images : list list of MILWRM.MxIF.img objects or path to images (str) use_path : Boolean True if image is given as a path to the compressed npz file, False if image is given as MILWRM.MxIF.img object tissue_IDs : list list of predicted tissue_ID for each image scaler : standardscaler() object standard scaler used for cluster data normalization centroids : np.ndarray kmeans cluster centroids features : list of int or str Indices or names of MxIF channels to use for tissue labeling k : int number of tissue domains Returns ------- mse_id : dict containing mean square error for each tissue for each visium slide """ mse_temp = {} for image_index, image in enumerate(images): if use_path == True: image_path = image + ".npz" image = img.from_npz(image_path) if isinstance(features, int): # force features into list if single integer features = [features] if isinstance(features, str): # force features into int if single string features = [] if checktype(features): # force features into list of int if list of strings features = [ for x in features] if features is None: # if no features are given, use all of them features = [x for x in range(image.n_ch)] # getting the channels used for MILWRM clustering and scaling the image img_ar = image.img[:, :, features] w, h, d = img_ar.shape scaled_img_ar = scaler.transform(img_ar.reshape((w * h, d))) scaled_img_ar = scaled_img_ar.reshape((w, h, d)) ar = tissue_IDs[image_index] mse = {} for i in range(k): x = ( (scaled_img_ar[ar == i]) - (centroids[i]) ) ** 2 # estimating mse for each tissue domain for that image if len(x) == 0: mse[i] = np.zeros((centroids.shape[1])) else: mse[i] = x.mean(axis=0) mse_temp[image_index] = mse mse_id = {} # reorganizing within a new dictionary with keys as tissue domains for i in range(k): mse_l = [] for image_index, image in enumerate(images): mse_l.append(mse_temp[image_index][i]) mse_id[i] = mse_l return mse_id
def estimate_mse_st(cluster_data, adatas, centroids, k)
Estimate mean square error for each tissue domain for each visium slide
- np.ndarray containing cluster_data used for kmeans
- list of anndata.AnnData objects for visium slides
- kmeans cluster centroids
- number of tissue domains
- containing mean square error for each tissue for each visium slide
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def estimate_mse_st(cluster_data, adatas, centroids, k): """ Estimate mean square error for each tissue domain for each visium slide Parameters ---------- cluster_data : np.ndarray np.ndarray containing cluster_data used for kmeans adatas : list list of anndata.AnnData objects for visium slides centroids : np.ndarray kmeans cluster centroids k : int number of tissue domains Returns ------- mse_id : dict containing mean square error for each tissue for each visium slide """ mse_id = {} for i in range(k): i_slice = 0 j_slice = 0 diff = [] for adata in adatas: j_slice = j_slice + adata.n_obs df = pd.DataFrame(adata.obs["tissue_ID"]) df["index"] = list(range(adata.n_obs)) data = cluster_data[ i_slice:j_slice ] # slicing cluster data for sub_cluster_data for that visium slide x = ( (data[df[df["tissue_ID"] == i]["index"]]) - (centroids[i]) ) ** 2 # difference between each data point and centroids if len(x) == 0: diff.append(np.zeros((centroids.shape[1]))) else: mse = x.mean(axis=0) # mean of all the differences # diff.append(mse.mean(axis = 0)) diff.append(mse) i_slice = adata.n_obs mse_id[i] = diff return mse_id
def estimate_percentage_variance_mxif(image, use_path, scaler, centroids, features, tissue_ID)
Estimate percentage variance explained by clustering for an image
- np.array containing MxIF data or path to the compressed npz file
- True if image is given as a path to the compressed npz file, False if image is given as MILWRM.MxIF.img object
:standardscaler() object
- standard scaler used for cluster data normalization
- kmeans cluster centroids
- Indices or names of MxIF channels to use for tissue labeling
- numpy array containing kmeans labels on image
- percentage variance in data explained by the kmeans clustering
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def estimate_percentage_variance_mxif( image, use_path, scaler, centroids, features, tissue_ID ): """ Estimate percentage variance explained by clustering for an image Parameters ---------- image : MILWRM.MxIF.img or str np.array containing MxIF data or path to the compressed npz file use_path : Boolean True if image is given as a path to the compressed npz file, False if image is given as MILWRM.MxIF.img object scaler : standardscaler() object standard scaler used for cluster data normalization centroids : np.ndarray kmeans cluster centroids features : list of int or str Indices or names of MxIF channels to use for tissue labeling tissue_ID : np.ndarray numpy array containing kmeans labels on image Returns ------- S_square_pct : float percentage variance in data explained by the kmeans clustering """ if use_path == True: image_path = image + ".npz" image = img.from_npz(image_path) if isinstance(features, int): # force features into list if single integer features = [features] if isinstance(features, str): # force features into int if single string features = [] if checktype(features): # force features into list of int if list of strings features = [ for x in features] if features is None: # if no features are given, use all of them features = [x for x in range(image.n_ch)] # getting the channels used for MILWRM clustering and scaling the image w, h, d = image.img[:, :, features].shape img_ar = image.img[:, :, features].reshape((w * h), d) scaled_img_ar = scaler.transform(img_ar) tissue_ID = tissue_ID.reshape(w * h) # init a numpy array of image shape to store the distance from pixels to centroids dc = np.zeros(scaled_img_ar.shape) for i in range(centroids.shape[0]): dc[tissue_ID == i] = ((scaled_img_ar[tissue_ID == i]) - (centroids[i])) ** 2 # estimating the difference between pixels and the image mean dm = ((scaled_img_ar) - (scaled_img_ar.mean(axis=0))) ** 2 # taking ratio of sum of differences for all points from centroids and data mean S_square = np.sum(dc) / np.sum(dm) S_square_pct = S_square * 100 return S_square_pct
def estimate_percentage_variance_st(sub_cluster_data, adata, centroids)
Estimate percentage variance explained by clustering for a visium slide
- np.ndarray containing data for that visium slide used for kmeans
- AnnData object containing Visium data
- kmeans cluster centroids
- percentage variance in data explained by the kmeans clustering
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def estimate_percentage_variance_st(sub_cluster_data, adata, centroids): """ Estimate percentage variance explained by clustering for a visium slide Parameters ---------- sub_cluster_data : np.ndarray np.ndarray containing data for that visium slide used for kmeans adata : anndata.AnnData AnnData object containing Visium data centroids : np.ndarray kmeans cluster centroids Returns ------- S_square_pct : float percentage variance in data explained by the kmeans clustering """ dc = [] df = pd.DataFrame(adata.obs["tissue_ID"]) ids = pd.unique(df["tissue_ID"]) df["index"] = list(range(adata.n_obs)) for i in ids: # estimating euclidean distance from the data point to closest centroid diff = ( (sub_cluster_data[df[df["tissue_ID"] == i]["index"]]) - (centroids[i]) ) ** 2 dc.append(diff) dc = np.row_stack(dc) # estimating euclidean distance from each data point to the mean of the data dm = (sub_cluster_data - sub_cluster_data.mean(axis=0)) ** 2 # getting sum across features # taking ratio of sum of distances for all data points from centroids and data mean S = np.sum(dc) / np.sum(dm) S_square_pct = S * 100 return S_square_pct
def kMeansRes(scaled_data, k, alpha_k=0.02, random_state=18)
Calculates inertia value for a given k value by fitting k-means model to scaled data
Adapted from
- Scaled data. Rows are samples and columns are features for clustering
- Current k for applying KMeans
- Manually tuned factor that gives penalty to the number of clusters
- Scaled inertia value for current k
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def kMeansRes(scaled_data, k, alpha_k=0.02, random_state=18): """ Calculates inertia value for a given k value by fitting k-means model to scaled data Adapted from Parameters ---------- scaled_data: np.array Scaled data. Rows are samples and columns are features for clustering k: int Current k for applying KMeans alpha_k: float Manually tuned factor that gives penalty to the number of clusters Returns ------- scaled_inertia: float Scaled inertia value for current k """ inertia_o = np.square((scaled_data - scaled_data.mean(axis=0))).sum() # fit k-means kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=k, random_state=random_state).fit(scaled_data) scaled_inertia = kmeans.inertia_ / inertia_o + alpha_k * k return scaled_inertia
def perform_umap(cluster_data, centroids, batch_labels, kmeans_labels, frac)
Compute umap coordinates for the given cluster_data
- containing data used to build kmeans model
- kmeans cluster centroids
- list containing batch label for each datapoint
- list containing tissue domain labels for each datapoint
- if None entire cluster_data is used to compute umap if float that fraction of data is used to compute the umap
- combined dataframe with cluster_data used for computation of Umap, centroids, batch_labels and kmeans_labels
- containing umap coordinates
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def perform_umap(cluster_data, centroids, batch_labels, kmeans_labels, frac): """ Compute umap coordinates for the given cluster_data Parameters ---------- cluster_data : np.ndarray containing data used to build kmeans model centroids : np.ndarray kmeans cluster centroids batch_labels : list list containing batch label for each datapoint kmeans_label : list list containing tissue domain labels for each datapoint frac : None or float if None entire cluster_data is used to compute umap if float that fraction of data is used to compute the umap Returns ------- umap_centroid_data : pd.DataFrame combined dataframe with cluster_data used for computation of Umap, centroids, batch_labels and kmeans_labels standard_embedding : pd.DataFrame containing umap coordinates """ df = pd.DataFrame(cluster_data, batch_labels) df["Kmeans_labels"] = kmeans_labels # if cluster_data is too big randomly subsample a fraction of it otherwise use the # entire data if frac: umap_data = pd.DataFrame() for i in np.unique(batch_labels): umap_data = pd.concat([umap_data, df.loc[i].sample(frac=frac)]) else: umap_data = df # append the centroids to the dataframe with a different index and kmeans labels centroids = pd.DataFrame( centroids, index=[umap_data.index[-1] + 1] * len(centroids) ) centroids["Kmeans_labels"] = [kmeans_labels.max() + 1] * len(centroids) umap_centroid_data = pd.concat([umap_data, centroids]) # compute umap neighbours = int(len(umap_centroid_data) ** 0.5) mapper = umap.UMAP(random_state=42, n_neighbors=neighbours).fit( umap_centroid_data.loc[:, umap_centroid_data.columns != "Kmeans_labels"] ) standard_embedding = mapper.transform( umap_centroid_data.loc[:, umap_centroid_data.columns != "Kmeans_labels"] ) return umap_centroid_data, standard_embedding
def prep_data_single_sample_mxif(image, use_path, mean, filter_name, sigma, features, fract, path_save)
Perform log normalization, and blurring on the given image data
- np.array containing MxIF data or path to the compressed npz file
- True if image is given as a path to the compressed npz file, False if image is given as MILWRM.MxIF.img object
:numpy array
- Containing mean for each channel for that batch
- Name of the filter to use - gaussian, median or bilateral
, optional- Standard deviation of Gaussian kernel for blurring
- Indices or names of MxIF channels to use for tissue labeling
, optional- Fraction of cluster data from each image to randomly select for model building
- Path to save final preprocessed files
- np.array containing randomly sampled pixels for that image
- path to save preprocessed img object
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def prep_data_single_sample_mxif( image, use_path, mean, filter_name, sigma, features, fract, path_save ): """ Perform log normalization, and blurring on the given image data Parameters ---------- image : MILWRM.MxIF.img or str np.array containing MxIF data or path to the compressed npz file use_path : Boolean True if image is given as a path to the compressed npz file, False if image is given as MILWRM.MxIF.img object mean : numpy array Containing mean for each channel for that batch filter_name : str Name of the filter to use - gaussian, median or bilateral sigma : float, optional Standard deviation of Gaussian kernel for blurring features : list of int or str Indices or names of MxIF channels to use for tissue labeling fract : float, optional Fraction of cluster data from each image to randomly select for model building path_save : str Path to save final preprocessed files Returns ------- Subsampled_data : np.array np.array containing randomly sampled pixels for that image file_save : str path to save preprocessed img object """ if use_path == True: # if images are given as path to the compressed npz file if path_save == None: # check if path to save final processed file is given raise Exception( "Path to save final preprocessed npz files is requird when given path to image files" ) image_path = image image = img.from_npz(image_path + ".npz") # batch correction image.log_normalize(mean=mean) # apply the desired filter image.blurring(filter_name=filter_name, sigma=sigma) # min max scaling of each channel # for i in range(image.img.shape[2]): # img_ar = image.img[:, :, i][image.mask != 0] # img_ar_max = img_ar.max() # img_ar_min = img_ar.min() # # print(img_ar_max, img_ar_min) # image_ar_scaled = (image.img[:, :, i] - img_ar_min) / (img_ar_max - img_ar_min) # image.img[:, :, i] = image_ar_scaled # subsample pixels to build the kmeans model subsampled_data = image.subsample_pixels(features, fract) if use_path == True: new_image_path = os.path.join(path_save, "_final_preprocessed_images") if not os.path.exists(new_image_path): os.mkdir(new_image_path) file_name = image_path.split("/")[-1] + "_final_preprocessed" file_save = os.path.join(new_image_path, file_name) image.to_npz(file_save) return subsampled_data, file_save return subsampled_data
def prep_data_single_sample_st(adata, adata_i, use_rep, features, histo, fluor_channels, spatial_graph_key=None, n_rings=1)
Prepare dataframe for tissue-level clustering from a single AnnData sample
- AnnData object containing Visium data
- Index of AnnData object for identification within
object use_rep
- Representation from
to use as clustering data (e.g. "X_pca") features
, optional(default=
- List of features to use from
(e.g. [0,1,2,3,4] to use first 5 principal components whenuse_rep
="X_pca"). IfNone
, use all features fromadata.obsm[use_rep]
, optional(default
- Use histology data from Visium anndata object (R,G,B brightfield features)
in addition to
? If fluorescent imaging data rather than brightfield, usefluor_channels
argument instead. fluor_channels
, optional(default
- Channels from fluorescent image to use for model training (e.g. [1,3] for
channels 1 and 3 of Visium fluorescent imaging data). If
, do not use imaging data for training. spatial_graph_key
, optional(default=
- Key in
containing spatial graph connectivities (i.e."spatial_connectivities"
). IfNone
, compute new spatial graph usingn_rings
. n_rings
, optional(default=1)
- Number of hexagonal rings around each spatial transcriptomics spot to blur features by for capturing regional information. Assumes 10X Genomics Visium platform.
- Clustering data from
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def prep_data_single_sample_st( adata, adata_i, use_rep, features, histo, fluor_channels, spatial_graph_key=None, n_rings=1, ): """ Prepare dataframe for tissue-level clustering from a single AnnData sample Parameters ---------- adata : anndata.AnnData AnnData object containing Visium data adata_i : int Index of AnnData object for identification within `st_labeler` object use_rep : str Representation from `adata.obsm` to use as clustering data (e.g. "X_pca") features : list of int or None, optional (default=`None`) List of features to use from `adata.obsm[use_rep]` (e.g. [0,1,2,3,4] to use first 5 principal components when `use_rep`="X_pca"). If `None`, use all features from `adata.obsm[use_rep]` histo : bool, optional (default `False`) Use histology data from Visium anndata object (R,G,B brightfield features) in addition to `adata.obsm[use_rep]`? If fluorescent imaging data rather than brightfield, use `fluor_channels` argument instead. fluor_channels : list of int or None, optional (default `None`) Channels from fluorescent image to use for model training (e.g. [1,3] for channels 1 and 3 of Visium fluorescent imaging data). If `None`, do not use imaging data for training. spatial_graph_key : str, optional (default=`None`) Key in `adata.obsp` containing spatial graph connectivities (i.e. `"spatial_connectivities"`). If `None`, compute new spatial graph using `n_rings` in `squidpy`. n_rings : int, optional (default=1) Number of hexagonal rings around each spatial transcriptomics spot to blur features by for capturing regional information. Assumes 10X Genomics Visium platform. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame Clustering data from `adata.obsm[use_rep]` """ tmp = pd.DataFrame() tmp[[use_rep + "_{}".format(x) for x in features]] = adata.obsm[use_rep][ :, features ] if histo: assert ( fluor_channels is None ), "If histo is True, fluor_channels must be None. \ Histology specifies brightfield H&E with three (3) features." print("Adding mean RGB histology features for adata #{}".format(adata_i)) tmp[["R_mean", "G_mean", "B_mean"]] = adata.obsm["image_means"] if fluor_channels: assert ( histo is False ), "If fluorescence channels are given, histo must be False. \ Histology specifies brightfield H&E with three (3) features." print( "Adding mean fluorescent channels {} for adata #{}".format( fluor_channels, adata_i ) ) tmp[["ch_{}_mean".format(x) for x in fluor_channels]] = adata.obsm[ "image_means" ][:, fluor_channels] if n_rings > 0: # blur the features extracted in tmp tmp = blur_features_st( adata, tmp, spatial_graph_key=spatial_graph_key, n_rings=n_rings ) return tmp
class mxif_labeler (image_df)
Tissue domain labeling class for multiplex immunofluorescence (MxIF) data
Initialize MxIF tissue labeler class
:pd.DataFrame object
- Containing MILWRM.MxIF.img objects or str path to compressed npz files, batch names, mean estimator and pixel count for each image in the following column order ['Img', 'batch_names', 'mean estimators', 'pixels']
Does not return anything.
attribute is updated,self.cluster_data
attribute is initiated asNone
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class mxif_labeler(tissue_labeler): """ Tissue domain labeling class for multiplex immunofluorescence (MxIF) data """ def __init__(self, image_df): """ Initialize MxIF tissue labeler class Parameters ---------- image_df : pd.DataFrame object Containing MILWRM.MxIF.img objects or str path to compressed npz files, batch names, mean estimator and pixel count for each image in the following column order ['Img', 'batch_names', 'mean estimators', 'pixels'] Returns ------- Does not return anything. `self.images` attribute is updated, `self.cluster_data` attribute is initiated as `None`. """ tissue_labeler.__init__(self) # initialize parent class # validate the format of the image_df dataframe if np.all( image_df.columns == ["Img", "batch_names", "mean estimators", "pixels"] ): self.image_df = image_df else: raise Exception( "Image_df must be given with these columns in this format ['Img', 'batch_names', 'mean estimators', 'pixels']" ) if self.image_df["Img"].apply(isinstance, args=[img]).all(): self.use_paths = False elif self.image_df["Img"].apply(isinstance, args=[str]).all(): self.use_paths = True else: raise Exception( "Img column in the dataframe should be either str for paths to the files or mxif.img object" ) def prep_cluster_data( self, features, filter_name="gaussian", sigma=2, fract=0.2, path_save=None ): """ Prepare master array for tissue level clustering Parameters ---------- features : list of int or str Indices or names of MxIF channels to use for tissue labeling filter_name : str Name of the filter to use - gaussian, median or bilateral sigma : float, optional (default=2) Standard deviation of Gaussian kernel for blurring fract : float, optional (default=0.2) Fraction of cluster data from each image to randomly select for model building path_save : str (default = None) Path to save final preprocessed files, if self.use_path is True default path_save will raise Exception Returns ------- Does not return anything. `self.images` are normalized, blurred and scaled according to user parameters. `self.cluster_data` becomes master `np.array` for cluster training. Parameters are also captured as attributes for posterity. """ if self.cluster_data is not None: print("WARNING: overwriting existing cluster data") self.cluster_data = None # save the hyperparams as object attributes self.model_features = features use_path = self.use_paths # calculate the batch wise means mean_for_each_batch = {} for batch in self.image_df["batch_names"].unique(): list_mean_estimators = list( self.image_df[self.image_df["batch_names"] == batch]["mean estimators"] ) mean_estimator_batch = sum(map(np.array, list_mean_estimators)) pixels = sum(self.image_df[self.image_df["batch_names"] == batch]["pixels"]) mean_for_each_batch[batch] = mean_estimator_batch / pixels # log_normalize, apply blurring filter, minmax scale each channel and subsample subsampled_data = [] path_to_blurred_npz = [] for image, batch in zip(self.image_df["Img"], self.image_df["batch_names"]): tmp = prep_data_single_sample_mxif( image, use_path=use_path, mean=mean_for_each_batch[batch], filter_name=filter_name, sigma=sigma, features=self.model_features, fract=fract, path_save=path_save, ) if self.use_paths == True: subsampled_data.append(tmp[0]) path_to_blurred_npz.append(tmp[1]) else: subsampled_data.append(tmp) batch_labels = [ [x] * len(subsampled_data[x]) for x in range(len(subsampled_data)) ] # batch labels for umap self.merged_batch_labels = list(itertools.chain(*batch_labels)) if self.use_paths == True: self.image_df["Img"] = path_to_blurred_npz cluster_data = np.row_stack(subsampled_data) # perform z-score normalization on cluster_Data scaler = StandardScaler() self.scaler = scaled_data = scaler.transform(cluster_data) self.cluster_data = scaled_data def label_tissue_regions( self, k=None, alpha=0.05, plot_out=True, random_state=18, n_jobs=-1 ): """ Perform tissue-level clustering and label pixels in the corresponding images. Parameters ---------- k : int, optional (default=None) Number of tissue regions to define alpha: float Manually tuned factor on [0.0, 1.0] that penalizes the number of clusters plot_out : boolean, optional (default=True) Determines if scaled inertia plot should be output random_state : int, optional (default=18) Seed for k-means clustering model n_jobs : int Number of cores to parallelize k-choosing and tissue domain assignment across. Default all available cores. Returns ------- Does not return anything. `self.tissue_ID` is added, containing image with final tissue region IDs. `self.kmeans` contains trained `sklearn` clustering model. Parameters are also captured as attributes for posterity. """ # save the hyperparams as object attributes use_path = self.use_paths # find optimal k with parent class if k is None: print("Determining optimal cluster number k via scaled inertia") self.find_optimal_k( alpha=alpha, plot_out=plot_out, random_state=random_state, n_jobs=n_jobs, ) # call k-means model from parent class self.find_tissue_regions(k=k, random_state=random_state) # loop through image objects and create tissue label images print("Creating tissue_ID images for image objects...") self.tissue_IDs = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs, verbose=10)( delayed(add_tissue_ID_single_sample_mxif)( image, use_path, self.model_features, self.kmeans, self.scaler ) for image in self.image_df["Img"] ) def plot_percentage_variance_explained( self, fig_size=(5, 5), R_square=False, save_to=None ): """ plot percentage variance_explained or not explained by clustering Parameters ---------- fig_size : Tuple size for the bar plot R_square : Boolean Decides if R_square is plotted or S_square save_to : str or None Path to image file to save results. If `None`, show figure. Returns ------- Matplotlib object """ scaler = self.scaler centroids = self.kmeans.cluster_centers_ features = self.model_features use_path = self.use_paths S_squre_for_each_image = [] R_squre_for_each_image = [] for image, tissue_ID in zip(self.image_df["Img"], self.tissue_IDs): S_square = estimate_percentage_variance_mxif( image, use_path, scaler, centroids, features, tissue_ID ) S_squre_for_each_image.append(S_square) R_squre_for_each_image.append(100 - S_square) if R_square == True: fig = plt.figure(figsize=fig_size) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5)) plt.scatter( range(len(R_squre_for_each_image)), R_squre_for_each_image, color="black", ) plt.xlabel("images") plt.ylabel("percentage variance explained by Kmeans") plt.ylim((0, 100)) plt.axhline( y=np.mean(R_squre_for_each_image), linestyle="dashed", linewidth=1, color="black", ) else: fig = plt.figure(figsize=fig_size) plt.scatter( range(len(S_squre_for_each_image)), S_squre_for_each_image, color="black", ) plt.xlabel("images") plt.ylabel("percentage variance explained by Kmeans") plt.ylim((0, 100)) plt.axhline( y=np.mean(S_squre_for_each_image), linestyle="dashed", linewidth=1, color="black", ) fig.tight_layout() if save_to: plt.savefig(fname=save_to, transparent=True, bbox_inches="tight", dpi=300) return fig def confidence_score_images(self): """ estimate confidence score for each image Parameters ---------- Returns ------- self.confidence_IDs and self.confidence_score_df is added containing confidence score for each tissue domain assignment and mean confidence score for each tissue domain within each image """ scaler = self.scaler centroids = self.kmeans.cluster_centers_ features = self.model_features tissue_IDs = self.tissue_IDs use_path = self.use_paths # confidence score estimation for each image confidence_IDs = [] confidence_score_df = pd.DataFrame() for i, image in enumerate(self.image_df["Img"]): cID, scores_dict = estimate_confidence_score_mxif( image, use_path, scaler, centroids, features, tissue_IDs[i] ) confidence_IDs.append(cID) df = pd.DataFrame(scores_dict.values(), columns=[i]) confidence_score_df = pd.concat( [confidence_score_df, df.T], ignore_index=True ) # adding confidence_IDs and confidence_score_df to tissue labeller object self.confidence_IDs = confidence_IDs self.confidence_score_df = confidence_score_df def plot_mse_mxif( self, figsize=(5, 5), ncols=None, labels=None, legend_cols=2, titles=None, loc="lower right", bbox_coordinates=(0, 0, 1.5, 1.5), save_to=None, ): """ estimate mean square error within each tissue domain Parameters ---------- fig_size : Tuple size for the bar plot ncols : int, optional (default=`None`) Number of columns for gridspec. If `None`, uses number of tissue domains k. labels : list of str, optional (default=`None`) Labels corresponding to each image in legend. If `None`, numeric index is used for each imaage legend_cols : int, optional (default = `2`) n_cols for legend titles : list of str, optional (default=`None`) Titles of plots corresponding to each MILWRM domain. If `None`, titles will be numbers 0 through k. loc : str, optional (default = 'lower right') str for legend position bbox_coordinates : Tuple, optional (default = (0,0,1.5,1.5)) coordinates for the legend box save_to : str, optional (default=`None`) Path to image file to save plot Returns ------- Matplotlib object """ assert ( self.kmeans is not None ), "No cluster results found. Run \ label_tissue_regions() first." images = self.image_df["Img"] use_path = self.use_paths scaler = self.scaler centroids = self.kmeans.cluster_centers_ features = self.model_features k = self.k features = self.model_features tissue_IDs = self.tissue_IDs mse_id = estimate_mse_mxif( images, use_path, tissue_IDs, scaler, centroids, features, k ) if labels is None: labels = range(len(images)) if titles is None: titles = ["tissue_ID " + str(x) for x in range(self.k)] n_panels = len(mse_id.keys()) if ncols is None: ncols = len(titles) if n_panels <= ncols: n_rows, n_cols = 1, n_panels else: n_rows, n_cols = ceil(n_panels / ncols), ncols colors =, 1, len(images))) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(n_cols * figsize[0], n_rows * figsize[1])) left, bottom = 0.1 / n_cols, 0.1 / n_rows gs = gridspec.GridSpec( nrows=n_rows, ncols=n_cols, left=left, bottom=bottom, right=1 - (n_cols - 1) * left - 0.01 / n_cols, top=1 - (n_rows - 1) * bottom - 0.1 / n_rows, ) for i in mse_id.keys(): plt.subplot(gs[i]) df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(mse_id[i]) plt.boxplot(df, positions=range(len(features)), showfliers=False) plt.xticks( ticks=range(len(features)), labels=self.model_features, rotation=60, fontsize=8, ) for col in df: for k in range(len(images)): dots = plt.scatter( col, df[col][k], s=k + 1, color=colors[k], label=labels[k] if col == 0 else "", ) offsets = dots.get_offsets() jittered_offsets = offsets # only jitter in the x-direction jittered_offsets[:, 0] += np.random.uniform( -0.3, 0.3, offsets.shape[0] ) dots.set_offsets(jittered_offsets) plt.xlabel("marker") plt.ylabel("mean square error") plt.title(titles[i]) plt.legend(loc=loc, bbox_to_anchor=bbox_coordinates, ncol=legend_cols) gs.tight_layout(fig) if save_to: plt.savefig(fname=save_to, transparent=True, dpi=300) return fig def plot_tissue_ID_proportions_mxif( self, tID_labels=None, slide_labels=None, figsize=(5, 5), cmap="tab20", save_to=None, ): """ Plot proportion of each tissue domain within each slide Parameters ---------- tID_labels : list of str, optional (default=`None`) List of labels corresponding to MILWRM tissue domains for plotting legend slide_labels : list of str, optional (default=`None`) List of labels for each slide batch for labeling x-axis figsize : tuple of float, optional (default=(5,5)) Size of matplotlib figure cmap : str, optional (default = `"tab20"`) save_to : str, optional (default=`None`) Path to image file to save plot Returns ------- `gridspec.GridSpec` if `save_to` is `None`, else saves plot to file """ df_count = pd.DataFrame() for i in range(len(self.tissue_IDs)): unique, counts = np.unique(self.tissue_IDs[i], return_counts=True) dict_ = dict(zip(unique, counts)) n_counts = [] for k in range(self.k): if k not in dict_.keys(): n_counts.append(0) else: n_counts.append(dict_[k]) df = pd.DataFrame(n_counts, columns=[i]) df_count = pd.concat([df_count, df], axis=1) df_count = df_count / df_count.sum() if tID_labels: assert ( len(tID_labels) == df_count.shape[1] ), "Length of given tissue domain labels does not match number of tissue domains!" df_count.columns = tID_labels if slide_labels: assert ( len(slide_labels) == df_count.shape[0] ), "Length of given slide labels does not match number of slides!" df_count.index = slide_labels self.tissue_ID_proportion = df_count ax =, cmap=cmap, figsize=figsize) ax.legend(loc="best", bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1)) ax.set_xlabel("images") ax.set_ylabel("tissue domain proportion") ax.set_ylim((0, 1)) plt.tight_layout() if save_to is not None: ax.figure.savefig(save_to) else: return ax def make_umap(self, frac=None, cmap="tab20", save_to=None, alpha=0.8, dot_size_batch = 0.1): """ plot umap for the cluster data Parameters ---------- frac : None or float if None entire cluster data is used for the computation of umap else that percentage of cluster data is used. cmap : str str for cmap used for plotting. Default `"tab20"`. save_to : str or None Path to image file to save results. if `None`, show figure. alpha : float opaqueness of umap scatter plot (default=`0.8`) dot_size_batch = float scatter plot dot size (default=`0.1`) Returns ------- Matplotlib object """ cluster_data = self.cluster_data centroids = self.kmeans.cluster_centers_ batch_labels = self.merged_batch_labels kmeans_labels = self.kmeans.labels_ k = self.k # perform umap on the cluster data umap_centroid_data, standard_embedding_1 = perform_umap( cluster_data=cluster_data, centroids=centroids, batch_labels=batch_labels, kmeans_labels=kmeans_labels, frac=frac, ) # defining a size of datapoints for scatter plot and tick labels size = [0.01] * len(umap_centroid_data.index) size[-k:] = [10] * k ticks = np.unique(np.array(umap_centroid_data["Kmeans_labels"])) tick_label = list(np.unique(np.array(umap_centroid_data["Kmeans_labels"]))) tick_label[-1] = "centroids" # plotting a fig with two subplots fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(20, 10)) # defining color_map disc_cmap_1 = cmap, len(np.unique(np.array(umap_centroid_data.index))) ) disc_cmap_2 = cmap, len(np.unique(np.array(umap_centroid_data["Kmeans_labels"]))) ) plot_1 = ax1.scatter( standard_embedding_1[:, 0], standard_embedding_1[:, 1], s=dot_size_batch, c=umap_centroid_data.index, cmap=disc_cmap_1, alpha=alpha, ) ax1.set_title("UMAP with batch labels", fontsize = 24) ax1.set_xlabel("UMAP 2") ax1.set_ylabel("UMAP 1") ax1.set_xticks([]) ax1.set_yticks([]) cbar_1 = plt.colorbar(plot_1, ax=ax1) plot_2 = ax2.scatter( standard_embedding_1[:, 0], standard_embedding_1[:, 1], s=size, c=umap_centroid_data["Kmeans_labels"], cmap=disc_cmap_2, alpha=alpha, ) ax2.set_title("UMAP with tissue domains", fontsize = 24) ax2.set_xticks([]) ax2.set_yticks([]) ax2.set_xlabel("UMAP 2") ax2.set_ylabel("UMAP 1") cbar_2 = plt.colorbar(plot_2, ax=ax2, ticks=ticks) fig.tight_layout() if save_to: plt.savefig(fname=save_to, transparent=True, bbox_inches="tight", dpi=300) return fig def show_marker_overlay( self, image_index, channels=None, cmap="Set1", mask_out=True, ncols=4, save_to=None, **kwargs, ): """ Plot tissue_ID with individual markers as alpha values to distinguish expression in identified tissue domains Parameters ---------- image_index : int Index of image from `self.images` to plot overlays for (e.g. 0 for first image) channels : tuple of int or None, optional (default=`None`) List of channels by index or name to show cmap : str, optional (default="plasma") Matplotlib colormap to use for plotting tissue domains mask_out : bool, optional (default=`True`) Mask out non-tissue pixels prior to showing ncols : int Number of columns for gridspec if plotting individual channels. save_to : str or None Path to image file to save results. If `None`, show figure. **kwargs Arguments to pass to `plt.imshow()` function. Returns ------- Matplotlib object (if plotting one feature or RGB) or gridspec object (for multiple features). Saves plot to file if `save_to` is not `None`. """ # if image has multiple channels, plot them in gridspec if isinstance(channels, int): # force channels into list if single integer channels = [channels] if isinstance(channels, str): # force channels into int if single string channels = [self[image_index].ch.index(channels)] if checktype(channels): # force channels into list of int if list of strings channels = [self[image_index].ch.index(x) for x in channels] if channels is None: # if no channels are given, use all of them channels = [x for x in range(self[image_index].n_ch)] assert ( len(channels) <= self[image_index].n_ch ), "Too many channels given: image has {}, expected {}".format( self[image_index].n_ch, len(channels) ) # creating a copy of the image image_cp = self[image_index].copy() # re-scaling to set pixel value range between 0 to 1 image_cp.scale() # defining cmap for discrete color bar cmap =, self.k) # calculate gridspec dimensions if len(channels) + 1 <= ncols: n_rows, n_cols = 1, len(channels) + 1 else: n_rows, n_cols = ceil(len(channels) + 1 / ncols), ncols fig = plt.figure(figsize=(ncols * n_cols, ncols * n_rows)) # arrange axes as subplots gs = gridspec.GridSpec(n_rows, n_cols, figure=fig) # plot tissue_ID first with colorbar ax = plt.subplot(gs[0]) im = ax.imshow(self.tissue_IDs[image_index], cmap=cmap, **kwargs) ax.set_title( label="tissue_ID", loc="left", fontweight="bold", fontsize=16, ) ax.tick_params(labelbottom=False, labelleft=False) sns.despine(bottom=True, left=True) # colorbar scale for tissue_IDs _ = plt.colorbar(im, ticks=range(self.k), shrink=0.7) # add plots to axes i = 1 for channel in channels: ax = plt.subplot(gs[i]) # make copy for alpha im_tmp = image_cp.img[:, :, channel].copy() if self[image_index].mask is not None and mask_out: # area outside mask NaN self.tissue_IDs[image_index][self[image_index].mask == 0] = np.nan im = ax.imshow( self.tissue_IDs[image_index], cmap=cmap, alpha=im_tmp, **kwargs ) else: ax.imshow(self.tissue_IDs[image_index], alpha=im_tmp, **kwargs) ax.tick_params(labelbottom=False, labelleft=False) sns.despine(bottom=True, left=True) ax.set_title( label=self[image_index].ch[channel], loc="left", fontweight="bold", fontsize=16, ) i = i + 1 fig.tight_layout() if save_to: plt.savefig(fname=save_to, transparent=True, bbox_inches="tight", dpi=300) return fig
def confidence_score_images(self)
estimate confidence score for each image
self.confidence_IDs and self.confidence_score_df is added containing
confidence score for each tissue domain assignment and mean confidence score for
each tissue domain within each image
Expand source code
def confidence_score_images(self): """ estimate confidence score for each image Parameters ---------- Returns ------- self.confidence_IDs and self.confidence_score_df is added containing confidence score for each tissue domain assignment and mean confidence score for each tissue domain within each image """ scaler = self.scaler centroids = self.kmeans.cluster_centers_ features = self.model_features tissue_IDs = self.tissue_IDs use_path = self.use_paths # confidence score estimation for each image confidence_IDs = [] confidence_score_df = pd.DataFrame() for i, image in enumerate(self.image_df["Img"]): cID, scores_dict = estimate_confidence_score_mxif( image, use_path, scaler, centroids, features, tissue_IDs[i] ) confidence_IDs.append(cID) df = pd.DataFrame(scores_dict.values(), columns=[i]) confidence_score_df = pd.concat( [confidence_score_df, df.T], ignore_index=True ) # adding confidence_IDs and confidence_score_df to tissue labeller object self.confidence_IDs = confidence_IDs self.confidence_score_df = confidence_score_df
def label_tissue_regions(self, k=None, alpha=0.05, plot_out=True, random_state=18, n_jobs=-1)
Perform tissue-level clustering and label pixels in the corresponding images.
, optional(default=None)
- Number of tissue regions to define
- Manually tuned factor on [0.0, 1.0] that penalizes the number of clusters
, optional(default=True)
- Determines if scaled inertia plot should be output
, optional(default=18)
- Seed for k-means clustering model
- Number of cores to parallelize k-choosing and tissue domain assignment across. Default all available cores.
Does not return anything.
is added, containing image with final tissue region IDs.self.kmeans
contains trainedsklearn
clustering model. Parameters are also captured as attributes for posterity.Expand source code
def label_tissue_regions( self, k=None, alpha=0.05, plot_out=True, random_state=18, n_jobs=-1 ): """ Perform tissue-level clustering and label pixels in the corresponding images. Parameters ---------- k : int, optional (default=None) Number of tissue regions to define alpha: float Manually tuned factor on [0.0, 1.0] that penalizes the number of clusters plot_out : boolean, optional (default=True) Determines if scaled inertia plot should be output random_state : int, optional (default=18) Seed for k-means clustering model n_jobs : int Number of cores to parallelize k-choosing and tissue domain assignment across. Default all available cores. Returns ------- Does not return anything. `self.tissue_ID` is added, containing image with final tissue region IDs. `self.kmeans` contains trained `sklearn` clustering model. Parameters are also captured as attributes for posterity. """ # save the hyperparams as object attributes use_path = self.use_paths # find optimal k with parent class if k is None: print("Determining optimal cluster number k via scaled inertia") self.find_optimal_k( alpha=alpha, plot_out=plot_out, random_state=random_state, n_jobs=n_jobs, ) # call k-means model from parent class self.find_tissue_regions(k=k, random_state=random_state) # loop through image objects and create tissue label images print("Creating tissue_ID images for image objects...") self.tissue_IDs = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs, verbose=10)( delayed(add_tissue_ID_single_sample_mxif)( image, use_path, self.model_features, self.kmeans, self.scaler ) for image in self.image_df["Img"] )
def make_umap(self, frac=None, cmap='tab20', save_to=None, alpha=0.8, dot_size_batch=0.1)
plot umap for the cluster data
- if None entire cluster data is used for the computation of umap else that percentage of cluster data is used.
- str for cmap used for plotting. Default
. save_to
- Path to image file to save results. if
, show figure. alpha
- opaqueness of umap scatter plot (default=
dot_size_batch = float scatter plot dot size (default=
Matplotlib object
Expand source code
def make_umap(self, frac=None, cmap="tab20", save_to=None, alpha=0.8, dot_size_batch = 0.1): """ plot umap for the cluster data Parameters ---------- frac : None or float if None entire cluster data is used for the computation of umap else that percentage of cluster data is used. cmap : str str for cmap used for plotting. Default `"tab20"`. save_to : str or None Path to image file to save results. if `None`, show figure. alpha : float opaqueness of umap scatter plot (default=`0.8`) dot_size_batch = float scatter plot dot size (default=`0.1`) Returns ------- Matplotlib object """ cluster_data = self.cluster_data centroids = self.kmeans.cluster_centers_ batch_labels = self.merged_batch_labels kmeans_labels = self.kmeans.labels_ k = self.k # perform umap on the cluster data umap_centroid_data, standard_embedding_1 = perform_umap( cluster_data=cluster_data, centroids=centroids, batch_labels=batch_labels, kmeans_labels=kmeans_labels, frac=frac, ) # defining a size of datapoints for scatter plot and tick labels size = [0.01] * len(umap_centroid_data.index) size[-k:] = [10] * k ticks = np.unique(np.array(umap_centroid_data["Kmeans_labels"])) tick_label = list(np.unique(np.array(umap_centroid_data["Kmeans_labels"]))) tick_label[-1] = "centroids" # plotting a fig with two subplots fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(20, 10)) # defining color_map disc_cmap_1 = cmap, len(np.unique(np.array(umap_centroid_data.index))) ) disc_cmap_2 = cmap, len(np.unique(np.array(umap_centroid_data["Kmeans_labels"]))) ) plot_1 = ax1.scatter( standard_embedding_1[:, 0], standard_embedding_1[:, 1], s=dot_size_batch, c=umap_centroid_data.index, cmap=disc_cmap_1, alpha=alpha, ) ax1.set_title("UMAP with batch labels", fontsize = 24) ax1.set_xlabel("UMAP 2") ax1.set_ylabel("UMAP 1") ax1.set_xticks([]) ax1.set_yticks([]) cbar_1 = plt.colorbar(plot_1, ax=ax1) plot_2 = ax2.scatter( standard_embedding_1[:, 0], standard_embedding_1[:, 1], s=size, c=umap_centroid_data["Kmeans_labels"], cmap=disc_cmap_2, alpha=alpha, ) ax2.set_title("UMAP with tissue domains", fontsize = 24) ax2.set_xticks([]) ax2.set_yticks([]) ax2.set_xlabel("UMAP 2") ax2.set_ylabel("UMAP 1") cbar_2 = plt.colorbar(plot_2, ax=ax2, ticks=ticks) fig.tight_layout() if save_to: plt.savefig(fname=save_to, transparent=True, bbox_inches="tight", dpi=300) return fig
def plot_mse_mxif(self, figsize=(5, 5), ncols=None, labels=None, legend_cols=2, titles=None, loc='lower right', bbox_coordinates=(0, 0, 1.5, 1.5), save_to=None)
estimate mean square error within each tissue domain
- size for the bar plot
, optional(default=
- Number of columns for gridspec. If
, uses number of tissue domains k. labels
, optional(default=
- Labels corresponding to each image in legend. If
, numeric index is used for each imaage legend_cols
, optional(default =
- n_cols for legend
, optional(default=
- Titles of plots corresponding to each MILWRM domain. If
, titles will be numbers 0 through k. loc
, optional(default = 'lower right')
- str for legend position
, optional(default = (0,0,1.5,1.5))
- coordinates for the legend box
, optional(default=
- Path to image file to save plot
Matplotlib object
Expand source code
def plot_mse_mxif( self, figsize=(5, 5), ncols=None, labels=None, legend_cols=2, titles=None, loc="lower right", bbox_coordinates=(0, 0, 1.5, 1.5), save_to=None, ): """ estimate mean square error within each tissue domain Parameters ---------- fig_size : Tuple size for the bar plot ncols : int, optional (default=`None`) Number of columns for gridspec. If `None`, uses number of tissue domains k. labels : list of str, optional (default=`None`) Labels corresponding to each image in legend. If `None`, numeric index is used for each imaage legend_cols : int, optional (default = `2`) n_cols for legend titles : list of str, optional (default=`None`) Titles of plots corresponding to each MILWRM domain. If `None`, titles will be numbers 0 through k. loc : str, optional (default = 'lower right') str for legend position bbox_coordinates : Tuple, optional (default = (0,0,1.5,1.5)) coordinates for the legend box save_to : str, optional (default=`None`) Path to image file to save plot Returns ------- Matplotlib object """ assert ( self.kmeans is not None ), "No cluster results found. Run \ label_tissue_regions() first." images = self.image_df["Img"] use_path = self.use_paths scaler = self.scaler centroids = self.kmeans.cluster_centers_ features = self.model_features k = self.k features = self.model_features tissue_IDs = self.tissue_IDs mse_id = estimate_mse_mxif( images, use_path, tissue_IDs, scaler, centroids, features, k ) if labels is None: labels = range(len(images)) if titles is None: titles = ["tissue_ID " + str(x) for x in range(self.k)] n_panels = len(mse_id.keys()) if ncols is None: ncols = len(titles) if n_panels <= ncols: n_rows, n_cols = 1, n_panels else: n_rows, n_cols = ceil(n_panels / ncols), ncols colors =, 1, len(images))) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(n_cols * figsize[0], n_rows * figsize[1])) left, bottom = 0.1 / n_cols, 0.1 / n_rows gs = gridspec.GridSpec( nrows=n_rows, ncols=n_cols, left=left, bottom=bottom, right=1 - (n_cols - 1) * left - 0.01 / n_cols, top=1 - (n_rows - 1) * bottom - 0.1 / n_rows, ) for i in mse_id.keys(): plt.subplot(gs[i]) df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(mse_id[i]) plt.boxplot(df, positions=range(len(features)), showfliers=False) plt.xticks( ticks=range(len(features)), labels=self.model_features, rotation=60, fontsize=8, ) for col in df: for k in range(len(images)): dots = plt.scatter( col, df[col][k], s=k + 1, color=colors[k], label=labels[k] if col == 0 else "", ) offsets = dots.get_offsets() jittered_offsets = offsets # only jitter in the x-direction jittered_offsets[:, 0] += np.random.uniform( -0.3, 0.3, offsets.shape[0] ) dots.set_offsets(jittered_offsets) plt.xlabel("marker") plt.ylabel("mean square error") plt.title(titles[i]) plt.legend(loc=loc, bbox_to_anchor=bbox_coordinates, ncol=legend_cols) gs.tight_layout(fig) if save_to: plt.savefig(fname=save_to, transparent=True, dpi=300) return fig
def plot_percentage_variance_explained(self, fig_size=(5, 5), R_square=False, save_to=None)
plot percentage variance_explained or not explained by clustering
- size for the bar plot
- Decides if R_square is plotted or S_square
- Path to image file to save results. If
, show figure.
Matplotlib object
Expand source code
def plot_percentage_variance_explained( self, fig_size=(5, 5), R_square=False, save_to=None ): """ plot percentage variance_explained or not explained by clustering Parameters ---------- fig_size : Tuple size for the bar plot R_square : Boolean Decides if R_square is plotted or S_square save_to : str or None Path to image file to save results. If `None`, show figure. Returns ------- Matplotlib object """ scaler = self.scaler centroids = self.kmeans.cluster_centers_ features = self.model_features use_path = self.use_paths S_squre_for_each_image = [] R_squre_for_each_image = [] for image, tissue_ID in zip(self.image_df["Img"], self.tissue_IDs): S_square = estimate_percentage_variance_mxif( image, use_path, scaler, centroids, features, tissue_ID ) S_squre_for_each_image.append(S_square) R_squre_for_each_image.append(100 - S_square) if R_square == True: fig = plt.figure(figsize=fig_size) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5)) plt.scatter( range(len(R_squre_for_each_image)), R_squre_for_each_image, color="black", ) plt.xlabel("images") plt.ylabel("percentage variance explained by Kmeans") plt.ylim((0, 100)) plt.axhline( y=np.mean(R_squre_for_each_image), linestyle="dashed", linewidth=1, color="black", ) else: fig = plt.figure(figsize=fig_size) plt.scatter( range(len(S_squre_for_each_image)), S_squre_for_each_image, color="black", ) plt.xlabel("images") plt.ylabel("percentage variance explained by Kmeans") plt.ylim((0, 100)) plt.axhline( y=np.mean(S_squre_for_each_image), linestyle="dashed", linewidth=1, color="black", ) fig.tight_layout() if save_to: plt.savefig(fname=save_to, transparent=True, bbox_inches="tight", dpi=300) return fig
def plot_tissue_ID_proportions_mxif(self, tID_labels=None, slide_labels=None, figsize=(5, 5), cmap='tab20', save_to=None)
Plot proportion of each tissue domain within each slide
, optional(default=
- List of labels corresponding to MILWRM tissue domains for plotting legend
, optional(default=
- List of labels for each slide batch for labeling x-axis
, optional(default=(5,5))
- Size of matplotlib figure
, optional(default =
, optional(default=
- Path to image file to save plot
, else saves plot to fileExpand source code
def plot_tissue_ID_proportions_mxif( self, tID_labels=None, slide_labels=None, figsize=(5, 5), cmap="tab20", save_to=None, ): """ Plot proportion of each tissue domain within each slide Parameters ---------- tID_labels : list of str, optional (default=`None`) List of labels corresponding to MILWRM tissue domains for plotting legend slide_labels : list of str, optional (default=`None`) List of labels for each slide batch for labeling x-axis figsize : tuple of float, optional (default=(5,5)) Size of matplotlib figure cmap : str, optional (default = `"tab20"`) save_to : str, optional (default=`None`) Path to image file to save plot Returns ------- `gridspec.GridSpec` if `save_to` is `None`, else saves plot to file """ df_count = pd.DataFrame() for i in range(len(self.tissue_IDs)): unique, counts = np.unique(self.tissue_IDs[i], return_counts=True) dict_ = dict(zip(unique, counts)) n_counts = [] for k in range(self.k): if k not in dict_.keys(): n_counts.append(0) else: n_counts.append(dict_[k]) df = pd.DataFrame(n_counts, columns=[i]) df_count = pd.concat([df_count, df], axis=1) df_count = df_count / df_count.sum() if tID_labels: assert ( len(tID_labels) == df_count.shape[1] ), "Length of given tissue domain labels does not match number of tissue domains!" df_count.columns = tID_labels if slide_labels: assert ( len(slide_labels) == df_count.shape[0] ), "Length of given slide labels does not match number of slides!" df_count.index = slide_labels self.tissue_ID_proportion = df_count ax =, cmap=cmap, figsize=figsize) ax.legend(loc="best", bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1)) ax.set_xlabel("images") ax.set_ylabel("tissue domain proportion") ax.set_ylim((0, 1)) plt.tight_layout() if save_to is not None: ax.figure.savefig(save_to) else: return ax
def prep_cluster_data(self, features, filter_name='gaussian', sigma=2, fract=0.2, path_save=None)
Prepare master array for tissue level clustering
- Indices or names of MxIF channels to use for tissue labeling
- Name of the filter to use - gaussian, median or bilateral
, optional(default=2)
- Standard deviation of Gaussian kernel for blurring
, optional(default=0.2)
- Fraction of cluster data from each image to randomly select for model building
:str (default = None)
- Path to save final preprocessed files, if self.use_path is True default path_save will raise Exception
Does not return anything.
are normalized, blurred and scaled according to user parameters.self.cluster_data
becomes masternp.array
for cluster training. Parameters are also captured as attributes for posterity.Expand source code
def prep_cluster_data( self, features, filter_name="gaussian", sigma=2, fract=0.2, path_save=None ): """ Prepare master array for tissue level clustering Parameters ---------- features : list of int or str Indices or names of MxIF channels to use for tissue labeling filter_name : str Name of the filter to use - gaussian, median or bilateral sigma : float, optional (default=2) Standard deviation of Gaussian kernel for blurring fract : float, optional (default=0.2) Fraction of cluster data from each image to randomly select for model building path_save : str (default = None) Path to save final preprocessed files, if self.use_path is True default path_save will raise Exception Returns ------- Does not return anything. `self.images` are normalized, blurred and scaled according to user parameters. `self.cluster_data` becomes master `np.array` for cluster training. Parameters are also captured as attributes for posterity. """ if self.cluster_data is not None: print("WARNING: overwriting existing cluster data") self.cluster_data = None # save the hyperparams as object attributes self.model_features = features use_path = self.use_paths # calculate the batch wise means mean_for_each_batch = {} for batch in self.image_df["batch_names"].unique(): list_mean_estimators = list( self.image_df[self.image_df["batch_names"] == batch]["mean estimators"] ) mean_estimator_batch = sum(map(np.array, list_mean_estimators)) pixels = sum(self.image_df[self.image_df["batch_names"] == batch]["pixels"]) mean_for_each_batch[batch] = mean_estimator_batch / pixels # log_normalize, apply blurring filter, minmax scale each channel and subsample subsampled_data = [] path_to_blurred_npz = [] for image, batch in zip(self.image_df["Img"], self.image_df["batch_names"]): tmp = prep_data_single_sample_mxif( image, use_path=use_path, mean=mean_for_each_batch[batch], filter_name=filter_name, sigma=sigma, features=self.model_features, fract=fract, path_save=path_save, ) if self.use_paths == True: subsampled_data.append(tmp[0]) path_to_blurred_npz.append(tmp[1]) else: subsampled_data.append(tmp) batch_labels = [ [x] * len(subsampled_data[x]) for x in range(len(subsampled_data)) ] # batch labels for umap self.merged_batch_labels = list(itertools.chain(*batch_labels)) if self.use_paths == True: self.image_df["Img"] = path_to_blurred_npz cluster_data = np.row_stack(subsampled_data) # perform z-score normalization on cluster_Data scaler = StandardScaler() self.scaler = scaled_data = scaler.transform(cluster_data) self.cluster_data = scaled_data
def show_marker_overlay(self, image_index, channels=None, cmap='Set1', mask_out=True, ncols=4, save_to=None, **kwargs)
Plot tissue_ID with individual markers as alpha values to distinguish expression in identified tissue domains
- Index of image from
to plot overlays for (e.g. 0 for first image) channels
, optional(default=
- List of channels by index or name to show
, optional(default="plasma")
- Matplotlib colormap to use for plotting tissue domains
, optional(default=
- Mask out non-tissue pixels prior to showing
- Number of columns for gridspec if plotting individual channels.
- Path to image file to save results. If
, show figure. **kwargs
- Arguments to pass to
Matplotlib object (if plotting one feature
orgridspec object (for
multiple features). Saves plot to file if
is notNone
.Expand source code
def show_marker_overlay( self, image_index, channels=None, cmap="Set1", mask_out=True, ncols=4, save_to=None, **kwargs, ): """ Plot tissue_ID with individual markers as alpha values to distinguish expression in identified tissue domains Parameters ---------- image_index : int Index of image from `self.images` to plot overlays for (e.g. 0 for first image) channels : tuple of int or None, optional (default=`None`) List of channels by index or name to show cmap : str, optional (default="plasma") Matplotlib colormap to use for plotting tissue domains mask_out : bool, optional (default=`True`) Mask out non-tissue pixels prior to showing ncols : int Number of columns for gridspec if plotting individual channels. save_to : str or None Path to image file to save results. If `None`, show figure. **kwargs Arguments to pass to `plt.imshow()` function. Returns ------- Matplotlib object (if plotting one feature or RGB) or gridspec object (for multiple features). Saves plot to file if `save_to` is not `None`. """ # if image has multiple channels, plot them in gridspec if isinstance(channels, int): # force channels into list if single integer channels = [channels] if isinstance(channels, str): # force channels into int if single string channels = [self[image_index].ch.index(channels)] if checktype(channels): # force channels into list of int if list of strings channels = [self[image_index].ch.index(x) for x in channels] if channels is None: # if no channels are given, use all of them channels = [x for x in range(self[image_index].n_ch)] assert ( len(channels) <= self[image_index].n_ch ), "Too many channels given: image has {}, expected {}".format( self[image_index].n_ch, len(channels) ) # creating a copy of the image image_cp = self[image_index].copy() # re-scaling to set pixel value range between 0 to 1 image_cp.scale() # defining cmap for discrete color bar cmap =, self.k) # calculate gridspec dimensions if len(channels) + 1 <= ncols: n_rows, n_cols = 1, len(channels) + 1 else: n_rows, n_cols = ceil(len(channels) + 1 / ncols), ncols fig = plt.figure(figsize=(ncols * n_cols, ncols * n_rows)) # arrange axes as subplots gs = gridspec.GridSpec(n_rows, n_cols, figure=fig) # plot tissue_ID first with colorbar ax = plt.subplot(gs[0]) im = ax.imshow(self.tissue_IDs[image_index], cmap=cmap, **kwargs) ax.set_title( label="tissue_ID", loc="left", fontweight="bold", fontsize=16, ) ax.tick_params(labelbottom=False, labelleft=False) sns.despine(bottom=True, left=True) # colorbar scale for tissue_IDs _ = plt.colorbar(im, ticks=range(self.k), shrink=0.7) # add plots to axes i = 1 for channel in channels: ax = plt.subplot(gs[i]) # make copy for alpha im_tmp = image_cp.img[:, :, channel].copy() if self[image_index].mask is not None and mask_out: # area outside mask NaN self.tissue_IDs[image_index][self[image_index].mask == 0] = np.nan im = ax.imshow( self.tissue_IDs[image_index], cmap=cmap, alpha=im_tmp, **kwargs ) else: ax.imshow(self.tissue_IDs[image_index], alpha=im_tmp, **kwargs) ax.tick_params(labelbottom=False, labelleft=False) sns.despine(bottom=True, left=True) ax.set_title( label=self[image_index].ch[channel], loc="left", fontweight="bold", fontsize=16, ) i = i + 1 fig.tight_layout() if save_to: plt.savefig(fname=save_to, transparent=True, bbox_inches="tight", dpi=300) return fig
Inherited members
class st_labeler (adatas)
Tissue domain labeling class for spatial transcriptomics (ST) data
Initialize ST tissue labeler class
- Single anndata object or list of objects to label consensus tissue domains
Does not return anything.
attribute is updated,self.cluster_data
attribute is initiated asNone
.Expand source code
class st_labeler(tissue_labeler): """ Tissue domain labeling class for spatial transcriptomics (ST) data """ def __init__(self, adatas): """ Initialize ST tissue labeler class Parameters ---------- adatas : list of anndata.AnnData Single anndata object or list of objects to label consensus tissue domains Returns ------- Does not return anything. `self.adatas` attribute is updated, `self.cluster_data` attribute is initiated as `None`. """ tissue_labeler.__init__(self) # initialize parent class if not isinstance(adatas, list): # force single anndata object to list adatas = [adatas] print("Initiating ST labeler with {} anndata objects".format(len(adatas))) self.adatas = adatas self.raw = adatas.copy() def prep_cluster_data( self, use_rep, features=None, n_rings=1, histo=False, fluor_channels=None, spatial_graph_key=None, n_jobs=-1, ): """ Prepare master dataframe for tissue-level clustering Parameters ---------- use_rep : str Representation from `adata.obsm` to use as clustering data (e.g. "X_pca") features : list of int or None, optional (default=`None`) List of features to use from `adata.obsm[use_rep]` (e.g. [0,1,2,3,4] to use first 5 principal components when `use_rep`="X_pca"). If `None`, use all features from `adata.obsm[use_rep]` n_rings : int, optional (default=1) Number of hexagonal rings around each spatial transcriptomics spot to blur features by for capturing regional information. Assumes 10X Genomics Visium platform. histo : bool, optional (default `False`) Use histology data from Visium anndata object (R,G,B brightfield features) in addition to `adata.obsm[use_rep]`? If fluorescent imaging data rather than brightfield, use `fluor_channels` argument instead. fluor_channels : list of int or None, optional (default `None`) Channels from fluorescent image to use for model training (e.g. [1,3] for channels 1 and 3 of Visium fluorescent imaging data). If `None`, do not use imaging data for training. spatial_graph_key : str, optional (default=`None`) Key in `adata.obsp` containing spatial graph connectivities (i.e. `"spatial_connectivities"`). If `None`, compute new spatial graph using `n_rings` in `squidpy`. n_jobs : int, optional (default=-1) Number of cores to parallelize over. Default all available cores. Returns ------- Does not return anything. `self.adatas` are updated, adding "blur_*" features to `.obs` if `n_rings > 0`. `self.cluster_data` becomes master `np.array` for cluster training. Parameters are also captured as attributes for posterity. """ if self.cluster_data is not None: print("WARNING: overwriting existing cluster data") self.cluster_data = None if features is None: self.features = [x for x in range(self.adatas[0].obsm[use_rep].shape[1])] else: self.features = features # save the hyperparams as object attributes self.rep = use_rep self.histo = histo self.fluor_channels = fluor_channels self.n_rings = n_rings # collect clustering data from self.adatas in parallel print( "Collecting and blurring {} features from .obsm[{}]...".format( len(self.features), use_rep, ) ) cluster_data = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs, verbose=10)( delayed(prep_data_single_sample_st)( adata, adata_i, use_rep, self.features, histo, fluor_channels, spatial_graph_key, n_rings, ) for adata_i, adata in enumerate(self.adatas) ) batch_labels = [ [x] * len(cluster_data[x]) for x in range(len(cluster_data)) ] # batch labels for umap self.merged_batch_labels = list(itertools.chain(*batch_labels)) # concatenate blurred features into cluster_data df for cluster training subsampled_data = pd.concat(cluster_data) # perform z-scaling on final cluster data scaler = StandardScaler() self.scaler = scaled_data = scaler.transform(subsampled_data) self.cluster_data = scaled_data print("Collected clustering data of shape: {}".format(self.cluster_data.shape)) def label_tissue_regions( self, k=None, alpha=0.05, plot_out=True, random_state=18, n_jobs=-1 ): """ Perform tissue-level clustering and label pixels in the corresponding `anndata` objects. Parameters ---------- k : int, optional (default=None) Number of tissue regions to define alpha: float Manually tuned factor on [0.0, 1.0] that penalizes the number of clusters plot_out : boolean, optional (default=True) Determines if scaled inertia plot should be output random_state : int, optional (default=18) Seed for k-means clustering model. n_jobs : int Number of cores to parallelize k-choosing across Returns ------- Does not return anything. `self.adatas` are updated, adding "tissue_ID" field to `.obs`. `self.kmeans` contains trained `sklearn` clustering model. Parameters are also captured as attributes for posterity. """ # find optimal k with parent class if k is None: print("Determining optimal cluster number k via scaled inertia") self.find_optimal_k( plot_out=plot_out, alpha=alpha, random_state=random_state, n_jobs=n_jobs ) # call k-means model from parent class self.find_tissue_regions(k=k, random_state=random_state) # loop through anndata object and add tissue labels to adata.obs dataframe start = 0 print("Adding tissue_ID label to anndata objects") for i in range(len(self.adatas)): IDs = self.kmeans.labels_ self.adatas[i].obs["tissue_ID"] = IDs[start : start + self.adatas[i].n_obs] self.adatas[i].obs["tissue_ID"] = ( self.adatas[i].obs["tissue_ID"].astype("category") ) self.adatas[i].obs["tissue_ID"] = ( self.adatas[i].obs["tissue_ID"].cat.set_categories(np.unique(IDs)) ) start += self.adatas[i].n_obs def confidence_score(self): """ estimate confidence score for each visium slide Parameters ---------- Returns ------- self.adatas[i].obs.confidence_IDs and self.confidence_score_df are added containing confidence score for each tissue domain assignment and mean confidence score for each tissue domain within each visium slide """ assert ( self.kmeans is not None ), "No cluster results found. Run \ label_tissue_regions() first." i_slice = 0 j_slice = 0 confidence_score_df = pd.DataFrame() adatas = self.adatas cluster_data = self.cluster_data centroids = self.kmeans.cluster_centers_ for i, adata in enumerate(adatas): j_slice = j_slice + adata.n_obs data = cluster_data[i_slice:j_slice] scores_dict = estimate_confidence_score_st(data, adata, centroids) df = pd.DataFrame(scores_dict.values(), columns=[i]) confidence_score_df = pd.concat([confidence_score_df, df], axis=1) i_slice = i_slice + adata.n_obs self.confidence_score_df = confidence_score_df def plot_gene_loadings( self, PC_loadings, n_genes=10, ncols=None, titles=None, save_to=None, ): """ Plot MILWRM loadings in gene space specifically for MILWRM done with PCs Parameters ---------- PC_loadings : numpy.ndarray numpy.ndarray containing PC loadings shape format (genes, components) n_genes : int, optional (default=10) number of genes to plot ncols : int, optional (default=`None`) Number of columns for gridspec. If `None`, uses number of tissue domains k. titles : list of str, optional (default=`None`) Titles of plots corresponding to each MILWRM domain. If `None`, titles will be numbers 0 through k. save_to : str, optional (default=`None`) Path to image file to save plot Returns ------- Matplotlib object and PC loadings in gene space set as self.gene_loadings_df """ assert ( self.kmeans is not None ), "No cluster results found. Run \ label_tissue_regions() first." assert ( PC_loadings.shape[0] == self.adatas[0].n_vars ), f"loadings matrix does not, \ contain enough genes, there should be {self.adatas[0].n_vars} genes" assert ( PC_loadings.shape[1] >= self.kmeans.cluster_centers_.shape[1] ), f"loadings matrix \ does not contain enough components, there should be atleast {self.adatas[0].n_vars} components" if titles is None: titles = ["tissue_ID " + str(x) for x in range(self.k)] centroids = self.kmeans.cluster_centers_ temp = PC_loadings.T loadings = temp[range(self.kmeans.cluster_centers_.shape[1])] gene_loadings = np.matmul(centroids, loadings) gene_loadings_df = pd.DataFrame(gene_loadings) gene_loadings_df = gene_loadings_df.T gene_loadings_df["genes"] = self.adatas[0].var_names self.gene_loadings_df = gene_loadings_df n_panels = self.k if ncols is None: ncols = self.k if n_panels <= ncols: n_rows, n_cols = 1, n_panels else: n_rows, n_cols = ceil(n_panels / ncols), ncols fig = plt.figure(figsize=((ncols * n_cols, ncols * n_rows))) left, bottom = 0.1 / n_cols, 0.1 / n_rows gs = gridspec.GridSpec( nrows=n_rows, ncols=n_cols, left=left, bottom=bottom, right=1 - (n_cols - 1) * left - 0.01 / n_cols, top=1 - (n_rows - 1) * bottom - 0.1 / n_rows, ) for i in range(self.k): df = ( gene_loadings_df[[i, "genes"]] .sort_values(i, axis=0, ascending=False)[:n_genes] .reset_index(drop=True) ) plt.subplot(gs[i]) df_rev = df.sort_values(i).reset_index(drop=True) for j, score in enumerate((df_rev[i])): plt.text( x=score, y=j + 0.1, s=df_rev.loc[j, "genes"], color="black", verticalalignment="center", horizontalalignment="right", fontsize="medium", fontstyle="italic", ) plt.ylim([0, j + 1]) plt.xlim([0, df.max().values[0] + 0.1]) plt.tick_params( axis="y", # changes apply to the y-axis which="both", # both major and minor ticks are affected left=False, right=False, labelleft=False, ) plt.title(titles[i]) gs.tight_layout(fig) if save_to is not None: print("Saving feature loadings to {}".format(save_to)) plt.savefig(save_to) else: return gs def plot_percentage_variance_explained( self, fig_size=(5, 5), R_square=False, save_to=None ): """ plot percentage variance_explained or not explained by clustering Parameters ---------- figsize : tuple of float, optional (default=(5,5)) Size of matplotlib figure R_square : Boolean Decides if R_square is plotted or S_square save_to : str or None Path to image file to save results. If `None`, show figure. Returns ------- Matplotlib object """ assert ( self.kmeans is not None ), "No cluster results found. Run \ label_tissue_regions() first." centroids = self.kmeans.cluster_centers_ adatas = self.adatas cluster_data = self.cluster_data S_squre_for_each_st = [] R_squre_for_each_st = [] i_slice = 0 j_slice = 0 for adata in adatas: j_slice = j_slice + adata.n_obs sub_cluster_data = cluster_data[i_slice:j_slice] S_square = estimate_percentage_variance_st( sub_cluster_data, adata, centroids ) S_squre_for_each_st.append(S_square) R_squre_for_each_st.append(100 - S_square) i_slice = i_slice + adata.n_obs if R_square: fig = plt.figure(figsize=fig_size) plt.scatter( range(len(R_squre_for_each_st)), R_squre_for_each_st, color="black" ) plt.xlabel("images") plt.ylabel("percentage variance explained by Kmeans") plt.ylim((0, 100)) plt.axhline( y=np.mean(R_squre_for_each_st), linestyle="dashed", linewidth=1, color="black", ) else: fig = plt.figure(figsize=fig_size) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5)) plt.scatter( range(len(S_squre_for_each_st)), S_squre_for_each_st, color="black" ) plt.xlabel("images") plt.ylabel("percentage variance explained by Kmeans") plt.ylim((0, 100)) plt.axhline( y=np.mean(S_squre_for_each_st), linestyle="dashed", linewidth=1, color="black", ) fig.tight_layout() if save_to: plt.savefig(fname=save_to, transparent=True, bbox_inches="tight", dpi=300) return fig def plot_mse_st( self, figsize=(5, 5), ncols=None, labels=None, titles=None, loc="lower right", bbox_coordinates=(0, 0, 1.5, 1.5), save_to=None, ): """ estimate mean square error within each tissue domain Parameters ---------- fig_size : Tuple size for the bar plot ncols : int, optional (default=`None`) Number of columns for gridspec. If `None`, uses number of tissue domains k. labels : list of str, optional (default=`None`) Labels corresponding to each image in legend. If `None`, numeric index is used for each imaage titles : list of str, optional (default=`None`) Titles of plots corresponding to each MILWRM domain. If `None`, titles will be numbers 0 through k. loc : str, optional (default = 'lower right') str for legend position bbox_coordinates : Tuple, optional (default = (0,0,1.5,1.5)) coordinates for the legend box save_to : str, optional (default=`None`) Path to image file to save plot Returns ------- Matplotlib object """ assert ( self.kmeans is not None ), "No cluster results found. Run \ label_tissue_regions() first." cluster_data = self.cluster_data adatas = self.adatas k = self.k features = self.features centroids = self.kmeans.cluster_centers_ mse_id = estimate_mse_st(cluster_data, adatas, centroids, k) colors =, 1, len(adatas))) if titles is None: titles = ["tissue_domain " + str(x) for x in range(self.k)] if labels is None: labels = range(len(adatas)) n_panels = len(mse_id.keys()) if ncols is None: ncols = len(titles) if n_panels <= ncols: n_rows, n_cols = 1, n_panels else: n_rows, n_cols = ceil(n_panels / ncols), ncols fig = plt.figure(figsize=(n_cols * figsize[0], n_rows * figsize[1])) left, bottom = 0.1 / n_cols, 0.1 / n_rows gs = gridspec.GridSpec( nrows=n_rows, ncols=n_cols, left=left, bottom=bottom, right=1 - (n_cols - 1) * left - 0.01 / n_cols, top=1 - (n_rows - 1) * bottom - 0.1 / n_rows, ) for i in mse_id.keys(): plt.subplot(gs[i]) df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(mse_id[i]) plt.boxplot(df, positions=features, showfliers=False) for col in df: for k in range(len(df[col])): dots = plt.scatter( col, df[col][k], s=k + 1, color=colors[k], label=labels[k] if col == 0 else "", ) offsets = dots.get_offsets() jittered_offsets = offsets # only jitter in the x-direction jittered_offsets[:, 0] += np.random.uniform( -0.3, 0.3, offsets.shape[0] ) dots.set_offsets(jittered_offsets) plt.xlabel("PCs") plt.ylabel("mean square error") plt.title(titles[i]) plt.legend(loc=loc, bbox_to_anchor=bbox_coordinates) gs.tight_layout(fig) if save_to: plt.savefig(fname=save_to, transparent=True, dpi=300) return fig def plot_tissue_ID_proportions_st( self, tID_labels=None, slide_labels=None, figsize=(5, 5), cmap="tab20", save_to=None, ): """ Plot proportion of each tissue domain within each slide Parameters ---------- tID_labels : list of str, optional (default=`None`) List of labels corresponding to MILWRM tissue domains for plotting legend slide_labels : list of str, optional (default=`None`) List of labels for each slide batch for labeling x-axis figsize : tuple of float, optional (default=(5,5)) Size of matplotlib figure cmap : str, optional (default = `"tab20"`) Colormap from matplotlib save_to : str, optional (default=`None`) Path to image file to save plot Returns ------- `gridspec.GridSpec` if `save_to` is `None`, else saves plot to file """ df_count = pd.DataFrame() for adata in self.adatas: df = adata.obs["tissue_ID"].value_counts(normalize=True, sort=False) df_count = pd.concat([df_count, df], axis=1) df_count = df_count.T.reset_index(drop=True) if tID_labels: assert ( len(tID_labels) == df_count.shape[1] ), "Length of given tissue domain labels does not match number of tissue domains!" df_count.columns = tID_labels if slide_labels: assert ( len(slide_labels) == df_count.shape[0] ), "Length of given slide labels does not match number of slides!" df_count.index = slide_labels ax =, cmap=cmap, figsize=figsize) ax.legend(loc="best", bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1)) ax.set_xlabel("slides") ax.set_ylabel("tissue domain proportion") ax.set_ylim((0, 1)) plt.tight_layout() if save_to is not None: ax.figure.savefig(save_to) else: return ax def show_feature_overlay( self, adata_index, pita, features=None, histo=None, cmap="tab20", label="feature", ncols=4, save_to=None, **kwargs, ): """ Plot tissue_ID with individual pita features as alpha values to distinguish expression in identified tissue domains Parameters ---------- adata_index : int Index of adata from `self.adatas` to plot overlays for (e.g. 0 for first adata object) pita : np.array Image of desired expression in pixel space from `.assemble_pita()` features : list of int, optional (default=`None`) List of features by index to show in plot. If `None`, use all features. histo : np.array or `None`, optional (default=`None`) Histology image to show along with pita in gridspec. If `None`, ignore. cmap : str, optional (default="tab20") Matplotlib colormap to use for plotting tissue domains label : str What to title each panel of the gridspec (i.e. "PC" or "usage") or each channel in RGB image. Can also pass list of names e.g. ["NeuN","GFAP", "DAPI"] corresponding to channels. ncols : int Number of columns for gridspec save_to : str or None Path to image file to save results. if `None`, show figure. **kwargs Arguments to pass to `plt.imshow()` function Returns ------- Matplotlib object (if plotting one feature or RGB) or gridspec object (for multiple features). Saves plot to file if `save_to` is not `None`. """ assert pita.ndim > 1, "Pita does not have enough dimensions: {} given".format( pita.ndim ) assert pita.ndim < 4, "Pita has too many dimensions: {} given".format(pita.ndim) # create tissue_ID pita for plotting tIDs = assemble_pita( self.adatas[adata_index], features="tissue_ID", use_rep="obs", plot_out=False, verbose=False, ) # if pita has multiple features, plot them in gridspec if isinstance(features, int): # force features into list if single integer features = [features] # if no features are given, use all of them elif features is None: features = [x + 1 for x in range(pita.shape[2])] else: assert ( pita.ndim > 2 ), "Not enough features in pita: shape {}, expecting 3rd dim with length {}".format( pita.shape, len(features) ) assert ( len(features) <= pita.shape[2] ), "Too many features given: pita has {}, expected {}".format( pita.shape[2], len(features) ) # min-max scale each feature in pita to convert to interpretable alpha values mms = MinMaxScaler() if pita.ndim == 3: pita_tmp = mms.fit_transform( pita.reshape((pita.shape[0] * pita.shape[1], pita.shape[2])) ) elif pita.ndim == 2: pita_tmp = mms.fit_transform( pita.reshape((pita.shape[0] * pita.shape[1], 1)) ) # reshape back to original pita = pita_tmp.reshape(pita.shape) # figure out labels for gridspec plots if isinstance(label, str): # if label is single string, name channels numerically labels = ["{}_{}".format(label, x) for x in features] else: assert len(label) == len( features ), "Please provide the same number of labels as features; {} labels given, {} features given.".format( len(label), len(features) ) labels = label # calculate gridspec dimensions if histo is not None: # determine where the histo image is in anndata assert ( histo in self.adatas[adata_index] .uns["spatial"][ list(self.adatas[adata_index].uns["spatial"].keys())[0] ]["images"] .keys() ), "Must provide one of {} for histo".format( self.adatas[adata_index] .uns["spatial"][ list(self.adatas[adata_index].uns["spatial"].keys())[0] ]["images"] .keys() ) histo = self.adatas[adata_index].uns["spatial"][ list(self.adatas[adata_index].uns["spatial"].keys())[0] ]["images"][histo] if len(features) + 2 <= ncols: n_rows, n_cols = 1, len(features) + 2 else: n_rows, n_cols = ceil((len(features) + 2) / ncols), ncols labels = ["Histology", "tissue_ID"] + labels # append to front of labels else: if len(features) + 1 <= ncols: n_rows, n_cols = 1, len(features) + 1 else: n_rows, n_cols = ceil(len(features) + 1 / ncols), ncols labels = ["tissue_ID"] + labels # append to front of labels fig = plt.figure(figsize=(ncols * n_cols, ncols * n_rows)) # arrange axes as subplots gs = gridspec.GridSpec(n_rows, n_cols, figure=fig) # add plots to axes i = 0 if histo is not None: # add histology plot to first axes ax = plt.subplot(gs[i]) im = ax.imshow(histo, **kwargs) ax.tick_params(labelbottom=False, labelleft=False) sns.despine(bottom=True, left=True) ax.set_title( label=labels[i], loc="left", fontweight="bold", fontsize=16, ) i = i + 1 # plot tissue_ID first with colorbar ax = plt.subplot(gs[i]) im = ax.imshow(tIDs, cmap=cmap, **kwargs) ax.tick_params(labelbottom=False, labelleft=False) sns.despine(bottom=True, left=True) ax.set_title( label=labels[i], loc="left", fontweight="bold", fontsize=16, ) # colorbar scale for tissue_IDs _ = plt.colorbar(im, shrink=0.7) i = i + 1 for feature in features: ax = plt.subplot(gs[i]) im = ax.imshow(tIDs, alpha=pita[:, :, feature - 1], cmap=cmap, **kwargs) ax.tick_params(labelbottom=False, labelleft=False) sns.despine(bottom=True, left=True) ax.set_title( label=labels[i], loc="left", fontweight="bold", fontsize=16, ) i = i + 1 fig.tight_layout() if save_to: plt.savefig(fname=save_to, transparent=True, bbox_inches="tight", dpi=300) return fig
def confidence_score(self)
estimate confidence score for each visium slide
self.adatas[i].obs.confidence_IDs and self.confidence_score_df are added
containing confidence score for each tissue domain assignment and mean confidence
score for each tissue domain within each visium slide
Expand source code
def confidence_score(self): """ estimate confidence score for each visium slide Parameters ---------- Returns ------- self.adatas[i].obs.confidence_IDs and self.confidence_score_df are added containing confidence score for each tissue domain assignment and mean confidence score for each tissue domain within each visium slide """ assert ( self.kmeans is not None ), "No cluster results found. Run \ label_tissue_regions() first." i_slice = 0 j_slice = 0 confidence_score_df = pd.DataFrame() adatas = self.adatas cluster_data = self.cluster_data centroids = self.kmeans.cluster_centers_ for i, adata in enumerate(adatas): j_slice = j_slice + adata.n_obs data = cluster_data[i_slice:j_slice] scores_dict = estimate_confidence_score_st(data, adata, centroids) df = pd.DataFrame(scores_dict.values(), columns=[i]) confidence_score_df = pd.concat([confidence_score_df, df], axis=1) i_slice = i_slice + adata.n_obs self.confidence_score_df = confidence_score_df
def label_tissue_regions(self, k=None, alpha=0.05, plot_out=True, random_state=18, n_jobs=-1)
Perform tissue-level clustering and label pixels in the corresponding
, optional(default=None)
- Number of tissue regions to define
- Manually tuned factor on [0.0, 1.0] that penalizes the number of clusters
, optional(default=True)
- Determines if scaled inertia plot should be output
, optional(default=18)
- Seed for k-means clustering model.
- Number of cores to parallelize k-choosing across
Does not return anything.
are updated, adding "tissue_ID" field to.obs
contains trainedsklearn
clustering model. Parameters are also captured as attributes for posterity.Expand source code
def label_tissue_regions( self, k=None, alpha=0.05, plot_out=True, random_state=18, n_jobs=-1 ): """ Perform tissue-level clustering and label pixels in the corresponding `anndata` objects. Parameters ---------- k : int, optional (default=None) Number of tissue regions to define alpha: float Manually tuned factor on [0.0, 1.0] that penalizes the number of clusters plot_out : boolean, optional (default=True) Determines if scaled inertia plot should be output random_state : int, optional (default=18) Seed for k-means clustering model. n_jobs : int Number of cores to parallelize k-choosing across Returns ------- Does not return anything. `self.adatas` are updated, adding "tissue_ID" field to `.obs`. `self.kmeans` contains trained `sklearn` clustering model. Parameters are also captured as attributes for posterity. """ # find optimal k with parent class if k is None: print("Determining optimal cluster number k via scaled inertia") self.find_optimal_k( plot_out=plot_out, alpha=alpha, random_state=random_state, n_jobs=n_jobs ) # call k-means model from parent class self.find_tissue_regions(k=k, random_state=random_state) # loop through anndata object and add tissue labels to adata.obs dataframe start = 0 print("Adding tissue_ID label to anndata objects") for i in range(len(self.adatas)): IDs = self.kmeans.labels_ self.adatas[i].obs["tissue_ID"] = IDs[start : start + self.adatas[i].n_obs] self.adatas[i].obs["tissue_ID"] = ( self.adatas[i].obs["tissue_ID"].astype("category") ) self.adatas[i].obs["tissue_ID"] = ( self.adatas[i].obs["tissue_ID"].cat.set_categories(np.unique(IDs)) ) start += self.adatas[i].n_obs
def plot_gene_loadings(self, PC_loadings, n_genes=10, ncols=None, titles=None, save_to=None)
Plot MILWRM loadings in gene space specifically for MILWRM done with PCs
- numpy.ndarray containing PC loadings shape format (genes, components)
, optional(default=10)
- number of genes to plot
, optional(default=
- Number of columns for gridspec. If
, uses number of tissue domains k. titles
, optional(default=
- Titles of plots corresponding to each MILWRM domain. If
, titles will be numbers 0 through k. save_to
, optional(default=
- Path to image file to save plot
Matplotlib object and PC loadings in gene space set as self.gene_loadings_df
Expand source code
def plot_gene_loadings( self, PC_loadings, n_genes=10, ncols=None, titles=None, save_to=None, ): """ Plot MILWRM loadings in gene space specifically for MILWRM done with PCs Parameters ---------- PC_loadings : numpy.ndarray numpy.ndarray containing PC loadings shape format (genes, components) n_genes : int, optional (default=10) number of genes to plot ncols : int, optional (default=`None`) Number of columns for gridspec. If `None`, uses number of tissue domains k. titles : list of str, optional (default=`None`) Titles of plots corresponding to each MILWRM domain. If `None`, titles will be numbers 0 through k. save_to : str, optional (default=`None`) Path to image file to save plot Returns ------- Matplotlib object and PC loadings in gene space set as self.gene_loadings_df """ assert ( self.kmeans is not None ), "No cluster results found. Run \ label_tissue_regions() first." assert ( PC_loadings.shape[0] == self.adatas[0].n_vars ), f"loadings matrix does not, \ contain enough genes, there should be {self.adatas[0].n_vars} genes" assert ( PC_loadings.shape[1] >= self.kmeans.cluster_centers_.shape[1] ), f"loadings matrix \ does not contain enough components, there should be atleast {self.adatas[0].n_vars} components" if titles is None: titles = ["tissue_ID " + str(x) for x in range(self.k)] centroids = self.kmeans.cluster_centers_ temp = PC_loadings.T loadings = temp[range(self.kmeans.cluster_centers_.shape[1])] gene_loadings = np.matmul(centroids, loadings) gene_loadings_df = pd.DataFrame(gene_loadings) gene_loadings_df = gene_loadings_df.T gene_loadings_df["genes"] = self.adatas[0].var_names self.gene_loadings_df = gene_loadings_df n_panels = self.k if ncols is None: ncols = self.k if n_panels <= ncols: n_rows, n_cols = 1, n_panels else: n_rows, n_cols = ceil(n_panels / ncols), ncols fig = plt.figure(figsize=((ncols * n_cols, ncols * n_rows))) left, bottom = 0.1 / n_cols, 0.1 / n_rows gs = gridspec.GridSpec( nrows=n_rows, ncols=n_cols, left=left, bottom=bottom, right=1 - (n_cols - 1) * left - 0.01 / n_cols, top=1 - (n_rows - 1) * bottom - 0.1 / n_rows, ) for i in range(self.k): df = ( gene_loadings_df[[i, "genes"]] .sort_values(i, axis=0, ascending=False)[:n_genes] .reset_index(drop=True) ) plt.subplot(gs[i]) df_rev = df.sort_values(i).reset_index(drop=True) for j, score in enumerate((df_rev[i])): plt.text( x=score, y=j + 0.1, s=df_rev.loc[j, "genes"], color="black", verticalalignment="center", horizontalalignment="right", fontsize="medium", fontstyle="italic", ) plt.ylim([0, j + 1]) plt.xlim([0, df.max().values[0] + 0.1]) plt.tick_params( axis="y", # changes apply to the y-axis which="both", # both major and minor ticks are affected left=False, right=False, labelleft=False, ) plt.title(titles[i]) gs.tight_layout(fig) if save_to is not None: print("Saving feature loadings to {}".format(save_to)) plt.savefig(save_to) else: return gs
def plot_mse_st(self, figsize=(5, 5), ncols=None, labels=None, titles=None, loc='lower right', bbox_coordinates=(0, 0, 1.5, 1.5), save_to=None)
estimate mean square error within each tissue domain
- size for the bar plot
, optional(default=
- Number of columns for gridspec. If
, uses number of tissue domains k. labels
, optional(default=
- Labels corresponding to each image in legend. If
, numeric index is used for each imaage titles
, optional(default=
- Titles of plots corresponding to each MILWRM domain. If
, titles will be numbers 0 through k. loc
, optional(default = 'lower right')
- str for legend position
, optional(default = (0,0,1.5,1.5))
- coordinates for the legend box
, optional(default=
- Path to image file to save plot
Matplotlib object
Expand source code
def plot_mse_st( self, figsize=(5, 5), ncols=None, labels=None, titles=None, loc="lower right", bbox_coordinates=(0, 0, 1.5, 1.5), save_to=None, ): """ estimate mean square error within each tissue domain Parameters ---------- fig_size : Tuple size for the bar plot ncols : int, optional (default=`None`) Number of columns for gridspec. If `None`, uses number of tissue domains k. labels : list of str, optional (default=`None`) Labels corresponding to each image in legend. If `None`, numeric index is used for each imaage titles : list of str, optional (default=`None`) Titles of plots corresponding to each MILWRM domain. If `None`, titles will be numbers 0 through k. loc : str, optional (default = 'lower right') str for legend position bbox_coordinates : Tuple, optional (default = (0,0,1.5,1.5)) coordinates for the legend box save_to : str, optional (default=`None`) Path to image file to save plot Returns ------- Matplotlib object """ assert ( self.kmeans is not None ), "No cluster results found. Run \ label_tissue_regions() first." cluster_data = self.cluster_data adatas = self.adatas k = self.k features = self.features centroids = self.kmeans.cluster_centers_ mse_id = estimate_mse_st(cluster_data, adatas, centroids, k) colors =, 1, len(adatas))) if titles is None: titles = ["tissue_domain " + str(x) for x in range(self.k)] if labels is None: labels = range(len(adatas)) n_panels = len(mse_id.keys()) if ncols is None: ncols = len(titles) if n_panels <= ncols: n_rows, n_cols = 1, n_panels else: n_rows, n_cols = ceil(n_panels / ncols), ncols fig = plt.figure(figsize=(n_cols * figsize[0], n_rows * figsize[1])) left, bottom = 0.1 / n_cols, 0.1 / n_rows gs = gridspec.GridSpec( nrows=n_rows, ncols=n_cols, left=left, bottom=bottom, right=1 - (n_cols - 1) * left - 0.01 / n_cols, top=1 - (n_rows - 1) * bottom - 0.1 / n_rows, ) for i in mse_id.keys(): plt.subplot(gs[i]) df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(mse_id[i]) plt.boxplot(df, positions=features, showfliers=False) for col in df: for k in range(len(df[col])): dots = plt.scatter( col, df[col][k], s=k + 1, color=colors[k], label=labels[k] if col == 0 else "", ) offsets = dots.get_offsets() jittered_offsets = offsets # only jitter in the x-direction jittered_offsets[:, 0] += np.random.uniform( -0.3, 0.3, offsets.shape[0] ) dots.set_offsets(jittered_offsets) plt.xlabel("PCs") plt.ylabel("mean square error") plt.title(titles[i]) plt.legend(loc=loc, bbox_to_anchor=bbox_coordinates) gs.tight_layout(fig) if save_to: plt.savefig(fname=save_to, transparent=True, dpi=300) return fig
def plot_percentage_variance_explained(self, fig_size=(5, 5), R_square=False, save_to=None)
plot percentage variance_explained or not explained by clustering
, optional(default=(5,5))
- Size of matplotlib figure
- Decides if R_square is plotted or S_square
- Path to image file to save results. If
, show figure.
Matplotlib object
Expand source code
def plot_percentage_variance_explained( self, fig_size=(5, 5), R_square=False, save_to=None ): """ plot percentage variance_explained or not explained by clustering Parameters ---------- figsize : tuple of float, optional (default=(5,5)) Size of matplotlib figure R_square : Boolean Decides if R_square is plotted or S_square save_to : str or None Path to image file to save results. If `None`, show figure. Returns ------- Matplotlib object """ assert ( self.kmeans is not None ), "No cluster results found. Run \ label_tissue_regions() first." centroids = self.kmeans.cluster_centers_ adatas = self.adatas cluster_data = self.cluster_data S_squre_for_each_st = [] R_squre_for_each_st = [] i_slice = 0 j_slice = 0 for adata in adatas: j_slice = j_slice + adata.n_obs sub_cluster_data = cluster_data[i_slice:j_slice] S_square = estimate_percentage_variance_st( sub_cluster_data, adata, centroids ) S_squre_for_each_st.append(S_square) R_squre_for_each_st.append(100 - S_square) i_slice = i_slice + adata.n_obs if R_square: fig = plt.figure(figsize=fig_size) plt.scatter( range(len(R_squre_for_each_st)), R_squre_for_each_st, color="black" ) plt.xlabel("images") plt.ylabel("percentage variance explained by Kmeans") plt.ylim((0, 100)) plt.axhline( y=np.mean(R_squre_for_each_st), linestyle="dashed", linewidth=1, color="black", ) else: fig = plt.figure(figsize=fig_size) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5)) plt.scatter( range(len(S_squre_for_each_st)), S_squre_for_each_st, color="black" ) plt.xlabel("images") plt.ylabel("percentage variance explained by Kmeans") plt.ylim((0, 100)) plt.axhline( y=np.mean(S_squre_for_each_st), linestyle="dashed", linewidth=1, color="black", ) fig.tight_layout() if save_to: plt.savefig(fname=save_to, transparent=True, bbox_inches="tight", dpi=300) return fig
def plot_tissue_ID_proportions_st(self, tID_labels=None, slide_labels=None, figsize=(5, 5), cmap='tab20', save_to=None)
Plot proportion of each tissue domain within each slide
, optional(default=
- List of labels corresponding to MILWRM tissue domains for plotting legend
, optional(default=
- List of labels for each slide batch for labeling x-axis
, optional(default=(5,5))
- Size of matplotlib figure
, optional(default =
- Colormap from matplotlib
, optional(default=
- Path to image file to save plot
, else saves plot to fileExpand source code
def plot_tissue_ID_proportions_st( self, tID_labels=None, slide_labels=None, figsize=(5, 5), cmap="tab20", save_to=None, ): """ Plot proportion of each tissue domain within each slide Parameters ---------- tID_labels : list of str, optional (default=`None`) List of labels corresponding to MILWRM tissue domains for plotting legend slide_labels : list of str, optional (default=`None`) List of labels for each slide batch for labeling x-axis figsize : tuple of float, optional (default=(5,5)) Size of matplotlib figure cmap : str, optional (default = `"tab20"`) Colormap from matplotlib save_to : str, optional (default=`None`) Path to image file to save plot Returns ------- `gridspec.GridSpec` if `save_to` is `None`, else saves plot to file """ df_count = pd.DataFrame() for adata in self.adatas: df = adata.obs["tissue_ID"].value_counts(normalize=True, sort=False) df_count = pd.concat([df_count, df], axis=1) df_count = df_count.T.reset_index(drop=True) if tID_labels: assert ( len(tID_labels) == df_count.shape[1] ), "Length of given tissue domain labels does not match number of tissue domains!" df_count.columns = tID_labels if slide_labels: assert ( len(slide_labels) == df_count.shape[0] ), "Length of given slide labels does not match number of slides!" df_count.index = slide_labels ax =, cmap=cmap, figsize=figsize) ax.legend(loc="best", bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1)) ax.set_xlabel("slides") ax.set_ylabel("tissue domain proportion") ax.set_ylim((0, 1)) plt.tight_layout() if save_to is not None: ax.figure.savefig(save_to) else: return ax
def prep_cluster_data(self, use_rep, features=None, n_rings=1, histo=False, fluor_channels=None, spatial_graph_key=None, n_jobs=-1)
Prepare master dataframe for tissue-level clustering
- Representation from
to use as clustering data (e.g. "X_pca") features
, optional(default=
- List of features to use from
(e.g. [0,1,2,3,4] to use first 5 principal components whenuse_rep
="X_pca"). IfNone
, use all features fromadata.obsm[use_rep]
, optional(default=1)
- Number of hexagonal rings around each spatial transcriptomics spot to blur features by for capturing regional information. Assumes 10X Genomics Visium platform.
, optional(default
- Use histology data from Visium anndata object (R,G,B brightfield features)
in addition to
? If fluorescent imaging data rather than brightfield, usefluor_channels
argument instead. fluor_channels
, optional(default
- Channels from fluorescent image to use for model training (e.g. [1,3] for
channels 1 and 3 of Visium fluorescent imaging data). If
, do not use imaging data for training. spatial_graph_key
, optional(default=
- Key in
containing spatial graph connectivities (i.e."spatial_connectivities"
). IfNone
, compute new spatial graph usingn_rings
. n_jobs
, optional(default=-1)
- Number of cores to parallelize over. Default all available cores.
Does not return anything.
are updated, adding "blur_*" features to.obs
ifn_rings > 0
becomes masternp.array
for cluster training. Parameters are also captured as attributes for posterity.Expand source code
def prep_cluster_data( self, use_rep, features=None, n_rings=1, histo=False, fluor_channels=None, spatial_graph_key=None, n_jobs=-1, ): """ Prepare master dataframe for tissue-level clustering Parameters ---------- use_rep : str Representation from `adata.obsm` to use as clustering data (e.g. "X_pca") features : list of int or None, optional (default=`None`) List of features to use from `adata.obsm[use_rep]` (e.g. [0,1,2,3,4] to use first 5 principal components when `use_rep`="X_pca"). If `None`, use all features from `adata.obsm[use_rep]` n_rings : int, optional (default=1) Number of hexagonal rings around each spatial transcriptomics spot to blur features by for capturing regional information. Assumes 10X Genomics Visium platform. histo : bool, optional (default `False`) Use histology data from Visium anndata object (R,G,B brightfield features) in addition to `adata.obsm[use_rep]`? If fluorescent imaging data rather than brightfield, use `fluor_channels` argument instead. fluor_channels : list of int or None, optional (default `None`) Channels from fluorescent image to use for model training (e.g. [1,3] for channels 1 and 3 of Visium fluorescent imaging data). If `None`, do not use imaging data for training. spatial_graph_key : str, optional (default=`None`) Key in `adata.obsp` containing spatial graph connectivities (i.e. `"spatial_connectivities"`). If `None`, compute new spatial graph using `n_rings` in `squidpy`. n_jobs : int, optional (default=-1) Number of cores to parallelize over. Default all available cores. Returns ------- Does not return anything. `self.adatas` are updated, adding "blur_*" features to `.obs` if `n_rings > 0`. `self.cluster_data` becomes master `np.array` for cluster training. Parameters are also captured as attributes for posterity. """ if self.cluster_data is not None: print("WARNING: overwriting existing cluster data") self.cluster_data = None if features is None: self.features = [x for x in range(self.adatas[0].obsm[use_rep].shape[1])] else: self.features = features # save the hyperparams as object attributes self.rep = use_rep self.histo = histo self.fluor_channels = fluor_channels self.n_rings = n_rings # collect clustering data from self.adatas in parallel print( "Collecting and blurring {} features from .obsm[{}]...".format( len(self.features), use_rep, ) ) cluster_data = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs, verbose=10)( delayed(prep_data_single_sample_st)( adata, adata_i, use_rep, self.features, histo, fluor_channels, spatial_graph_key, n_rings, ) for adata_i, adata in enumerate(self.adatas) ) batch_labels = [ [x] * len(cluster_data[x]) for x in range(len(cluster_data)) ] # batch labels for umap self.merged_batch_labels = list(itertools.chain(*batch_labels)) # concatenate blurred features into cluster_data df for cluster training subsampled_data = pd.concat(cluster_data) # perform z-scaling on final cluster data scaler = StandardScaler() self.scaler = scaled_data = scaler.transform(subsampled_data) self.cluster_data = scaled_data print("Collected clustering data of shape: {}".format(self.cluster_data.shape))
def show_feature_overlay(self, adata_index, pita, features=None, histo=None, cmap='tab20', label='feature', ncols=4, save_to=None, **kwargs)
Plot tissue_ID with individual pita features as alpha values to distinguish expression in identified tissue domains
- Index of adata from
to plot overlays for (e.g. 0 for first adata object) pita
- Image of desired expression in pixel space from
, optional(default=
- List of features by index to show in plot. If
, use all features. histo
, optional(default=
- Histology image to show along with pita in gridspec. If
, ignore. cmap
, optional(default="tab20")
- Matplotlib colormap to use for plotting tissue domains
- What to title each panel of the gridspec (i.e. "PC" or "usage") or each channel in RGB image. Can also pass list of names e.g. ["NeuN","GFAP", "DAPI"] corresponding to channels.
- Number of columns for gridspec
- Path to image file to save results. if
, show figure. **kwargs
- Arguments to pass to
Matplotlib object (if plotting one feature
orgridspec object (for
multiple features). Saves plot to file if
is notNone
.Expand source code
def show_feature_overlay( self, adata_index, pita, features=None, histo=None, cmap="tab20", label="feature", ncols=4, save_to=None, **kwargs, ): """ Plot tissue_ID with individual pita features as alpha values to distinguish expression in identified tissue domains Parameters ---------- adata_index : int Index of adata from `self.adatas` to plot overlays for (e.g. 0 for first adata object) pita : np.array Image of desired expression in pixel space from `.assemble_pita()` features : list of int, optional (default=`None`) List of features by index to show in plot. If `None`, use all features. histo : np.array or `None`, optional (default=`None`) Histology image to show along with pita in gridspec. If `None`, ignore. cmap : str, optional (default="tab20") Matplotlib colormap to use for plotting tissue domains label : str What to title each panel of the gridspec (i.e. "PC" or "usage") or each channel in RGB image. Can also pass list of names e.g. ["NeuN","GFAP", "DAPI"] corresponding to channels. ncols : int Number of columns for gridspec save_to : str or None Path to image file to save results. if `None`, show figure. **kwargs Arguments to pass to `plt.imshow()` function Returns ------- Matplotlib object (if plotting one feature or RGB) or gridspec object (for multiple features). Saves plot to file if `save_to` is not `None`. """ assert pita.ndim > 1, "Pita does not have enough dimensions: {} given".format( pita.ndim ) assert pita.ndim < 4, "Pita has too many dimensions: {} given".format(pita.ndim) # create tissue_ID pita for plotting tIDs = assemble_pita( self.adatas[adata_index], features="tissue_ID", use_rep="obs", plot_out=False, verbose=False, ) # if pita has multiple features, plot them in gridspec if isinstance(features, int): # force features into list if single integer features = [features] # if no features are given, use all of them elif features is None: features = [x + 1 for x in range(pita.shape[2])] else: assert ( pita.ndim > 2 ), "Not enough features in pita: shape {}, expecting 3rd dim with length {}".format( pita.shape, len(features) ) assert ( len(features) <= pita.shape[2] ), "Too many features given: pita has {}, expected {}".format( pita.shape[2], len(features) ) # min-max scale each feature in pita to convert to interpretable alpha values mms = MinMaxScaler() if pita.ndim == 3: pita_tmp = mms.fit_transform( pita.reshape((pita.shape[0] * pita.shape[1], pita.shape[2])) ) elif pita.ndim == 2: pita_tmp = mms.fit_transform( pita.reshape((pita.shape[0] * pita.shape[1], 1)) ) # reshape back to original pita = pita_tmp.reshape(pita.shape) # figure out labels for gridspec plots if isinstance(label, str): # if label is single string, name channels numerically labels = ["{}_{}".format(label, x) for x in features] else: assert len(label) == len( features ), "Please provide the same number of labels as features; {} labels given, {} features given.".format( len(label), len(features) ) labels = label # calculate gridspec dimensions if histo is not None: # determine where the histo image is in anndata assert ( histo in self.adatas[adata_index] .uns["spatial"][ list(self.adatas[adata_index].uns["spatial"].keys())[0] ]["images"] .keys() ), "Must provide one of {} for histo".format( self.adatas[adata_index] .uns["spatial"][ list(self.adatas[adata_index].uns["spatial"].keys())[0] ]["images"] .keys() ) histo = self.adatas[adata_index].uns["spatial"][ list(self.adatas[adata_index].uns["spatial"].keys())[0] ]["images"][histo] if len(features) + 2 <= ncols: n_rows, n_cols = 1, len(features) + 2 else: n_rows, n_cols = ceil((len(features) + 2) / ncols), ncols labels = ["Histology", "tissue_ID"] + labels # append to front of labels else: if len(features) + 1 <= ncols: n_rows, n_cols = 1, len(features) + 1 else: n_rows, n_cols = ceil(len(features) + 1 / ncols), ncols labels = ["tissue_ID"] + labels # append to front of labels fig = plt.figure(figsize=(ncols * n_cols, ncols * n_rows)) # arrange axes as subplots gs = gridspec.GridSpec(n_rows, n_cols, figure=fig) # add plots to axes i = 0 if histo is not None: # add histology plot to first axes ax = plt.subplot(gs[i]) im = ax.imshow(histo, **kwargs) ax.tick_params(labelbottom=False, labelleft=False) sns.despine(bottom=True, left=True) ax.set_title( label=labels[i], loc="left", fontweight="bold", fontsize=16, ) i = i + 1 # plot tissue_ID first with colorbar ax = plt.subplot(gs[i]) im = ax.imshow(tIDs, cmap=cmap, **kwargs) ax.tick_params(labelbottom=False, labelleft=False) sns.despine(bottom=True, left=True) ax.set_title( label=labels[i], loc="left", fontweight="bold", fontsize=16, ) # colorbar scale for tissue_IDs _ = plt.colorbar(im, shrink=0.7) i = i + 1 for feature in features: ax = plt.subplot(gs[i]) im = ax.imshow(tIDs, alpha=pita[:, :, feature - 1], cmap=cmap, **kwargs) ax.tick_params(labelbottom=False, labelleft=False) sns.despine(bottom=True, left=True) ax.set_title( label=labels[i], loc="left", fontweight="bold", fontsize=16, ) i = i + 1 fig.tight_layout() if save_to: plt.savefig(fname=save_to, transparent=True, bbox_inches="tight", dpi=300) return fig
Inherited members
class tissue_labeler
Master tissue domain labeling class
Initialize tissue labeler parent class
Expand source code
class tissue_labeler: """ Master tissue domain labeling class """ def __init__(self): """ Initialize tissue labeler parent class """ self.cluster_data = None # start out with no data to cluster on self.k = None # start out with no k value def find_optimal_k(self, plot_out=False, alpha=0.05, random_state=18, n_jobs=-1): """ Uses scaled inertia to decide on k clusters for clustering in the corresponding `anndata` objects Parameters ---------- plot_out : boolean, optional (default=FALSE) Determines if scaled inertia graph should be output alpha: float Manually tuned factor on [0.0, 1.0] that penalizes the number of clusters random_state : int, optional (default=18) Seed for k-means clustering models n_jobs : int Number of cores to parallelize k-choosing across Returns ------- Does not return anything. `self.k` contains integer value for number of clusters. Parameters are also captured as attributes for posterity. """ if self.cluster_data is None: raise Exception("No cluster data found. Run prep_cluster_data() first.") self.random_state = random_state k_range = range(2, 21) # choose k range # compute scaled inertia best_k, results = chooseBestKforKMeansParallel( self.cluster_data, k_range, n_jobs=n_jobs, random_state=random_state, alpha_k=alpha, ) if plot_out: # plot the results plt.figure(figsize=(7, 4)) plt.plot(results, "o") plt.title("Adjusted Inertia for each K") plt.xlabel("K") plt.ylabel("Adjusted Inertia") plt.xticks(range(2, 21, 1)) # save optimal k to object print("The optimal number of clusters is {}".format(best_k)) self.k = best_k def find_tissue_regions(self, k=None, random_state=18): """ Perform tissue-level clustering and label pixels in the corresponding `anndata` objects. Parameters ---------- k : int, optional (default=None) Number of tissue domains to define random_state : int, optional (default=18) Seed for k-means clustering model. Returns ------- Does not return anything. `self.kmeans` contains trained `sklearn` clustering model. Parameters are also captured as attributes for posterity. """ if self.cluster_data is None: raise Exception("No cluster data found. Run prep_cluster_data() first.") if k is None and self.k is None: raise Exception( "No k found or provided. Run find_optimal_k() first or pass a k value." ) if k is not None: print("Overriding optimal k value with k={}.".format(k)) self.k = k # save the hyperparams as object attributes self.random_state = random_state print("Performing k-means clustering with {} target clusters".format(self.k)) self.kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=self.k, random_state=random_state).fit( self.cluster_data ) def plot_feature_proportions(self, labels=None, figsize=(10, 7), save_to=None): """ Plots contributions of each training feature to k-means cluster centers as percentages of total Parameters ---------- labels : list of str, optional (default=`None`) Labels corresponding to each MILWRM training feature. If `None`, features will be numbered 0 through p. figsize : tuple of float, optional (default=(10,7)) Size of matplotlib figure save_to : str, optional (default=`None`) Path to image file to save plot Returns ------- `plt.figure` if `save_to` is `None`, else saves plot to file """ assert ( self.kmeans is not None ), "No cluster results found. Run \ label_tissue_regions() first." if "st_labeler" in str(self.__class__): if labels is not None: assert len(labels) == len( self.features ), "'labels' must be the same length as self.features." else: labels = [self.rep + "_" + str(x) for x in self.features] if self.histo: labels = labels + ["R", "G", "B"] if self.fluor_channels is not None: labels = labels + ["ch_" + str(x) for x in self.fluor_channels] elif "mxif_labeler" in str(self.__class__): if labels is not None: assert len(labels) == len( self.features ), "'labels' must be the same length as self.features." else: labels = self.model_features # create pandas df and calculate percentages of total ctr_df = pd.DataFrame(self.kmeans.cluster_centers_, columns=labels) totals = ctr_df.sum(axis=1) ctr_df_prop = ctr_df.div(totals, axis=0).multiply(100) # make plot fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=figsize), ax=ax, width=0.85) for p in ax.patches: ax.annotate( "{} %".format(str(np.round(p.get_height(), 2))), (p.get_x() + 0.05, p.get_y() + (p.get_height() * 0.4)), fontsize=10, ) plt.ylim([0, 100]) plt.xlabel("tissue_ID") plt.xticks(rotation=0) plt.ylabel("% K-Means Loading") plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1), loc="upper left", title="Feature") plt.tight_layout() if save_to is not None: print("Saving feature proportions to {}".format(save_to)) plt.savefig(save_to) else: return fig def plot_feature_loadings( self, ncols=None, nfeatures=None, labels=None, titles=None, figsize=(5, 5), save_to=None, ): """ Plots contributions of each training feature to k-means cluster centers Parameters ---------- ncols : int, optional (default=`None`) Number of columns for gridspec. If `None`, uses number of tissue domains k. nfeatures : int, optional (default=`None`) Number of top-loaded features to show for each tissue domain labels : list of str, optional (default=`None`) Labels corresponding to each MILWRM training feature. If `None`, features will be numbered 0 through p. titles : list of str, optional (default=`None`) Titles of plots corresponding to each MILWRM domain. If `None`, titles will be numbers 0 through k. figsize : tuple of float, optional (default=(5,5)) Size of matplotlib figure save_to : str, optional (default=`None`) Path to image file to save plot Returns ------- `gridspec.GridSpec` if `save_to` is `None`, else saves plot to file """ assert ( self.kmeans is not None ), "No cluster results found. Run \ label_tissue_regions() first." if "st_labeler" in str(self.__class__): if labels is not None: assert len(labels) == len( self.features ), "'labels' must be the same length as self.features." else: labels = [self.rep + "_" + str(x) for x in self.features] if self.histo: labels = labels + ["R", "G", "B"] if self.fluor_channels is not None: labels = labels + ["ch_" + str(x) for x in self.fluor_channels] elif "mxif_labeler" in str(self.__class__): if labels is not None: assert len(labels) == len( self.features ), "'labels' must be the same length as self.features." else: labels = self.model_features if titles is None: titles = [ "tissue_ID " + str(x) for x in range(self.kmeans.cluster_centers_.shape[0]) ] if nfeatures is None: nfeatures = len(labels) scores = self.kmeans.cluster_centers_.copy() n_panels = len(titles) if ncols is None: ncols = len(titles) if n_panels <= ncols: n_rows, n_cols = 1, n_panels else: n_rows, n_cols = ceil(n_panels / ncols), ncols fig = plt.figure(figsize=(n_cols * figsize[0], n_rows * figsize[1])) left, bottom = 0.1 / n_cols, 0.1 / n_rows gs = gridspec.GridSpec( nrows=n_rows, ncols=n_cols, wspace=0.1, left=left, bottom=bottom, right=1 - (n_cols - 1) * left - 0.01 / n_cols, top=1 - (n_rows - 1) * bottom - 0.1 / n_rows, ) for iscore, score in enumerate(scores): plt.subplot(gs[iscore]) indices = np.argsort(score)[::-1][: nfeatures + 1] for ig, g in enumerate(indices[::-1]): plt.text( x=score[g], y=ig, s=labels[g], color="black", verticalalignment="center", horizontalalignment="right", fontsize="medium", fontstyle="italic", ) plt.title(titles[iscore], fontsize="x-large") plt.ylim(-0.9, ig + 0.9) score_min, score_max = np.min(score[indices]), np.max(score[indices]) plt.xlim( (0.95 if score_min > 0 else 1.05) * score_min, (1.05 if score_max > 0 else 0.95) * score_max, ) plt.xticks(rotation=45) plt.tick_params(labelsize="medium") plt.tick_params( axis="y", # changes apply to the y-axis which="both", # both major and minor ticks are affected left=False, right=False, labelleft=False, ) plt.grid(False) gs.tight_layout(fig) if save_to is not None: print("Saving feature loadings to {}".format(save_to)) plt.savefig(save_to) else: return gs
def find_optimal_k(self, plot_out=False, alpha=0.05, random_state=18, n_jobs=-1)
Uses scaled inertia to decide on k clusters for clustering in the corresponding
, optional(default=FALSE)
- Determines if scaled inertia graph should be output
- Manually tuned factor on [0.0, 1.0] that penalizes the number of clusters
, optional(default=18)
- Seed for k-means clustering models
- Number of cores to parallelize k-choosing across
Does not return anything.
contains integer value for number of clusters. Parameters are also captured as attributes for posterity.Expand source code
def find_optimal_k(self, plot_out=False, alpha=0.05, random_state=18, n_jobs=-1): """ Uses scaled inertia to decide on k clusters for clustering in the corresponding `anndata` objects Parameters ---------- plot_out : boolean, optional (default=FALSE) Determines if scaled inertia graph should be output alpha: float Manually tuned factor on [0.0, 1.0] that penalizes the number of clusters random_state : int, optional (default=18) Seed for k-means clustering models n_jobs : int Number of cores to parallelize k-choosing across Returns ------- Does not return anything. `self.k` contains integer value for number of clusters. Parameters are also captured as attributes for posterity. """ if self.cluster_data is None: raise Exception("No cluster data found. Run prep_cluster_data() first.") self.random_state = random_state k_range = range(2, 21) # choose k range # compute scaled inertia best_k, results = chooseBestKforKMeansParallel( self.cluster_data, k_range, n_jobs=n_jobs, random_state=random_state, alpha_k=alpha, ) if plot_out: # plot the results plt.figure(figsize=(7, 4)) plt.plot(results, "o") plt.title("Adjusted Inertia for each K") plt.xlabel("K") plt.ylabel("Adjusted Inertia") plt.xticks(range(2, 21, 1)) # save optimal k to object print("The optimal number of clusters is {}".format(best_k)) self.k = best_k
def find_tissue_regions(self, k=None, random_state=18)
Perform tissue-level clustering and label pixels in the corresponding
, optional(default=None)
- Number of tissue domains to define
, optional(default=18)
- Seed for k-means clustering model.
Does not return anything.
contains trainedsklearn
clustering model. Parameters are also captured as attributes for posterity.Expand source code
def find_tissue_regions(self, k=None, random_state=18): """ Perform tissue-level clustering and label pixels in the corresponding `anndata` objects. Parameters ---------- k : int, optional (default=None) Number of tissue domains to define random_state : int, optional (default=18) Seed for k-means clustering model. Returns ------- Does not return anything. `self.kmeans` contains trained `sklearn` clustering model. Parameters are also captured as attributes for posterity. """ if self.cluster_data is None: raise Exception("No cluster data found. Run prep_cluster_data() first.") if k is None and self.k is None: raise Exception( "No k found or provided. Run find_optimal_k() first or pass a k value." ) if k is not None: print("Overriding optimal k value with k={}.".format(k)) self.k = k # save the hyperparams as object attributes self.random_state = random_state print("Performing k-means clustering with {} target clusters".format(self.k)) self.kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=self.k, random_state=random_state).fit( self.cluster_data )
def plot_feature_loadings(self, ncols=None, nfeatures=None, labels=None, titles=None, figsize=(5, 5), save_to=None)
Plots contributions of each training feature to k-means cluster centers
, optional(default=
- Number of columns for gridspec. If
, uses number of tissue domains k. nfeatures
, optional(default=
- Number of top-loaded features to show for each tissue domain
, optional(default=
- Labels corresponding to each MILWRM training feature. If
, features will be numbered 0 through p. titles
, optional(default=
- Titles of plots corresponding to each MILWRM domain. If
, titles will be numbers 0 through k. figsize
, optional(default=(5,5))
- Size of matplotlib figure
, optional(default=
- Path to image file to save plot
, else saves plot to fileExpand source code
def plot_feature_loadings( self, ncols=None, nfeatures=None, labels=None, titles=None, figsize=(5, 5), save_to=None, ): """ Plots contributions of each training feature to k-means cluster centers Parameters ---------- ncols : int, optional (default=`None`) Number of columns for gridspec. If `None`, uses number of tissue domains k. nfeatures : int, optional (default=`None`) Number of top-loaded features to show for each tissue domain labels : list of str, optional (default=`None`) Labels corresponding to each MILWRM training feature. If `None`, features will be numbered 0 through p. titles : list of str, optional (default=`None`) Titles of plots corresponding to each MILWRM domain. If `None`, titles will be numbers 0 through k. figsize : tuple of float, optional (default=(5,5)) Size of matplotlib figure save_to : str, optional (default=`None`) Path to image file to save plot Returns ------- `gridspec.GridSpec` if `save_to` is `None`, else saves plot to file """ assert ( self.kmeans is not None ), "No cluster results found. Run \ label_tissue_regions() first." if "st_labeler" in str(self.__class__): if labels is not None: assert len(labels) == len( self.features ), "'labels' must be the same length as self.features." else: labels = [self.rep + "_" + str(x) for x in self.features] if self.histo: labels = labels + ["R", "G", "B"] if self.fluor_channels is not None: labels = labels + ["ch_" + str(x) for x in self.fluor_channels] elif "mxif_labeler" in str(self.__class__): if labels is not None: assert len(labels) == len( self.features ), "'labels' must be the same length as self.features." else: labels = self.model_features if titles is None: titles = [ "tissue_ID " + str(x) for x in range(self.kmeans.cluster_centers_.shape[0]) ] if nfeatures is None: nfeatures = len(labels) scores = self.kmeans.cluster_centers_.copy() n_panels = len(titles) if ncols is None: ncols = len(titles) if n_panels <= ncols: n_rows, n_cols = 1, n_panels else: n_rows, n_cols = ceil(n_panels / ncols), ncols fig = plt.figure(figsize=(n_cols * figsize[0], n_rows * figsize[1])) left, bottom = 0.1 / n_cols, 0.1 / n_rows gs = gridspec.GridSpec( nrows=n_rows, ncols=n_cols, wspace=0.1, left=left, bottom=bottom, right=1 - (n_cols - 1) * left - 0.01 / n_cols, top=1 - (n_rows - 1) * bottom - 0.1 / n_rows, ) for iscore, score in enumerate(scores): plt.subplot(gs[iscore]) indices = np.argsort(score)[::-1][: nfeatures + 1] for ig, g in enumerate(indices[::-1]): plt.text( x=score[g], y=ig, s=labels[g], color="black", verticalalignment="center", horizontalalignment="right", fontsize="medium", fontstyle="italic", ) plt.title(titles[iscore], fontsize="x-large") plt.ylim(-0.9, ig + 0.9) score_min, score_max = np.min(score[indices]), np.max(score[indices]) plt.xlim( (0.95 if score_min > 0 else 1.05) * score_min, (1.05 if score_max > 0 else 0.95) * score_max, ) plt.xticks(rotation=45) plt.tick_params(labelsize="medium") plt.tick_params( axis="y", # changes apply to the y-axis which="both", # both major and minor ticks are affected left=False, right=False, labelleft=False, ) plt.grid(False) gs.tight_layout(fig) if save_to is not None: print("Saving feature loadings to {}".format(save_to)) plt.savefig(save_to) else: return gs
def plot_feature_proportions(self, labels=None, figsize=(10, 7), save_to=None)
Plots contributions of each training feature to k-means cluster centers as percentages of total
, optional(default=
- Labels corresponding to each MILWRM training feature. If
, features will be numbered 0 through p. figsize
, optional(default=(10,7))
- Size of matplotlib figure
, optional(default=
- Path to image file to save plot
, else saves plot to fileExpand source code
def plot_feature_proportions(self, labels=None, figsize=(10, 7), save_to=None): """ Plots contributions of each training feature to k-means cluster centers as percentages of total Parameters ---------- labels : list of str, optional (default=`None`) Labels corresponding to each MILWRM training feature. If `None`, features will be numbered 0 through p. figsize : tuple of float, optional (default=(10,7)) Size of matplotlib figure save_to : str, optional (default=`None`) Path to image file to save plot Returns ------- `plt.figure` if `save_to` is `None`, else saves plot to file """ assert ( self.kmeans is not None ), "No cluster results found. Run \ label_tissue_regions() first." if "st_labeler" in str(self.__class__): if labels is not None: assert len(labels) == len( self.features ), "'labels' must be the same length as self.features." else: labels = [self.rep + "_" + str(x) for x in self.features] if self.histo: labels = labels + ["R", "G", "B"] if self.fluor_channels is not None: labels = labels + ["ch_" + str(x) for x in self.fluor_channels] elif "mxif_labeler" in str(self.__class__): if labels is not None: assert len(labels) == len( self.features ), "'labels' must be the same length as self.features." else: labels = self.model_features # create pandas df and calculate percentages of total ctr_df = pd.DataFrame(self.kmeans.cluster_centers_, columns=labels) totals = ctr_df.sum(axis=1) ctr_df_prop = ctr_df.div(totals, axis=0).multiply(100) # make plot fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=figsize), ax=ax, width=0.85) for p in ax.patches: ax.annotate( "{} %".format(str(np.round(p.get_height(), 2))), (p.get_x() + 0.05, p.get_y() + (p.get_height() * 0.4)), fontsize=10, ) plt.ylim([0, 100]) plt.xlabel("tissue_ID") plt.xticks(rotation=0) plt.ylabel("% K-Means Loading") plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1), loc="upper left", title="Feature") plt.tight_layout() if save_to is not None: print("Saving feature proportions to {}".format(save_to)) plt.savefig(save_to) else: return fig